Intervence arabskych států v Jemenu [2015- ]

Arab Intervention in Yemen
Koncom year 2014 sa in Jemene escalated armed conflict between niekoľkými political frakciami. On the one hand, konflitku worth súčasný president (2011 vice president) Abdar Rabbú Mansour Hadi, one supports the part of the army and the predominantly sunni juh landscapes represented milíciami Výborov ľudového resistance and miestnymi kmeňovými milíciami.
On the other hand, stoja šíitski rebels zo the north of the landscape (as represented by najmä klanom (or kmeňom ?) Hútíovcov (Hussein Badr ad-Dinah al-Hútíi viedol povstanie miestnych kmeňov province Saad against centrálnej government in the year 2004 and want to získať autonómiu pre provinciu. He died during the potlačenia povstania Yemeni army, but his family fought simmilar to the year 2010, when podpísala with the government prímerie).
Treťou a party to the conflict are forces verné in 2011 odstúpenému president Ali Abdalláhovi Saleh, one supports the aj part regulárnej army.
Štvrtou a party to the conflict are terrorist organizácie – Al-Qaida on the Arabskom peninsula (AQAP), so základňami najmä vo vidieckej part of juhu and juhovýchodu landscapes and miestna branch of the Islamic state. Zataľ what between Hútiovcami and forces vernými exprezidentov prebieha certain spolupráca, AQAP and the meaning of the word štát pôsobia independently and útočia on ciele without ohľadu on it, or are under the control of the government, or povstalcov.

Občianska war in the country, which broke out in the year 2014 is a separate topic within. Násilie broke out in septembri 2014, the president at the pressure povstalcov sacked the government, but the rebels začiatkom 2015 stormed the to sana'a and took the reigns of the objects including the presidential paláca. The president of the sa resorted to juh landscapes and both sides of the sa conflict pokúšali vyriešiť rokovaním. Lung removal nakoniec and failed and the rebels (milície Hútiovcov and units regulárnej army verné exprezidentovi) started the offensive with cieľom obsadiť aj will bring the rest of the landscape. The president with the government left the Aden and uchýli sa to Saudskej Arabia and požiadal landscape of vojenskú support.


Koalícia arab štátov under the leadership of Saudskej Arabia began air attacks on pozície odporcov súčasnej the government of president Abdar Rabbúa Hansúra Hadi. Ochre Saudskej Arabia is a member of koalície aj Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Sudan, Morocco and Egypt (note: spoluprácu within koalície end to 18.10.2016). Your support vyjadrilo Turkey. About the possible participation of Pakistan sa discussed.
Egzpt vzslal in the gulf of aden 4 combat plavidlá to support koaličných operácií and confirmed účasť his air force on the campaign. At the same time nevylúčil even účasť his forces on the prípadnej the ground operácii - from územia Saudskej Arabia, or prostredníctvom vyśadkov on the coast, in the case of the ak it will be necessary to defeat povstalcov.
President Hadi sa vzhľadom on bezpečnostnú situáciu in the country and the gradual procedure of the rebel forces to the Aden still nachádza on the territory of the Saudskej Arabia.
Šíitskym povstalcom najmä of kmeňa Húsíov provides support Iran.
Air operácia is called the "Storm of Resolve" ("Búrka rozhodnutia, respectively. Rozhodujúca búrka")
Reigns forces started ostreľovať Leteckú základňu Al-Anad, ležiacu on prístupovej way to Aden in the province of Lahij, and in the past exploited letectvom, the USSR, aj USA. Základňu the rebels occupied the predchádzajúci day without boja.
Reigns forces at the same time opäť gain control over Medzinárodným letiskom in Aden, which occupied the forces verné exprezidentovi 25.03.2015.


Pokračujú airstrikes koaličných forces on pozície povstalcov. Cieľom bombardovania boli najmä objects in the severn ležiacej province of Sadah that is domovom šítskych povstalcov from the clan Húsíov. Bombardovanei bolo zamerané najmä on objects, where rozviedka by making that assumption the possibility of hiding vodcu šíitskych povstalcov – Abdel Málika Hussites. The bomb that fell on trhovisko in town Katef Boka killed pdoľa miestnych kmeňových vodcov 15 civilných beds. Ochre Saad boli but bombed ciele aj in another najmenej piatich provinciách landscapes. Pri nálete on leteckú základňu in the province of Maríb, which is under the control of armádnych jednotiek faithful to the former president Saleh was destroyed rádiolokačné zariadenie, monitorujúce air priestor and umožňujúce odhaliť útočiace lietadlá koalície. In attack bola but zasiahnutá aj priľahlá civilná area, where killed 12 civilných beds.
In hlavnom meste landscape sa cieľom náletov became the presidential palace with priľahlými kasárňami, controlled šíitskymi milíciami, but aj military object with uskladnenými zbraňami on južnom suburbs, controlled by the armádnymi units vernými the former president. During nočných náletov on the to sana'a killed najmenej 15 civilných beds, of which 6 children.
In Červenom mori crashed saudskoarabské airplane F-15S, dvojčlenná crew sa catapulted and bola zachránená.

Under the yemeni ministry of zdravotníctva (under the control of povstalcov) died during the náletov najmenej 39 civilných beds.


The rebels tvrdia, that ich air defense zostrelila one of the útočiacich lietadiel north of to sana'a and captured the pilot. Informácia nebola potvrdená of independent zdrojov.


During náletov bola repeatedly bombarded by Rocket základňa in hlavnom meste to sana'a. Raids on základňu got zabrániť options aktivácie ballistic rakiet stationed on the basic and ich použitie for retaliatory strikes against ciele in štátoch koalície in the ich range.
Lietadlá koalície in the severe landscape of bombed aj refugee camp, pričom died there 40 beds.
China began with evakuáciou your občanov from Yemen. Súčasna for bezpečnostnej situácii in the field of dočasne suspended my účasť on protipirátskej mission. 3 čínske military plavidlá smerujú to Aden to odtiaľ evacuated roughly 500 čínskych občanov..
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Nevertheless pokračujúcim náletom sa failing to stop this thing procedure povstalcov on juhu landscapes. During the whole night sa from roads Aden vocalized streľba and explosions, under svedkov sa rebel tanks during the day objavili aj in centrálnych častiach town.
Pri meste Hudajdá sa fighting for miestnu vojasnkú základňu, given kontrolujú forces verné exprezidentovi. To my zasiahlo aj air force koalície, which tan rfect person from another bombed a warehouse of fuel hmôt and miestnu mliekáreň, in ktorej rebel forces of mali skladovať guns. During the bum, it on mliekáreň killed 37 beds.
The Minister zahraničných things Yemen Riyadh Yassin urged in Rijáde koalíciu to start pozemné operácie. Under neha's air campaign ineffective and when the ground operácii would be change civilných victims.
Under the UN fund UNICEF during the battle from the začiatku in the air operácie koalície died 60 children.


Rebel milície and forces podporujúce ex-president preniklli to the center of the Aden. Niekoľko hours nato sa in Adenskom prístave landed about 2 desiatky armed vojakov. Koaličné forces odmietli špekulácie that came about výsadok koaličných force, the aj nevertheless, that kontrolujú water around the city and tvrdia that the ide about the príslušníkov Jemenskej army of followers exprezidentovi. Under the BBC journalist sa soldiers landed on the coast of the chinese vojesnkého of the vessel and helped with the evakuáciou cudzincov in the field of (approx. activity probably súvisí with evakuáciou oobčanov ČĽR that sa started 30.03.2015):
Koaličné air force in reakcii on preniknutie povstalcov to the center of the town taken in raids on the Aden, after ktorých nasledovalo stiahnutie sa povstalcov from the center. On predmestiach but ich-armed units aj tankami and obrnenými vozidlami zostávajú.


Iránske námorníctvo sent to Jemenskému pobrežiu two military plavidlá, one torpédoboborec. The role of plavidiel is the fight against pirátom and zaisťovanie security námorných read in this area pre plavidlá.


Cieľom nočného bombardovania lietadiel koalície boli rebel pozície in hlavnom meste to sana'a and in prístavnom town Aden. Zasiahnuté boli najmä, the warehouses of weapons and ďalšie tulle objects slúžiace povstalcom, but aj the premises of the Ministry of defense. Blitz mali well spomaliť procedure povstalcov on juh landscapes.
On letisku in sana'a after niekoľkých týždňoch opäť has landed airplane with humanitárnou helping. Zásielka contained 16 a ton of liekov and zdravotníckeho of the material from the Red kríža.
Paki parliament odmietol zapojenie landscapes in the conflict in Jemene.


Splnomocnenec UN pre Yemen, Džamál bin Umar odstúpil of funkcie. To summon funkcie bol menovaný in 2012, dôvodom odstúpenia are reported to have conflicts with koalíciou štátov, militarily zasahujúcich in the country. Job bin Omar, or his neschopnosť dosiahnuť zmierenie between bojujúcimi parties in Jemene criticised najmä Saudi Arábia, but my nespokojnosť vyjadrili generálnemu tajomníkovi united nations, ban Ki Moon during his visit to Kuvajte in marci 2015 aj another predsatvitelia štátov Perzského gulf.
A sharp fight prebiehajú in the area of Taizz. Yemeni vice president called on the army to sa all it template podriadili legitímnej government. His challenge smerovala on the unit, which podporujú former president Sálího.
Former president under spravodajstva Al-Jazeera požiadal koaličné states of umožnenie safe exit from the landscape, nakoľko nie is spojencom šítskych milícií. Saudi Arábia but this option odmietla.
Members of AQAP seized the airport and vojenskú základňu close to town Mukallá. Except that priamo in the town took the reigns objects, looted miestnu bank and from väzenia they liberated niekoľko hundred väzňov, including one gi your väznených vodcov. Except the sa seized miestneho oil terminal, who is najväčším in the country.


Koaličné air force opäť bombed Raketovú základňu in hlavnom meste landscapes.


Koalícia announced that the winding up leteckú operáciu "Búrka rozhodnutia" ("Storm of Resolve"). Súčasne begins novú operáciu with názvom "Restoration nádeje" (the"Restoring Hope"), who has even zameraná najmä protection civilných beds, fight against terrorism and medicínsku help.
During operácie killed around 371 beds and another 2754 ich was injured as a result of, but under the UN's nie are the final numbers and the real straty are you sure vyššie. Ako priamy dôseldok fighter during medzinárodného zaśahu have left their homes around 150 thousand ľudí and 12 miliónov ich has dostatok aliments..
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Yemeni president Hadi in televíznom prejave announced that the sa is about to return into the landscape. The return is but podmienený by extrusion of terrorists from Yemen.
In the vicinity of Aden, Taizzu, Dalí and Hutu pokračujú fighting between rebel forces and the forces of podporujúcimi president. Juhojemenské milície and military units verné the president are ready to go fighting up to pokiaľ nebudú from the area of the indentations.


Behold I stand next to vyhláseniu Saudskej Arabia on the termination of the náletov on pozície šíitskych povstalcov to 21.4.2015, airstrikes continued naďalej. Ciľom náletov in the night and in the morning sa became the rebel troops supported tankami in the vicinity of the town of Aden and well on the ich pozície in the vicinity of sana'a and Taizz.
Ochre kmeňových milícií sa terčom naĺetov became aj units of regular jemenskej army podporujúce former president Ali Abdullah Sáliho.
The meaning of the word štát sa asked for the death of 5 obyvateľov (šíitov) in juhozápadnej the province of Ibb. This is the first case of an attack stúpencov that the terrorist organizácie in this part of Yemen.


In nedeľu in the morning refreshed koaličné states bombardovanie cieľov in hlavnom meste to sana'a.
Koaličné plavidlá nachádzajúce sa in the vicinity of the port, Aden ostreľovali pozície šítskych povstalcov in blíkzkopsti the harbor. In samotnom city prebiehajú hard struggle between šítskymi milíciami and units vernými exprezientovi and units vernými government.


Zväčša Saudi-arab fighting lietadlá bombed pozície Húsíovských milícií in juhojemenských provionciach Dali and Šabva. Time taken 15-20 náletov nieln on the group bojovmníkov,and le behold the skald weapons. Nevertheless the sa rebels približujú to provinčenej metropele Dali, ležiacej about 120 km north of Aden, who is still under the control of the vládnych forces.
Pokraťčovali raids on hlavné mesto to sana'a, najmä on oblasť in the neighborhood the Presidential paláca. Prestrelky pokračujú in juhojemenskom town Taízz and in the vicinity of Aden.


Koaličné lietadlá cielene bombed pristávaciu path Medzinárodného airport sana'a to prevent pristátiu Iránskeho lietadla, which odmietlo komunikovať with koaličnými units. Poškodenie runway súčasne made it impossible to pristávanie lietadiel with humanitárnou pomocou vysielaných Medzinárodným Red krížom and more štátmi. Pri náletoch boli súčasne destroyed aj two lietadlá Su-22, one airplane F-5 and vrtuľník Mi-17.


Pri meste Nadžrán on južných hraniciach Saudskej Arabia occurred to konflikte between the rebel milíciami Húsíovcov and Saudskoarabskou army. Pri bojoch died min. 3 Saudskoaranskí soldiers and reportedly up to niekoľko desiatok povstalcov..
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Rebel forces pokračujú in the procedure on the Aden, pričom occupied niektoré his predmestia.


Pri nálete koaličných lietadiel on town Sakí Dam (provincia Taíz) on juhozápade Yemen bola zasiahnutá nemocnica Rahída. In the hospital, killing at least 58 people and another 67 bolo injured as a result. Between obeťami are patients and zdravotnícki workers.


During the raid saudskoarabského air force to airport in sana'a, bolo on the ground of the destroyed airplane of the Yemeni air force Ilyushin Il-76TD, reg 7O-ADG, v. no 1033415497.


Üdajne for technical poruche had to núdzovo pristáť pilot saudskoarabského McDonnell-Douglas AH-64 Apache on the jemenskej side of the border in Najran. No one was injured.


In severnej province of Sadah (district Baqem) crashed (bol zostrelený?) Saudi AH-64 Apache. Dvojčlenná crew (Sultan al-Zahrani and Fahed al-Ghamedi) bola captured povstalcami.


Air force koalície twice attacking the rezidenciu former president Ali Abdullah Sáliho.
Morocco has announced that from 18.00 pohrešuje one zo šiestich nasadených lietadiel F-16 C/D. Moroccan lietadlá pôsobia to ciele in the Jemene zo base in the United Arab Emirátoch.


In krajine is vyhlásené 5-dňové humanitárne prímerie between bojujúcimi parties.


Nevertheless pretrvávajúcemu prímeriu pokračujú fight between povstalcami and vládnymi forces in the Aden (3 obete mínometného attack), in the city of Taiz to the west of the landscape and in the province of Marib.


In nočných bojoch between šíitskymi povstalcami and vládnymi forces in juhojemenskom Taíze nevertheless prímeriu died najmenej 15 ľudí. The UN called on the bojujúce side to predĺženei prímeria, ktorevypršalo about 22:00 hrs miestneho time..
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The rebel forces sa pravdepobne you obnovovať my rocket (ballistic) forces, ktoré boli cieľom úderov right in úvode campaign. Saudi Arábia informed that it AD zostrelila a missile of type SCUD vystrelenú of the Yemeni územia. The rebels have gained control of the rocket forces (armed ballistic missiles) of the landscape is in januári 2015, when they acquired Raketovú základňu in to sana'a, to ktorej boli stationed all departments disponujúce ballistic missiles.


Pri nálete on a military object in the centre metropoly to sana'a (the complex of buildings Ministertva defense, or the Military police?) killed at least 25 vojakov rebel forces and another about 20 civilných beds, including žien and children. Zasiahnutým komplexom otriasli 4 explózie, which complex is extensively damaged and následkami výbuchov bolo poškodených aj niekľoko civilných buildings in susedstve.


Lung removal in the Ženeve between agents povstalcov and the government of sa finished neúspechom then, what zástupcovia the government physically invaded delegátov povstalcov.


Pri bojoch on Jemensko-Saudskoarabských hraniciach died 3 Saudskoarabskí soldiers and one soldier zo United arab emirátov . Obete on the side of the povstalcov nie are defined. The number of victims pohraničných potýčok sa from začiatku intervencie increased to 40 beds.
Ďalši fight are hlásené of Aden. During the early prestrelkách died 4 civilné persons and around 30 beds was injured as a result. Fight sa viedli in the vicinity of Univerzitného campus, pričom civilné obete are obete intervention mínometným granátom engraved probably from the pozícií piovstalcov, ktorý zasiahol obytnú building in this areáli oyvanú utečencami.


During the attack on the headquarters of the vodcov šíitskych povstalcov in the to sana'a killed at least 28 beds, including 8 žien. To attack sa prihôásil the meaning of the word štát. The rebels opäť detonated against Saudskej Arabia balistickú rocket type SCUD as retaliation for the air raids..
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Pri náletoch koaličného air force in the province of Amrán died najmenej 60 beds (in this počte are civilians and aj povstakleckí warriors), pričom 20 of them died on the trhovisku and viac ako 20 on bombardovanom kontrolnom checkpoint near the town Amrán.
Another 20 beds (including 10 rebel bojovníkov) died during nálete on kontrolné our medzo mestami Aden and Láhidž. When another útokoch on juhu landscapes were killed is 60 beds. Celkovo you blitz koaličného the air force in this day vyžiadali 176 victims in the territory under the control of the povstalcov.


The yemeni government has declared that rules the forces have gained control over the prístavným setom Aden. Nevertheless the sa of the niektorých štvrtí still ozýva streľba and pokračujú locally operácie against šíitskym milíciám and ich spojencom.


Reigns forces supported Juhojemenskými separatistami (Južný resistance) pushed šíítske milície of poslednej štvrte in the Aden. Warriors Južného odboja occupied the evening štvrť Taváhi, ležiacu on záapdnom the edge of the Goa, peninsula, pričom took aj's umeistnené zákaldne security and the military, together with the buildings of radio and televízie..
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According to sources close to the rebel forces, Yemeni rebels launched missile attacks on Saudi bases in Adlib (Asir province, 20 missiles in total) and Tawila (Dhahran province, 2 Grad missiles?). In addition, they launched a rocket and artillery attack on the Al-Khobe base in Jizan province, over which they had gained control.


According to sources close to the rebel forces, Yemeni rebels continue to fire rockets and mortars at the Saudi military base of Al-Jalah in Jizan governorate. Rebel forces have managed to seize key hills around the base from where they are firing.
In addition to this base, rebel forces have launched a number of other attacks on military installations in the Saudi border provinces of al-Ma'atan, al-Madba, Qoraf al-Sheikh and al-Radif in recent days, killing several Saudi soldiers. In another attack on a Saudi army convoy in the border region, 3 BVPs M2 Bradley were destroyed by PTRS.


Government forces captured Al-Anad airbase in Lahijia governorate and continue to advance north.


Government forces have pushed Shiite rebels out of a military base in the town of Labouza. This is the last military base the rebels controlled in the south of the country. Government forces from the eastern part of the country, whose core is made up of soldiers trained in Saudi Arabia since March this year, continue to advance into the central province of Marib, where the Shi'ite rebels have diluted a significant force.


Coalition airstrikes near the town of Zinjibar (capital of Abyan province) in the south of the country mistakenly bombed a column of pro-government forces fighters, killing more than 20 of them.
The United Arab Emirates reported the death of three of its soldiers who were deployed as part of the intervention force.


Military advisers from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan are training hundreds of fighters at a base near the city of Aden, according to Yemeni security officials.
The rebels are gradually leaving Zinjibar under pressure from government forces.


Coalition airstrikes have bombed port facilities in Yemen's second largest port, Hudaydah. The airstrikes destroyed warehouses and cranes, which were currently used mainly for the storage and transshipment of humanitarian aid for the country.
Fighting continued overnight in the city of Taizz, where government forces are trying to consolidate positions gained in their last offensive.


Saudi Major General Abdulrahman bin Saad Al Shahrani, commander of the 18th Brigade, was hit by rebel fire while inspecting first-line troops on the Yemeni-Saudi border. He succumbed to his injuries after being taken to hospital. On the same day, another Saudi army sniper was killed in a rocket attack by Yemeni rebels in Hazan province. This brings to more than 50 the number of Saudi casualties who have died in cross-border attacks on Saudi territory since the beginning of the intervention.
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Pri nálete koaličného air force in dedinke near the port Muchá on the coast stredozemného mora died najmenej 131 civilných beds, ktoré sa attended the wedding. koaličné lietadlá najskôr zasiahli tent vyhradený pre women and subsequently aj stan vyhradený pre svadobčanov male pohlavia. Zodpovednosť for the incident Saudi Arábia neskôr odmietla.

Generálny tajomník the united nations ban Ki-moon in the framework of the výročnej debate of the General zhromaždenia the united nations in New York called on zastavenie koaličných náletov in Jemene that are under him zdrojom väčšiny civilných victims tamojšieho conflict.

Námestník president of the Saudi-arabian poradného corps Amin Džafarí during vystúpenia on pôde Európskeho parliament in Bruseli assured that his landscape pri zásahoch in Jemene dodržiava medzinárodné right and do everything the pre's to zamedzila civilným obetiam.


Jemenskí rebels after mínometnom prepade pohraničného postavenia Saudskoarabskej army, pri ktorom died niekoľko saudskoarabských vojakov, occupied the saudi pohrančný kontrolný point Ka’b al-Jaberi and town Mohannad (Al Mohammed?) in prihraničnej area Džizán (Jizan)..
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Pri raketovom attack on the hotel al-Qasr in Aden, killing min. 18 beds, predominantly vojakov United arab emirátov, zabezpečujúcich the protection of the hotel. Hotel al-Qasr slúži on ubytov členov Jemenskej government in dočasnom hlavnom meste landscapes.

Pri two náletoch koaličných forces on juhozápade Yemen killed najmenej 15 civilných beds and another 25 was injured as a result. Airstrikes zasiahli dom kmeňového vodcu, ktorý mal reportedly podporovať povstalcov, just during the svadobnej receptions.


Koaličné (Specifically Saudi-Arab) air force bombed Yemeni troops loajálne president Serpent pri juhojemenskom town Taíz. Pri nálete killed at least 20 vojakov. Bombardovanie spojencov justify a team of that or informed about the ich procedure and predpokaldali that pozície are still in the hands of povstalcov.


When two air úderoch in saada province in the north of Yemen about 23:00 and 23:10 miestneho time (21:00 or 21:10 CET) bolo zasiahnuté nemocničné zariadenie prevádzkované organizáciou Lekári without borders. Pri prvom bum, it was zasiahnutá administratívna building, pri druhom bum, it was zasiahnutá the main building. 12 pacientov and zamestnancov hospital sa managed in a timely manner evakuovať, nevertheless 2 employees utrpeli ľahké zranenia. Zasiahnutá bola and pôrodnica. Under lekárov without borders boli predstavitelia koalície about pozícii the hospital informed before the two-týždňami..
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Pri leteckom nálete koalície on juhojemenské city of Taiz bola zasiahnutá nemocnica prevádzkovaná organizáciou Lekári without borders. Pri nálete was injured as a result of 9 beds, 2 ťažko. Lekári without borders infromovali that the hospital was Velietľstvo koaličných forces informed, hovorca koaličných forces, general Ahmad Asiri informed that požiadali about ďalšie informaćie with the team, that ide probably a mistake.

Koaličné forces reported that sa im managed to obsadiť of the rcoa povstalcov kľúčové part of the dôležitého súostrovia (13°49'35.38"N 42°44'14.60"E) in Červenom mori, which the rebels used to skladovanie and pašovanie weapons to juhojemenského harbor Hudajdá. Under the control of the forces faithful to president Hádimu sa got the island of Great Insult. Súčasťou súostrovia it takes a Small Insult, the island Zugar and niekoľko another smaller ostrovov. On the islands in the past viedol dispute Yemen to Eritrea, that the islands in 1995 militarily occupied, but after the decision of the medzinárdonej arbitrage in the 1998 sa islands returned to the property office in Yemen.

Pri gates to the training táborá vládnych forces pri Aden sa detonated had gone after suicide atentátnik. During the explosion killed at least 10 brancov and niekoľko desiatok ich was injured as a result. For útokom is probably miestna group Islamic state.

Údermi koaličného air force boli destroyed all 3 stacionárne postavenia anti-aircraft rocket complexis SA-75 Dvina, krtorých the role of bola air defense metropoly to sana'a..
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The insurgents informed of čiastočnom system restore air defense metropoly to sana'a, pričom udávajú that sa im reaktivovaným systémom SA-75 Dvina managed to zostreliť bezpilotný prostriedok vykonávajúci prieskum ich position close to the metropoly.

At the residence of the yemeni president in the Aden bol undertaken had gone after suicide attack auto naplneným explosives.Pri attacks killed 8 členov prezidentovej security, another 10 vojakov is injured as a result. To attack sa prihlásila mistana group IS, pričom ako atentátnika uviedla citizen Dutch kráľovstva

Rebel forces reported about the launch 2 rakiet Qahir-1 against Jet basic kráľa Khalid in prihraničnej province of Asir. Ide about another of útokov povstalcov on uvedenú leteckú základńu, pričom first rockets zasiahli základňu in decembri 2015..
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During the moving of the other Adenoma and východnou provinciou Mahra, killing at least 20 vojakov. Kolónu with česrtvo trained vojakmi mugged or something neznámi gunmen in the vicinity of the pobrežného city Ahvar, odviedli ich on odľahklé miesto and subsequently zastrelili. The city Ahvar is under the control of Al-Qaida and aj attack is pripisovaný this group, the Al-Jajdá zzodpovednosť for the attack odmietla.


The validity of the vstúpilo prímerie between vládno-koaličnými forces and povstalcami, which has predchádzať mierovým rozhovorom, ktorých začiatok is planned for 18.4.2016 under patronátom UN..
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The rebels protilodnou missile (probably C-802)zasiahli zásobovacie vessel koaličných forces Swift-1 in the vicinity of the port of Mocha. On board vypukol rozsiahly požiar, who extensively damaged the prednú part of the vessel and vnútorné vybavenie, neovládateľná ship was 04.10.2016 odtiahnutá to Eritrea.

Koaličné the air force has taken an air strike on pohrebnú sieň in the town to sana'a, pri ktorej died viac ako 140 beds and about 500 another was injured as a result. In pohrebnej sieni sa at the time the attack took place last rozlúčka so zosnulým, to ktorej sa mali under before publicized informáćii zúčastniť aj niektorí vysokí predstavitelia povstalcov aich kmeňových spojencov. Saudi Arábia my zodpoednosť for raid nevylúčila.

On the american destroyer the USS Mason boli from povstalcami kontrolovanej area pobrežia launched 2 rockets. The intervention torpédoborca not. The rebels popreli podiel to attack aj when oblasť, odkiaľ attack prebehol kontorluje one of the kmeňov, ktorý sa to engineered an uprising podieľa.

Around 18:00 miestneho time bola from the region južne from Al Hudaydah smerom to torpédoborcu the USS Mason launched ďalšia rocket. The destroyer responded intenzívnym interference, intervention torpédoborca not.

The united states riadenými strelami Tomahawk destroy 3 rádiolokačné stanovištia on the coast of the Red mora under the control of the povstalcov (zasiahnuté stanovištia sa nachádzali close to the Ras Isa, north of the Mukha and near Khoka). The attack performed a destroyer USS Nitze (DDG-94) (trieda Arleigh Burke) about 03:00 a.m. CET (04:00 pm miestneho time). Strike personally approved by the president of the US Barrack Husein Obama ako reakciu to repeated rocket attacks from the rebel územia on the american destroyer the USS Mason during this týždňa. Destroyed rádiolokačné station of boli under predstaviteľov ministertsva defense of the united states in the activities of the pri útkoch on an american destroyer. The destruction of the rádiolokačných stations sa USA súčasne was just trying to zamedziť similar útokom on your plavidlá and udržať chance voľnej cruises in budúcnosti.

Egypt officially ended činnosť within koaličných forces and stiahol from nasadenia all prostriedky Air force, ktoré sa on the akciách in Jemene podieľali.

The rebels odpálii balistickú rocket Burkan-1, ktorej cieľom malo albeit Medzinárodné airport kráľa Abdelaziza (or military základňa on letisku umiestnená) in the town Jeddah on the territory of the Saudskej Arabia. Saudi-arabian air defense missile destroyed approximately 65 km from the cieľa. Came about the first attack povstalcov ballistic missiles on cieľ in umiestnený in niektorom of dôležitých centier koaličných forces.

Pri nálete koaličného air force on the objects detenčného center on the west of Yemen have killed at least 60 beds, pričom prevažnú part of the sacrifice is considered následok požiar center spôsobeného bombardovaním. Pri nálete vo večerných hours on juhozápade landscapes were killed in a little civilných opjektoch time of 17 ľudí.

The rebels opäť attacked the Saudi military convoy in pohraničnej area Saudskej arabia, in the province of Al-Najran..
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Koaličné forces tvorené roughly 100 príslušníkmi of the armed forces United Arab Emirátov occupied the right centre of the island of Socotra - the town Hadibo, miestne airport, port and subsequently etc zostávajúce islands súostrovia. Operácia bola implemented by air, dvojica lietadiel United Arab Emirátov prepravila to the island about 50 vojakov and 2, an armor vozidlá, which ensure airport. Subsequently boli by air to the island prepravení other soldiers, obrnená technique and support mainly buy air units. Soldiers after obsadení kľúčových objektov of them odoslali why staff podliehajúce jemenskej the government and over the right centre in Hadibe vztýčili flag United Arab Emirátov. The yemeni government has identified the activity of your spojencov for the unauthorized attack on the sovereignty of the Yemen..
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On the island of Socotra are popri vojakoch United Arab Emirátov (the ich number of sa medzitým increased to 300) rozmiestnení aj soldiers Saudskej Arabia. Rozmiestneniu predchádzalo odovzdanie administratívnej control over súostrovím späť medzinárodne reputable government Jemenskej republic and the agreement between this government and koaličnými forces of spoločnom vojenskom trained on this island..
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The insurgents informed of tan balististickej rockets on veliteľstvo air force in the province of Asir. Saudi-arabian air defense informs about zostrele balistickej rockets pri town Khamis Mushait (King Khalid Air BAse).
The rebels informujú about the destruction of the vessels of the United arab emirátov pri prístave Hudajdá.

Koalčiným forces sa managed to získať control over severozápadnými prístupmi to letisku Hudajdá and self-acquired aj južný entrance to the airport. The fight pokračujú somewhere along the hlavnej way vedúcej to the harbor.
Koaličným forces sa managed to odraziť rebel counterattack on the ich zásobovacie route in the area of Al-Fazá, južne from the city Hudajdá. Ak would sa povstalcom managed zásobovaciu route obsadiť, or damage, koaličné forces pri meste Hudajdá would boli obkľúčené.

Under informácií Saudskej Arabia boli rebels pushing from the medzinárodného airport Hudajdá, one control took over koaličné forces. In the vicinity of airport operujú engineers odstraňujúci deadlines..
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The rebels and reigns sila sa under the patronátom united nations agreed to uzatvorení prímeria in kľúčovom prístavnom town Hudajda. Prímerie has umožniť transport and distribúciu humanitárnej help united nations pre civilné obyvateľstvo. Súčasťou uzatvorenej agreement is to behold the gradual opustenie town armed zložkami oboch bojujúcich sides and ich nahradenie "miestnymi" forces monitorovanými the united nations. Prímerie sa has gradually rozšíriť on celú provinciu Hudajda. Čiatočné prímerie sa managed to dosiahnuť aj in the town Táizz.

UN poprela administration that the militants leave their pozície in the town Hudajda. Aj nevertheless, that the agreed príemerie in town sa dodržiava, stiahnutie bojujúcich sides, so as requested by the UN viazne and self still wasn't otvorený corridor pre transport humanitárnej help to hlavného city landscapes sana'a..
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About 10:00 pm miestneho time (09:00 CEST), the insurgents begin to sťahovať forces from the harbor Hudajda on the basis of the agreement, which was uzatvorená in decembri 2018.

Terčom attack dronov happened viacero objektov of the oil industry on the territory of the Saudskej Arabia. Cieľom sa became the pipeline spájajúci Šarkíja with prístavom Janbu at coast of Red mora and two objects the oil infraštruktúry in ležiace close hlavného town Riyadh. In attack on oil pipeline vznikol požiar and následkom him to prerušeniu the flow of oil. To attack sa volunteers Jemenskí Húsiovia with the team, that ide link pre Saudskú Arábiu to stop your agresiu.

Medzitým the UN confirmed that insurgents dodržali his záväzok súvisiaci with uľahčením dodávok medzináronej humanitárnej help and stiahli forces of prístavov Hudajda, Salif and Ras Issa. Control over prístavmi assumed miestna pobrežná stráťž, aj lf under eye svedkov still part of the rebel bojovníkov in prístavoch ostala. Prístavné city Hudajda ochre povstalcov left the aj rules the units and in zmysle predchádzajúcich dohôd the management of the city prejsť on the united nations.

Provládne forces pushed povstalcov of the town of Kutta. Pri bojoch killed at least 97 of the rebel bojovníkov and another 120 bolo prisoners.

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The rebels zostrelili probably a missile of an ensemble 2K12 Kub (under administration CENTCOM, under's zdrojov bola used modified air rocket R-27T, or R-73E) the combat drone USAF MQ-9 Reaper. After the intervention of the sa machine zrútil on the coast in the province of Hudajda and subsequently boli debris of the destroyed náletom air force koalície..
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One of the predsatviteľov separatist Južného hnutia (Hirák al-Džanúbí) called at zvrhnutie the government of president Hádiho. The challenge odštartovala fight between milíciami Južného hnutia and more units vernými ústrednej government in the Aden. Fighting sa primárne on prístupoch to individual military základniam in town.

From Goa, medzinárodného airport bola aviation technology presunutá at the Airport Seiyun Hadhramaut.

Milície Južného hnutia (the brigade of al-Hizám) after 4 dňoch ťažkých fighter, pri ktorých died viac ako 70 ľudí, without boja obsadzujú prezidenstký palace in Aden. After obsadení viacerých military strike in the town in predchádzajúcich dňoch so the separatists have gained control of mestom.

Koaličné forces under the leadership of Saudskej Arabia have undertaken attacks against separatistom of Južného hnutia, príčom cieľom útokov boli milície in the vicinity of Prezidenstkého paláca. Súčasne požiadala the Yemeni government of president Hádiho United arab emirates to immediately stop my support Južnému hnutiu that the UAE podporujú from 2015. Before útokmi žiadala Koalícia stiahnutie separatistov of the military base, which occupied and zastavenie a fighter. The separatists subsequently announced that they're going to dodržiavať prímerie..
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Povstaleckí Hutíovia postredníctvom Twittera reported that helping new protilietadlovej rockets zostrelili saudi vrtuľník AH-64 Apache, who took the combat operácie in Jemenskom vzdušnom priestore. Obaja členovia the crew perished.
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Saudi Arábia and United Arab Emirates požiadali medzinárodne uznanú government Jemenskej republic about prenajatie ostrovov Socotra pre United Arab Emirates on obdobie 95 years.

Media zverejnili any idea as miestnych obyvateľov the island of Socotra about pobyte príslušníkov of the armed forces of the USA on this island. Americkí soldiers in sučinnosti with vojakmi Saudskej Arabia for about týždeň vykonávajú rekognoskáciu the field. Reportedly hľadajú miesta, where it is possible to rozmeistniť rádilokátory and palebnéppostavenia PL system the Patriot..
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Pri povstaleckom raketovom attack (allegedly the boli used 3 ballistic missiles, niektoré resources udávajú aj použitie dronov) on the training camp vládnej army when the city of Marib (about 170 km východen from sana'a) zomrelo at least 73 beds (prvotné estimates published Saudi media sites along a 60 obetiach, other sources udávajú up to 80 victims). A large number of victims is pripisovaný the fact that one zo zasiahnutých objektov bola aj mosque, in ktorej boli zhromaždení veriaci during prayers. The attack on the training camp is regarded as the povstaleckú odozvu on pokračujúce attacks Saudmi supported milícií on the rebel pozície east from the sana'a, pri ktorých in predchádzajúcich dňoch died at least 22 beds on the oboch sides.

Vyostrili sa fight those to the east of sana'a in the region of Nihm ako reakcia on predchádzajúci missile attack on výcvikovú základňu vládnej army. Under vládnych zdrojov died or was injured as a result of dozens of rebel bojovníkov.

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In nočných hours of bolo in the province of Al Jouf zostrelené saudskoarabské airplane Panavia Tornado, which was exercised by the close bojovú support in favor of koaličných forces. Under zverejneného video bola on zostrelenie lietadla used dual stage protilietadlová rocket, the pilots sa ejected and boli captured povstalcami.

Saudskoarabské kráľovské air force made air strikes on pozície povstalcov in the area of Al-Hayjah, in the province of Al-Jawf pri ktorých under zdrojov UN died 31 beds and 12 was injured as a result. Predpokladá sa that ide in retaliation for the zostrelenie lietadla predchádzajúci day.

Militants from the Ansar Allah zverejnili niekoľko photos from odpálenia rakiet air defence (SA-2) against koaličným cieľom.
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Milície Ansar Allah took the city Hazm, the main city of the province of Al Jawf.

On severozápade Yemen, in the area of Jizan in the near Saudskoarabskej boundaries, hlásia rebels zostrelenie Saudskoarabského prieskumného drone.

On the island of Socotra sa opäť objavila unit Námornej pechoty the united states. Predpokladá sa that it the role is the order status of pre rozmiestnenie protilietadlového system the Patriot.

Militants from the Ansar Allah zostrelili pri meste Hudajdá Saudi drone..
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Ansar Allah: the official designation of Shiite rebels from northern Yemen. Generally referred to as Houthis by the media.

Southern Resistance: a South Yemeni separatist militant organisation whose goal is the re-independence of South Yemen. It supports the internationally recognised Yemeni government in its fight against the Shi'a.

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Jemenská občanská válka od února 2014 do března 2019

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