SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják)

Аэродромный прожекторный маяк AПM-90M
The APM-90M serves as :

- Landing flare for illuminating the landing area of airports during night flying,
- Inlet beacon to guide aircraft into the airfield area or to mark individual points in the terrain,
- Mobile power pack for powering DC appliances up to 12 kW and 110 V,

Assembly :

- Specially modified car type ZIL-130,
- headlight,
- ZIP kit.

The mechanism of the arc lamp is composed :

- arc lamp with stand and focusing device,
- an automaton to regulate the movement of the coals,
- thermocontact to maintain the crater of the positive carbon in the focus of the reflector,
- instantaneous ignition mechanism.

Main technical data :

Visibility of white flashes when the headlamp is rotated :

- At aircraft flight altitude of 1000 m - 75 km,
- at an aircraft flight altitude of 4000 m - 125 km.

Visibility of the white beam, directed upwards, at aircraft flight altitudes of 1000 to 4000 m - 25 km.

[Headlight rotation- in the horizontal plane is unlimited, number of rotations 4 to 16/min.

Headlamp swing - in the horizontal plane between 30° and 180° and in the vertical plane between 30° and 85° with a frequency of 4 to 16 swings/min.

Arc lamp

Type - intense burning.
Carbon shift - manual and automatic with manual control,
Arc ignition - instantaneous, by means of a third electrode,

Brand of carbons used - 16-150.

Length of positive carbon : 550 mm - diameter 16 mm - extension - 34 mm.

Negative carbon length : 330 mm - diameter 11 mm - extension 32 mm,

Length of the third electrode : 56 mm - diameter 11 mm - extension - 34 mm.

Arc mode :
Voltage : 80 ± 2 V,
Current : 150 A.

Automobile ZIL-130

TTD of the vehicle are identical to the ZIL-130 car.

The car is discontinued due to headlight activity.

New modifications :

- Transmission,
- carburettor, cylinder and cab.

The roller is adapted to carry a headlight, a ZIP and two operators.

In the cab there is on the control board : voltmeter, gasoline level indicator sensor switch, rheostat.

Supplemented :

- Generator type PR-+125,
- block for voltage regulation,
- switchgear,
- control rheostat.

Unwinding / winding time : 15 minutes

Dimensions in mm : transfer/activity

Length : 6700 / 7450
Width : 2500 / 4070
Height : 3300 / 4250

Weight kg : 8525

Operator : 4 men

Zengine : Flight-22-25 APM-90M Aerodrome Landing Light Description and Operation - CSRL regulation, Prague 1977
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 APM-90M - popis.

ZIL-130 APM-90M - popis.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - Svetlomet - ľavá strana.

Svetlomet - ľavá strana.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - Svetlomet - popis.

Svetlomet - popis.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - Svetlomet - zadná strana.

Svetlomet - zadná strana.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - APM-90M na korbe automobilu ZIL-130.

APM-90M na korbe automobilu ZIL-130.
URL : Version : 0
During a visit to the museum On the Demarcation Line in Rokycany the year before last, I discovered the better end of a headlight.

ZIL-130 APM-90M from TL RTZ Čáslav in 1999.

The video is from Poland and the headlight is placed on ZIL-130 - video here

photo own

Added photos of APM-90M from split post.

Jiří Tintěra, moderator

SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 s APM-90M v Muzeu Na demarkační linii.

ZIL-130 s APM-90M v Muzeu Na demarkační linii.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 s APM-90M v Muzeu Na demarkační linii.

ZIL-130 s APM-90M v Muzeu Na demarkační linii.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.

ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.

ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.

ZIL-130 s APM-90M, TL RTZ Čáslav.
URL : Version : 0
APM-90M of the East German Army.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - (Militaertechnik)

URL : Version : 0
APM-90Ms retired from the Polish Army.
SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - (

SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - (

SOV - APM-90M (letištní světlometný maják) - (

URL : Version : 0
Originální název:
Original Name:
letištní světlotechnický systém airport lighting system
?, ?, (?) / ;
Období výroby:
Production Period:
Vyrobeno kusů:
Number of Produced:
Prototyp vyroben:
Prototype Built:
Složení systému:
Composition of System:
Automobil ZiL-130 (se speciální nástavbou světlometu)
Vehicles ZiL-130 (with special-superstructure for Searchligtht)
Uživatelské státy:
User States:


APM = Аэродромный посадочный прожектор APM = Аэродромный посадочный прожектор
APM = Airport searchlight beacon
Let-51-70 I. vydání z r. 1967
URL : Version : 0
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