Bitva o Berlín [1945]

Battle of Berlin
Bitva o Berlín Battle of Berlin
Válčiště / Fáze:
Theatre of Operations / Phase:
Středoevropské válčiště
Central European Theatre of Operations
Berlín / Berlin /
GPS souřadnice:
GPS coordinates:
00°00'00.00"N 00°00'00.00"E
Strana A:
Side A:
Sovětský svaz
Soviet Union
Strana B:
Side B:
Velkoněmecká říše Greater German Reich
Strana A:
Side A:
Georgij Žukov
Konstantin Rokossovskij
Ivan Koněv
Georgij Žukov
Konstantin Rokossovskij
Ivan Koněv
Strana B:
Side B:
Gotthard Heinrici
Kurt von Tippelskirch
Ferdinand Schörner
Hellmuth Reymann
Helmuth Weidling
Gotthard Heinrici
Kurt von Tippelskirch
Ferdinand Schörner
Hellmuth Reymann
Helmuth Weidling
Síly strana A:
Forces Side A:
2 500 000 vojáků
6 250 tanků
7 500 letadel
41 600 ks dělostřelectva
2 500 000 soldiers
6 250 tanks
7 500 airplanes
41 600 artillery pieces
Zobraz detail:
Show Detail:
Síly strana B:
Forces Side B:
766 750 vojáků,
1 519 obrněných vozidel
2 224 letadel
9 303 ks dělostřelectva
V obraně Berlína bylo okolo 45 000 vojáků doplněných policií, Hitlerjugend a 40 000 jednotek Volksstrum
Zobraz detail:
Show Detail:
Ztráty strana A:
Losses Side A:
361 367 mužů
1 997 tanků,
2 108 ks dělostřelectva
917 letadel
Zobraz detail:
Show Detail:
Ztráty strana B:
Losses Side B:
88 080 mrtvých,
479 298 zajatců
Celkové ztráty 937 378 mužů
Uvnitř obrany Berlina:
22 000 civilistů,
okolo 22 000 vojáků
Zobraz detail:
Show Detail:
Cíle a výsledek:
Objectives and Result:
Typ operace, strana A:
Type of Operation, Side A:
Typ operace, strana B:
Type of Operation, Side B:
Cíle, strana A:
Objectives, Side A:
- splněn
- fulfilled
Cíle, strana B:
Objectives, Side B:
- nesplněn
- unfulfilled
vítězství strany A victory for side A
- -

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the Importance of the battle of Berlin

the Last major operation
The battle of Berlin was the last of the most important combat operations of the second world war in Europe. The fight may continue for several days after the fall of the city, but in them it was just about how many German soldiers can fight your way into captivity by the Allies and how many of them fall into soviet hands. The fall of Berlin marked a symbolic strike into the heart of the nazi regime. Indeed, the German leader during the battle he committed suicide. Raising the soviet flag over the building of the reichstag symbolized not only the fall of the capital of the Greater German reich, but also the expansion of soviet influence into central Europe.

the Importance of the capture of Berlin
While the troops of the western Allies concentrated on the destruction or neutralization of the grouping of German troops, the Soviets perceived the geopolitical dimension and tried to capture the main city of the future of the dependent territories. In the case of Berlin, there was a kind of a moral patch for the humiliation of 1941.

Game time
The red army advanced quickly from the Vistula to the Oder, after stabilized its wings cleaning Eastern Pomořan and the greater part of Silesia and prepared to the transition of the Oder and Nisa, puncturing through the Seelowské heights and strike on Berlin. For this purpose, concentrated more than two million soldiers, a large number of tanks, samohybek and artillery the main, including rocket launchers. The pursuit of German units in the city and its surrounding area was just a desperate play for time, which could no longer on the outcome of the war change anything.

Order of Battle - Soviet union

Order of Battle - Germany


12. January – 3. February: viselsko-oderská surgery

the Situation at the beginning of the year 1945
In August 1944 the Red army arrived to Warsaw. There remained half a year the state. Whether it was caused by just the need to replenish stocks and close the loss, or the soviet command knowingly let their army in Poland in peace, to let it bleed out the Polish resistance, is to this day the subject of debate. Anyway the Red army until the end of the year to focus more on the re-occupation of the Baltic states and the procedure in Hungary. The offensive activity should be on the Vistula restored to 20. January. However, Churchill Stalin asked about speeding up the preparation so that the soviet offensive could reduce the German pressure in the Ardennes. He complied and soviet troops gave to the movement no longer 12. January.

Plan viselsko-oder operation
The operation was geographically divided into two parts. The dividing line between them represented the river in the section between the Warsaw and Bydhoští. The main strike was to be conducted in the southern part. Here he had 1. belarusian front out of the bridgehead at Pulaw in the direction of the on Lodz and of the bridgehead at Magnuszewa to Robe. At the same time should encircle Warsaw from the west. 1. Ukrainian front had set off from the bridgehead in Baranowa to Radom, with parts of the forces would then invade the back of the head of the German units retreating just out of the city, and it is to encircle. The support he had in the south wing to provide 4. Ukrainian front. In the northern part of had 2. belarusian front out of the bridgehead at Serocku and Rozan northwest towards the coast of the Baltic sea. So he had cut off East Prussia and clean up the eastern part of the south Povislí. On his right wing had 3. belarusian front attack to the south of the Pregel river in a westerly direction to Used. The aim was to cut off the German 3. tank army from the rest of the army Group Centre and surrounded 4. army at the Masurian lakes.

Attack 1. Ukrainian front
The attack began at 5 o'clock in the morning, when resounded the cannon on the section of the front 1. Ukrainian front. Shortly after hanging out forward reconnaissance and punitive battalions. After conquered the first line of trenches, brought artillery fire to the area a number of the other. The soviet artillery units also managed to significantly disrupt the operation of the command post of the German 4. tank army. His allocation have received the mobile deposit, which were held too close to the main defensive line. In the afternoon it was already in the German defense broken by a few large breakthroughs to which were sent the components 4. guards tank army. In the evening soviet units broke through to a depth of 30 kilometers at the front, wide 40 kilometers. After a few days of falling Kielce, which accounted for the German foothold on the Koněvova the right wing. Their fall opened the rudoarmějcům the path of the open landscape on the Krakow, Katowice and Čenstochovou. The germans had to retreat to escape encirclement.

Attack 1. belarusian front
14. January is put in motion and troops 1. belarusian front. The forward assault battalions set off from magnuszewského bridgehead, while they managed to Germans to come over and achieve tactical breakthroughs. To them Zhukov immediately planted other sequences including parts 2. guards tank army. Shortly thereafter, he followed the troops 5. shock, 8. guards and 1. guards tank army. 47. and 61. army take care of encirclement Warsaw.

Procedure to the Oder
To 20. January the Soviets achieved a breakthrough in a width of 550 miles, and had in the hands of the Krakow and Lodz. Zhukov 33. army established in Ilzy contact with Koněvovým the right wing. Prvosledové units 1. belarusian front close to the German border at only 65 kilometers. However, first it exceeded the unit 1. Ukrainian front, of which the armored formation quickly pressed to Wroclaw. The rest of his forces in the meantime, the industrial area of Silesia. Troops 1. belarusian front pushed to Kostřínu on the Oder, but Zhukov could not underestimate the exposure of his right wing. 2. belarusian front is primarily focused on the encirclement of the German forces in East Prussia. Zhukov so he had to use 3. hard-hitting army together with 47. and 61. army to neutralize the danger of the invasion of German forces into the rear of the front from the north.

Procedure 2. belarusian front
2. belarusian front while initially ran into determined resistance of the German forces and counter forces Tank corps Großdeutschland. After you download it, but the defense quickly waned and 19. January the troops of the front reached a broad breakthrough.

Preparations for the next steps
At the beginning of February the troops 1. belarus and 1. Ukrainian front arrived to the Oder, and began to with might call it regrouping and replenishment of forces and supplies. The other soviet formations gradually ... occupy the remaining space of the German resistance, which was attacking units in moving forward obejita.

13. January – 9. may: východopruská surgery

Strike 3. belarusian front
In parallel with the viselsko-oderskou operations should lead 3. belarusian front strike against the German forces in East Prussia, which had cut off the procedure 2. belarusian front to the south Povislí. The attack began 13. January after a strong artillery preparation. The speed of the procedure but it was a big disappointment. During the first day the troops of the front advanced only about a mile. During the following five days has progressed while on, but it was only about twenty kilometers, and it in addition at a great cost. The procedure is got into the pace up after two weeks of fighting, but still at the cost of large losses. However, managed to largely destroy the German 3. tank army and surrounded 4. army.

Strike 2. belarusian front
Troops 2. belarusian front meanwhile, attacked 14. January across the Narew river and 20. January got orders to curl in the direction of the on Elbing (Elbląg). 3. guards cavalry corps 22. January conquered Olsztyn (Olsztyn) and two days later reached prvosledové tank units the shores of Vislanského gulf. So she was surrounded by 4. army and part of 2. army. The commander of the 4. army began withdrawing their forces from the Lötzenu (Giżycko) and 7. January tried to break through to the west. But it failed.

Liquidation of the last places of resistance
3. the belarusian front managed to push the remnants of the German 3. tank army Tours and the area of the Sambie. 28. January fell Klaipėda after here were the German division relegated to the Sambie. The German forces were surrounded in three areas. The unit 4. army they were surrounded on the shore Vislanského the gulf, where they held the 29. march. The remnants of the 3. tank army withdrew into Tours where to stay 9. April, when the city fell. The third grouping was located in the Sambii and were gradually evacuated through the port in the Pillau (Baltijsk). He fell to 25. April. So was East Prussia, in principle conquered. Up to the end of the war however, kept the German soldiers on the Viselské spit.

8. – 24. February: dolnoslezská surgery

the Encirclement of Breslau
On viselsko-oderskou operation the soviet troops established dolnoslezskou operations. As the default spaces served them a beachhead in the Ścinawy and Olavy, who managed to get on the end of the previous operation. Soviet troops moved in 6:00 after artillery preparation, which lasted less than an hour. Prvosledové offensive spikes have progressed relatively fast forward. By the evening of the first day achieve a breakthrough into the German defence at a depth of 60 kilometers. The unit 3. guards tank brigade proceeding first southwest and then turned east, thereby přikryly procedure 6. army , Wrocław from the west. From the east via Olav to the city close to the unit 5. guards army. , Wrocław was 15. February surrounded, but remained until the end of the war.

Procedure to Nise
Troops 4. tank army, 13. army and 3. guards army meanwhile, attacked west toward the river Nysa. Their progress slowed counterattack tank corps Großdeutschland and XXIV. tank corps from assembly 4. tank army, which began 14. February. The soviet 4. tank army threatened with encirclement, but the German units could not even after five days of close in boiler. It jump in to help 52. army and 3. guards tank army, which ensure Leljušenkova wings. The surgery ended 24. February the units 1. Ukrainian front managed to carve out for Nisou bridgehead in the Forstu.

15. – 31. march: upper silesian operation

a German counter-attack: operation Gemse
The germans were preparing an operation on liberation of Wroclaw. To do this they needed a rail connection with the Lubáně. But it kept the Soviets. The germans, therefore, conducted an operation Gemse, the purpose of which was to conquer back Lubáň and progress to Nowogrodzieci, where they wanted to encircle the greater part of the units of the soviet 3. guards tank army. Counter-attack began 1. march and within four days managed to get back Lubáň and encircle the part of the soviet units, but less than the Germans had hoped. 6. march was the German advance stopped. The soviet 3. guards tank army however, she suffered significant loss. The germans now concentrated on cleaning the area and at the same time preparing another strike. He was 9. march guided in the Střihomi. The germans managed to break through and in the night from 11. 12. march surrounded some parts of the soviet 5. guards army. The commander of the army Group Centre field marshal Schörner now he was going to use the disruption of the soviet line at the Střihomi and perform a blow on the release of Wroclaw.

Strike in Upper Silesia
Marshal Konev but decided to take the initiative once again in his hands. Moved 4. tank army to Grottkau and on 15. march set up a swipe to the Upper Silesia. The soviet tank units managed to break through the German lines west of universities of opole and rushed toward in the direction of the on Prudník (Neustadt). 4. guards tank corps led auxiliary blow in the direction of the on Nisa (Neisse). Southeast of the universities of opole broke through 59. and 60. army. 59. army went out west to link up with the 4. panzer army. 38. army 4. Ukrainian front plus, take an auxiliary attack in the direction of the Moravian gate. The soviet forces managed to encircle a larger amount of the German forces in opolském the boiler, which 22. march destroyed. The end of the month then further attacks of the soviet troops occupied the rest of Upper Silesia. In German hands, on the contrary remained of Kladsko, the adjacent part of Silesia and the area near the Hirschbergu and Lubáně.

10. February – 4. April: východopomořanská surgery

Uncovered the right flank of 1. belarusian front
When viselsko-oder operation advanced troops 1. belarusian front up to the Oder. Its right wing but was threatened by the forces of the German army group Vistula in the Eastern Pomerania. Zhukov first, he regrouped his troops, to diminish the risk of a sudden German incursion into their side. However, it was only the most necessary measures. Due to the German preparations for the attack it was clear that the front in to a lunge on the Berlin will be necessary this to eliminate the threat.

a German counter-attack: operation Solstice
The soviet attack began 10. February, but achieved only limited success. In addition, the Germans have taken the attack into the side of 1. belarusian front. Operation Solstice began 15. February when to attack in the direction of the on Arnswalde (Choszczno) out 11. volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland, to which the next day joined the rest of the attack force. The germans already but stumbled on the regrouping of soviet units, which with their stroke, in principle, to calculate. They might be in several places managed to achieve success, but the attack was already 18. February stopped. 19. February tried to punch for a change Zhukov, but the attack of his troops stuck in an attempt to retake Arnswalde. The germans, however, even so, they began to withdraw their troops, so the loss of Eastern Pomerania have already been only a matter of time.

Strike two soviet frontů to the Baltic sea
24. February the renewed offensive activity towards the Pomerania 2. belarusian front, whose armies reached the broad breakthrough in the city Graudenz (Grudziądz) and darted forward in the general direction of the Köslin (Koszalin). Troops 1. belarusian front in the meantime transferred the focus of their attack from the direction of the on Szczecin the direction Kolobřeh. To him arrived 4. march and the following day reached the shore of the Baltic sea, thereby interrupting the ground connection with the German forces in the east. 10. march troops 1. belarusian front was under the control of the stretch of coast between Kolobřehem and the mouth of the Oder. 18. march fell into Polish hands the Kolobřeh. 28. march fell Gdynia and two days later Danzig. The remnants of the German 2. army been crushed 4. April near the town. Troops 1. belarusian front meanwhile, on the west, occupied the shore of the Oder in the area of Szczecin and at the beginning of April here was obtained and the bridgehead, which then can be used during the battle of Berlin..
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31. January – 9. February: first round

Penetration Jesipenkova detachment 5. shock army
Towards the end of the viselsko-oder operation arrived first to the Oder river front a detachment of infantry 5. shock army. A few hours after to join him one brigade 2. guards tank army. Charge the detachment, which was compiled 25. January, commanded the deputy commander of the 89. guards rifle division colonel Chariton Jesipenko. The detachment consisted of 1006. rifle regiment on vehicles 41. automotive regiment, 220. a separate tank brigade, 89. separate heavy tank regiment, 507. fighter anti-tank artillery regiment, 360. a separate self-propelled artillery section, 2. section 489. mortar regiment, 2. section 94. raketometného regiment, 303. guards anti-aircraft artillery regiment and a company of engineers. 26. January detachment crossed the Czarnkówa the river Noteć. Detachment when it was lucky, because there was a prepared field fortifications and lines of barbed wire, but we missed here the German soldiers. Trucks could roll forward at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per day. 15 miles from the river but the detachment caught up with the problems with the lack of fuel. Jesipenko because of the detachment assembled the mobile group, which consisted of two rifle battalions on trucks, three companies of tanks T-34, section of the rocket launchers and the section of the fighter anti-tank regiment. At the head of the group proceeded to one rifle battalion, section samochodek, a battery of tank destroyers and a platoon of engineers. In the early hours of 31. January mobile group crossed the ice river Oder and in Kienitz has created a small bridgehead. In the Kienitz was just a train with six anti-aircraft guns and their operation, and also a group of members of the Reich labor service. The germans were the sudden arrival rudoarmějců surprised and without much resistance captured.

Penetration 1. mechanized corps
A few hours after he arrived here the front battalion, 219. tank brigade, which formed the first sequence of 1. mechanized corps. 11 tanks Sherman 3 Valentina you on a journey through the ice netroufly and turned to the south, where they tried to find a bridge or ford. Arrived to Kostřínu, which just arrived ešalon with section artillery regiment 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Those soviet raid stopped. Chance to occupy quickly this strength the city was thwarted. If the rest of the tank brigade didn't have to because of a lack of FUEL stand in Karzigu (Karsko), could the Soviets Kostřín easy to obtain. How about him having to seduce the two-month struggle. 37. mechanized brigade 1. mechanizového corps 31. January crossed two mixed battalions of infantry the Oder north of Kostřína in the field of Kalenzigu (Kaleńsko) and in the evening its forces have launched a struggle for the village Genschmar. The main forces of the corps to the river arrived late in the evening 31. January. 19. mechanized brigade 1. February launched the struggle for Kostřín, while one of her motostřelecký battalion crossed the Oder. 35. mechanized brigade remained on high alert in Kalenzigu, where should, where necessary, intervene in favor of the 37. brigade.

the Arrival of the 9. guards tank corps
31. January evening to the Oder přiřítily also the tanks of a neighboring 9. guards tank corps 2. guards tank army. In his head progressed 47. guards tank brigade. The night has arrived to the railway station Zäckerick (Siekierki). The next day at noon her then three tank battalions along with the banner samopalníků conquered. In the field, to clear the eastern bank of the Oder. Brigade but failed to cross over the railway bridge on the western bank of the river, because he defended the part of German panzer regiment with anti-tank guns and panzerfausty. Brigade in addition to action of this type lacked enough supporting infantry. So she stood still on the eastern shore and await the rest of the forces corps, which arrived 1. February afternoon.

Consolidation of the beachhead
Jesipenkově the group has managed to gain a bridgehead wide 4 deep and 3 kilometers. On its further expansion had Jesipenko enough funds as its units were available to only a tenth of the daily allocation of fuel and half the fire diameter. He decided therefore to consolidate the existing profit and what the fastest-moving artillery, mortars and infantry across the river. Reinforced group then had to take a circular defense, capable of withstanding the expected tank being hit by the enemy. 31. January afternoon on bridgehead has arrived frontal detachment 94. guards rifle division, which is also buried, and strengthened the defense of the perimeter. Arrived three battalions 303. guards malorážního anti-aircraft artillery regiment, which should ensure the defense against possible strikes of the German air force. Evening 31. January the bridgehead was 84 mortars, 42 works of the caliber of 45 mm, 39 guns caliber 76 mm and 18 works of the caliber of 122 mm. On the contrary, tanks and rocket launchers had to stay on the other side, because their carriage after the ice has failed. On the other hand managed to přisunut the other two anti-aircraft battalions from the 306. malorážního anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

German reaction
Shortly after lunch, 31. January received the commander severokavkazského operating battalion major Weikl order with the banner burst out of the Kostřína, teamed with alarm the banner of 203 captain Bohla, which set off from Berlin, and formed a fighting group. Berlin battalion took the night position on the line Sofienthal - Sydowswiese south of Jesipenkova bridgehead at Kienitz. Kostřínský battalion stationed on the west bank of the Oder between Kostřínem and Kienitz. In the night he got Bohlův battalion command on the bridgehead attack. Support it should have a few tanks NSKK from Wriezenu and the guns of one section of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment, which arrived from Berlin. The attack, which began at 4 o'clock in the morning, he was repulsed. From the third hour of the afternoon taking on the beachhead and units carrying over the Oder numerous air raids by German aircraft. Base Ruděnkovy 16. air army were too far away, so it had to have enough cannons to anti-aircraft artillery. The first failure of the Germans didn't stop. In the area of the western front was approaching 21. panzer division and 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. The division should initially arrive at Kostřína and take a position on the east bank of the Oder, which had to be changed. The first ešalon 25. the division in the form of a battalion of panzer grenadiers began to unload the truck in Gusowě already 31. January evening.

the Arrival of the main forces of 5. shock army
The numerous strikes of the German air force and limited quantities of fuel have slowed the arrival of the main part of the forces 5. shock army. However, during 1. February began to slowly arrive. Towards the end of the day, 230. and 248. missile division 9. rifle corps were located in the area of Alt Blessin (Stary Błeszyn) - Zellin (Czelin) - Groß Neuendorf. One regiment 248. the division even received in Groß Neuendorf a small bridgehead. Druhosledová 301. missile division arrived that time to Trossinu (Troszyn). 26. guards rifle corps had part 94. guards rifle division on the bridgehead at Kienitz, 89. guards missile division was going on the crossing of the Oder in Kalenzigu (Kaleńsko) and 266. missile division were located in the area of Darrmietzel (Dargomyśl) - Quartschen (Chwarszczany) - Zicher (Cychry). 295. missile division 32. rifle corps in the course of the day led the fight for Vietz (Witnica), while 416. missile division out of Landsberg over Wartou (Gorzów Wielkopolski) to Blockwinkelu (Bolemin), where then was directed to Kostřínu on the southern flank. 60. guards missile division bypass the Vietz and continued on Kostřín. The front of the unit in the evening were given up to the kostřínskému a New City.

the Expansion of the bridgehead 5. shock army
The commander of the 5. shock army general Berzarin realized that it is necessary to quickly strengthen and expand the bridgehead on the west bank of the Oder, and ordered therefore the commanders of the corps to continue the advance, and during the night of 1. on the 2. February. By the end of 2. February had their troops occupy the area of Wriezen - Neutrebbin - Neulangsow - Gorgast - Kietz. This would be the bridgehead reached a width of approximately 40 kilometres and a width of about 10 miles. Most 248. rifle division during the night, carried across the river north of the Kienitzu. Initially did not encounter any resistance, and then proceeded on west to the line Neubarnim - Klein Neuendorf. Quiet situation but very soon changed. Morning here take the counterattack, part 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. The main striking power of the featured Tank section 5 with tanks Panther td Jagdpanzer IV (70). The germans were advancing along the road Ortwig - Groß Neuendorf and in the afternoon they managed to make 248. shooting division to retreat to the Oder. In the meantime, but managed to carry across the river the third rifle regiment of the division, who made a German counterattack to stop. The germans but did not give up and in the afternoon a counter-attack restored. Fight your way to the western edge of the Groß Neuendorfu, but the arrival of additional forces 248. rifle division and part of the forces 94. guards rifle division changed the situation. The germans were from Groß Neuendorfu driven out and the soviet troops captured even Ortwig. 248. missile division however, she suffered significant losses. On the other shore in the night to 2. February carried and 230. missile division, which at the time 248. missile division seducing the struggle for Groß Neuendorf, progressed from Zellinu to Neulewin. 2. February night at Kalenzigu completed the training camp 89. guards missile division, which could thus start with the transition on the left bank of the Oder. The time to the Oder in the area between the Kalenzigem and Alt-Schaumburgem (Szumiłowo) arrived also 60. guards missile division 32. rifle corps. Part of its forces straight began to carry over the Oder.

2. February to the area arrived 303. infantry division "Döberitz" and 309. infantry division "Berlin". Not so much but shouldn't the Germans enough strength to launch a decisive counterattack against the bridgehead. However, the presence of these divisions meant that further expansion of the bridgehead will not be an easy matter. 2. February arrived to the Oder 82. missile division, which at the Neu Blessinu (Nowy Błeszyn) carried on the other side of one of my regiment, while the two others were in reserve. In the night from 4. 5. February did the Germans attack on the east bank of the Oder from the north to the Zäckerick. At noon got up on its northern edge, but were eventually beaten back. At the end of the day came to the aid of motocyklistický regiment and three tanks from the 2. guards tank army. You then took the Zehden (Cedynia). Ensure 5. shock army right wing, should have greater peace of mind on the operation at the bridgehead.

Bridgehead 8. guards army
2. February arrived to the Oder and the volumes 1. guards tank army. 11. guards tank corps came to the river already in the night, while his 40. guards tank brigade the morning occupied Göritz (Górzyca). Motopěchota and part of the artillery was then brought across the Oder, while the tanks attacked from the south to the Kostřín. South of Göritzu carried his motopěchotu and artillery across the river and 44. guards tank brigade. Thus a further bridgehead. South of the Warty progressed 8. guards army. While her 29. guards rifle corps participated in the battles of Poznan, advanced to the Oder 4. and 28. guards rifle corps. 4. the choir reached the Oder 2. February evening. The choir arrived in the same places as 11. guards tank corps. Since 1. guards tank army received an order to go 3. February in the morning to the north, where it was necessary to cover the right flank 1. belarusian front against the German forces in Eastern Pomerania. Its bridgehead south of the Kostřína took just 8. guards army.

3. February in the morning crossed the 57. guards missile division Oder on the section of Kietz - Göritz and during the day took a bridgehead wide 7 kilometers deep and 4 kilometers. The river exceeded even the 47. guards missile division, whose regiments marched towards the Manschow. 35. guards missile division stay as a deposit on the east shore. Adjacent 28. guards rifle corps prove to the other shore to get one regiment 79. shooting division. In the evening 3. February 8. guards army was on the west bank of three isolated bridgehead. Section of the queue between the road Berlin - Kostřín and Frankfurt on the Oder was in charge . volunteer mountain corps of the SS. Against the beachhead 8. guards army stood Raegenerova division, which was composed of six battalions RAD and volkssturm. Instrument counterattack should become a the Division of the panzer grenadiers Kurmark, which is formed from the end of January 1945. Its tank battalion originally had 28 td Hetzer. At the beginning of the February was in the division included a tank battalion Brandenburg, who had a 45 completely new Panthers. 4. February started 4. guards rifle corps, which was on the west bank of two divisions, expand their bridgehead. His unit during the day despite a strong German fire took the southern part of the Kietzu and sever the railroad from the village to the west. 5. February, the corps tried to further expansion of the bridgehead, but this time encountered even stronger resistance. Units of the corps have failed to conquer the next territory and on the contrary had to face protiútokům, which take part of the division Kurmark. 6. February corps basically went to the defense. Attempt to restore the offensive action that was taken 7. February failed. The commander of the corps had transported over the Oder one regiment 35. guards rifle division, who managed to occupy and secure positions in the Reitweinu. Adjacent 28. guards rifle corps during that time, repelled several counterattacks and partially expanded its bridgehead. The German panzer counter-attacks it was necessary to fend off the appropriate technique. The soviets have proven among the 5. and 7. February on the beachhead to transport three regiments of light samohybek SU-76. 4. guards rifle corps had available 1087. self-propelled artillery regiment and 28. guards rifle corps has 694. and 1061. self-propelled artillery regiments. On the contrary, failed to timely on the eastern shore to transport 94. self-propelled artillery regiment and 34. heavy tank regiment. The bridgehead we could keep, but no longer the power to expand.

the Counterattacks of the German 21. panzer division
Between 4. and 6. February in the area near the Golzowa from the western front arrived 21. panzer division. Its panzer regiment was in an assembly of 18 tanks Pz.Kpfw.IV and 29 tanks Panther. Her section of the tank destroyers had 15 tds Jagdpanzer IV. In terms of the number of members of the division was in pretty good condition. If the soviet 5. shock army was the target mainly by air strikes, on the 8th. gardovou army fell primarily German tanks and tank destroyers. Early in the morning 7. February attacked 21. division for heavy rain at Gorgast, which held 137. rifle regiment 47. guards rifle division. Attack rudoarmějcům managed to repel. The germans attacked and 8. February, but this time without success due to the bridgehead. However, they at least managed to get to Altbleyenu, and restore contact with the crew in Kostřínu. Moreover, with the soviet 47. guards missile division had to withdraw to the area south of the railway Kietz-Gorgast. But in the evening 9. February begun German 21. panzer division with the displacement of the area, as it had reinforced the position of 4. tank army which disrupted the offensive 1. Ukrainian front. In Kostřína her position took part 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Zhukov on the contrary 8. gardovou army strengthened 11. tank corps.

12. February – 13. march: the second round of the

Bridgehead 69. the army at Lebusu
The germans planned that, in connection with the operations of the Solstice carry out the attack on the oder bridgehead, eliminate him and create a front on the Oder. For this purpose, here were přisunuty four regiments (battle groups) formed from the members of the enlisted schools in the Dresden, Potsdam, Wiener neustadt and Wetzlar and 712. infantry division. But their plans foiled, the soviet 69. army. The attempted crossing of the Oder in Lebusu already 8. February, but was then quickly reflected. 12. February afternoon already but was more successful. Penetrated German positions to the south and north of the Lebusu, pushed the battle group to Dresden and even severing the rail from Frankfurt an der Oder to Kostřína. North of the bridgehead held part of the 61. rifle corps, smaller southern bridgehead, then part of the 25. rifle corps. Both managed to get not only infantry, but also guns, mortars. On the north and tanks and spg will take that 13. February added a few tanks 68. the tank brigade. The germans tried to 18. February the bridgehead to destroy it, but were beaten back.

the Situation on the bridgehead 8. guards army
From 15. February 8. guards army stopped the attempts at expansion of the bridgehead and rather concentrated on fixing the existing profits, because the in German the Division of the panzer grenadiers Kurmark there has been a significant strengthening of the artillery, including the two railway works K5 caliber 280 mm. To restore the offensive activity occurred when 2. march when 8. guards army attempted improvements to existing positions. The objective was to capture villages Hathenow and Rathstock, thereby straightening the front line and increase in the depth of the bridgehead, that here was relatively narrow. Attack they carry out 57. and 79. guards missile division, which have been reinforced by two self-propelled artillery regiments, and support them provide a thirty artillery regiments. On the one kilometer queue was an average of 131 artillery the main. To them must be added another thirty rocket launchers. The artillery preparation lasted three hours and fifteen minutes. Then surged at 14:15 forward infantry, at whose head progressed 327. a separate criminal company. In the evening, the units were 57. and 79. guards rifle division on the line Herzershof - Rathstock - Hathenow.

the Struggle for Kietz
Zhukov ordered Čujkovovi to 6. march attacked Kietz, which was a suburb of Kostřína. At the same time, 5. shock army attack on his next suburb - Neustadt. Čujkov task assigned 35. and 47. guards rifle division. The main strike should lead regiments of the 35. division with the support of 694. light and 394. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment. 47. division should cover the left flank of the main blow. The density of artillery of the funds was even greater than in the previous attack, this time it was in average of 141.5 mainly on the kilometer queue. The artillery preparation was to last two and a half hours. The attack was supposed to start 6. march in the 14:40 and on his forehead was once again proceed to 327. a separate criminal company. The attack began according to plan, but the units 47. division stopped after less than half a mile strong German fire. A little better with the led units 35. division, but even their progress was not very rapid. In the evening reached the criminal company, and part of the 35. division the southern and south-western edges of the Kietzu and began a tough fight in the streets, which lasted until the 13. march.

the Struggle for kostřínské New City[/heading]
the Situation in the city
Kostřín, therefore, above all, his so-called Old Town, historically, belonged among the oldest and most important German fortress. In the twentieth century have been its fortification elements of a desperately outdated, an anachronism, and was rather an important traffic intersection, however, 25. January 1945 the town was declared a fortress. His fate was sealed, though not inevitably. 31. January to the city, which wasn't on the defense at all ready, arrived a few tanks 219. tank brigade, but the city, as mentioned above, the cast failed to. Strength city so were expecting a hard fight. In February, it was built field fortifications in the vicinity of the city. Before the north and the north-eastern edge of the New mMěsta were built of two lines. The first line consisted of three rows of trenches and had depth. The second line of defense consisted of one trench directly on the very outskirts of the city. Their defense provided the crew of the New City. Kostřínský volkssturm took positions in the Old City. Towards the end of February consisted of kostřínská crew of about 16 thousand members, including anti-aircraft gunners, police officers and military clerks. The germans could directly into combat to deploy about 10 thousand persons. The local militia joined less than a thousand members. Three-fifths of the forces were located in the New Town. The crew had available machine guns, mortars and dozens of field guns, but had no strength cannon. This lack was partially compensated by the presence of an artillery battery, who had to guide the fire works from the other side. The commander of the forces in the New Town was colonel of field gendarmerie Franz Walter. Commander of the entire fortress of the city then was a gruppenführer in the SS and lieutenant-general of the Weapons of the SS and police Heinz Reinefarth.

The first phase of the struggle for Kostřín was the battle for the New City. The task was assigned 295. and 416. shooting division 32. rifle corps. The commander of the 5. shock army assumed that the entire north shore Warty here will be conquered and cleaned in one day and the following day will begin the battle for Old Town between the Wartou and the Oder, although the number of members of the two rifle divisions and three criminal rot significantly does not exceed the number of defenders. The plan envisaged the attack of the two regiments 295. division on the right flank in the direction to the railway bridge Wartu, which should occupy and cut off the German crew from the rest of the German forces. The third regiment of the division had to cover the rest of the perimeter and at the same time lead to a partial attack on the distraction. Two regiments of the 416. the division accounted for the second sequence. Be used achieved a breakthrough and start a New City clean. To deflect attention from the real point of attack should serve as a night airdrop on the southern outskirts of the city and an artillery raid settlements Warnick (Warniki). The dangerous task to perform a false strike were zaúkolovány 123., 213. and 360. a separate criminal company 5. shock army. 32. rifle corps was to punch available the support 21. mortar brigades, ten artillery regiments, fifty rocket launchers, 89. the heavy tank regiment, 92. tank regiment, ženijně tank regiment, a battalion of handheld flamethrowers and ženijně-zákopnického assault battalion. The help was přisunuto and heavy artillery in the form of a 32. a separate artillery battalion, and 124. houfnicové artillery brigade large cardinality. Both divisions were in the lineup plus a separate self-propelled artillery section. The artillery preparation was to last 40 minutes. Air force to help the attacking units earmarked 3. bomber aviation corps, 13. fighter letectý choir, 300. assault air division, and 242. division of night bombers.

6. march before dawn on fishing boats, she joined a group composed of the most experienced soldiers of the corps and went after Wartě to the south edge of the New town, where they had to fake the landing of large forces. The ships were spotted and the Germans began to shoot from machine guns and anti-aircraft guns. Two sunk and the rest forced to disembark on the southern shore of Warty. From here, the soldiers in the evening returned to the starting positions. On the river the away team followed up after nine o'clock in the morning the attack of rot on the Warniki. The attack was conducted in an open field under cover of smoke after the twenty-minute artillery preparation. Strong German fire, including the raketometné, but the con soon chained up to the ground. The company has several times attempted the recovery of the attack, but they failed to even get to the first line trenches. Plus 6. march there was low cloud cover, which blocked the possibility of deployment of the air force. The commander of the 5. strike army i.e. the main attack postponed to the following day. 7. march the weather improved, and in 11 hours so over Kostřín could bring fighters and bombers, which the city dropped its deadly cargo. At the same time triggered on the southwestern edge of their fire of the soviet artillery. At 11:20 then darted forward to Warniki one rifle battalion, and three free company. This time things go better, after three hours, was occupied first line of trenches. At 13:00 has struck a cannon in the stretch of the main blow. Plus, she was over Wartou created a smokescreen, which should cover the attacking units before the German gun emplacements on the west bank. At 13:40 took off with the support of tanks to attack both the front missile regiments on the main direction of the blow. After two hours occupied the first line trenches and a portion of the trenches of the second series. The breakthrough has enabled the deployment of druhosledových regiments. By the end of the day choir, fully mastered the second row of trenches, but the bridges and the approaches to them were still in German hands. It turns out that the indirect fire of guns was not sufficiently effective against the fortified points in the stone houses. Part of the works of the great caliber because it was against the first line to provide support by direct fire. At nine o'clock in the morning 8. march was after a ten-minute artillery preparation of the renewed offensive activity. Soviet infantry managed to occupy the southern railway bridge, road bridge and the railway station. In addition, began drilling in the southeastern part of the New Town. The soviet attack of 8. the march, which continued even in the night, broke the German defenders of the New City into three isolated groups, the largest of which was located on the eastern edge of the city. On the other hand, failed out of the running to occupy the bridges. The germans for some time have managed to defend and then it is 10. march was fired into the air. The crew of the New City was finally cut off from the rest of the XI. tank corps of the SS. Meanwhile, soviet soldiers were cleaning the individual parts of the New Town. 12. on the night of march was destroyed last pockets of resistance. Street fighting in Kostříně were a sort of rehearsal of the later fighting in the berlin streets, where she was also almost every building changed in strength, often with panzerfausty that were a threat to tanks.

Connection bridgehead 5. strike and 8. guards army[/heading]
The conquest of the Old City was due to a blown-out bridges unlikely, and so was the effort carried over to the other shore of the Oder. The aim was to link the bridgehead 5. shock army with the bridgehead 8. guards army, which was at the time of occupancy of the New town extended to occupied by Kietz. 295. and 416. missile division be 20. march break through the German defenses on the line of Genschmar-Altbleyen. The main blow should be directed at Golzow, auxiliary to Gorgast. 5. shock army should occupy the area Genschmar, Golzow, Kuhnbrücken Vorstadt (now part of Neubleyenu). Help divisions 32. rifle corps should 89. heavy tank regiment, 124. artillery brigade large cardinality, 32. artillery section special mightiness, 67. heavy tank brigade, 220. tank brigade, 14. breakthrough artillery divisions, and 5. raketometný section. 8. guards army had 20. march deployed forces 4. guards rifle corps the attack on the line of the station Gorgast - Rathstock. Auxiliary attack was directed from Kietzu to the northwest. Then have the army dig in on the line of the Golzow-Alt Tucheband-Hathenow. The attack of the army should encourage 20. tank brigade, 259. tank regiment, 34. and 50. guards heavy tank regiment, 1087. self-propelled artillery regiment 29. breakthrough artillery division, 100. houfnicová artillery brigade large cardinality, 295. and 1091. kanonové artillery regiments and 38. fighter anti-tank artillery brigade. The two armies had, therefore, for the expansion of the bridgehead to a very large amount of artillery and tank main. Support should provide both a fighter and attack aircraft 16. air army. The attack was also postponed from 20. 22. march, in order to be involved in yet another supporting unit. It was about 4. gardovou fighter anti-tank artillery brigade, 37. raketometný regiment, which had the support 5. hard-hitting army, and about 25. fighter anti-tank artillery brigade and 59. raketometný regiment, which had the support 8. gardovou army. The space between the two předmostími, which combined the Kostřín with the rest of the German forces, once created 21. panzer division and forwarded it to the 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers which it shortly before the soviet attack on handed 303. infantry division and Panzer division Müncheberg.

In the 8:15 22. march rozezvučela soviet artillery, which began the artillery preparation in the space between the two armies. At 9:15 after the air strikes on the German artillery and strongpoints out to attack the infantry, supported by tanks and self-propelled artillery. To 20:00 advanced 35. guards missile division about 300 meters, 47. guards missile division occupied Gorgast and 57. guards missile division fought for Alt Tucheband. Division 5. shock army advanced to the south, in Genschmaru they got ahold of 303. infantry division and north of the Gorgastu on the bridge over the Old Oder to establish a connection with divisions of 8. guards army. Both of the bridgehead was thus associated. The remnants of the German units were surrounded to the east from the Gorgastu. The German command expected the soviet lunge toward Berlin, and so was the corridor defended rather weaker forces, while Panthers and Tigers were at the Golzowa and Alt Tuchebandu. Here with them they were putting up a tough fight commanders and infantry 57. guards rifle division 8. guards army and 295. rifle division 5. shock army. The soviets had during the day lost more than a hundred tanks. In the evening there was to counterattack deployed from advances out 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. With her attack and Panzer division Müncheberg. The counterattack continued in the night and the following day, when it was added from a backup yet 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers. You were able to push back 47. gardovou shooting division, the rest of the soviet units are retained, though at the cost of the transition from attack to defense, which occurred 24. march. This allowed to build anti-tank defenses, and move other anti-tank units.

a German counter-attack
The soviets assumed that the Germans carry out a counterattack in the direction of the on Kostřín. Hitler but he asked for more extensive surgery. Demanded an attack to the back of the soviet armies, which had to be led through the Frankfurt-on-Oder. Ignoring the fact that I couldn't carry you across the one bridge in town a few divisions, without it, the Soviets did not notice. 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers have already been 22. march even carried into the deposit and should be moved to Frankfurt, but the soviet effort to unite the beachhead to force its re-embedding into the fighting in this area. 25. march Heinrici did Hitler talk the implementation of more extensive surgery and caused him to zpokojil with more limited operations. According to the plan should occur first to make a breakthrough in the direction of the Kostřín and after the destruction of the bridgehead at Kienitz. Reinefarth had in the meantime keep kostřínské the Old Town at all costs and wait for the release of the force. The counterattack was supposed to start 27. march. Led should be the forces of 20. and 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers, Fuhrer grenadier division, Panzer division Müncheberg, a Combat group of the 1001 nights and heavy tank section SS 502. These forces were subordinate under XXXIX. panzer corps, which had the release surgery drive. The operation was supposed to start a breakthrough on the line of Gorgast-Genschmar, then should the left wing to curl into the back of the head 5. shock army, while the right wing should break through to the Kostřínu. The counterattack began 27. march early in the morning still dark. Heavy tanks were to break through the road, but stopped in a dense field of soviet anti-tank mines. Immobilized tanks then become the easy prey of artillery. The German counterattack so soon after your launch is over. The germans next attempted a new attack, but even that did not succeed, although initially there was minor success. In the meantime, 35. guards missile division attempted to attack the kostřínskou strength, but it was reflected.

the Conquest of the rest of the Kostřína
Reinefahrt decided to no longer wait on the release of the unit and decided to download from the Old City on the Odra island, which, with part of the forces did 28. march. They were then in the evening thrown away the bridges between the island and the forts. The part of the Germans didn't get the order to retreat and remained in the fort. Reinefahrt then with part of the forces managed to break through to the German lines. The soviets, who repelled German counterattacks, they decided to put an end to the German gun emplacements in the rest of the Kostřína. 've set up the three batteries of guns caliber 203-mm so that they can lead to direct firing on the fortified points, and sent into the attack 35. and 82. gardovou shooting and 416. shooting division. On the night of 29. 30. march has been occupied by a fortress, odra island and the area near the Neubleyenu, where he also has held the group of German troops. A beachhead for the berlin operation with sufficient width and depth has been won. Now began preparations for a sortie on the Berlin..

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Defense in depth

Defense in depth
The germans faced the soviet numerical superiority and the fact that in their hands was not a strategic initiative. The solution of the highest German command had seen in the improvements to the download process of the defensive troops from the artillery, which played in the soviet tactics traditionally a very significant role, and build a defense in depth sustained space, which was indeed, a proven element of the German military doctrine from the time of the positional battles of the first world war.

Map #7 developed
The area of the fighting

9. army
Stop the Germans before Berlin, she had German 9. army, which was since the creation of a bridgehead on the Oder constantly reinforced. At the time of the beginning of the berlin operation was on his left wing CI. army corps. He was in the first echelon of the 5. hunting division, 606. infantry division and 309. infantry division. In the second echelon of the corps as a mobile backup available 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers, instruction bridágu assault guns 111 and fighting a group of 1001 night. Stretch the queue for Seelowských heights captivated LIONS. panzer corps. That had 9. paradesantní divisions, 20. a division of panzer grenadiers and Panzer division Müncheberg. Neighbour LIONS. tank corps XI. SS panzer corps, who was in the assembly Infantry division Döberitz, 169. infantry division, 712. infantry division and the Division of the panzer grenadiers Kurmark with Heavy tank section SS 502. An unusual element 9. army was relatively well fortified fortress Frankfurt-on-Oder, in which there were 14 thousand men. The right wing of the corps formed . volunteer mountain corps of the SS, who had 286. infantry division, 32. volunteer granátnickou the SS division 30. Januar and 391. reinsurance division. 32. division of the SS however, due to the fact that in the end did not expect more attack in the area Frankfurt, moved to XI. panzer corps of the SS as a deposit to perform any counterattack. Backup commander of the army formed the 156. infantry division and 18. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Division should have the German standards relatively high levels of the team. The army further had 404., 406. and 408. the people's artillery corps and other military units. A total 9. army in a state of about 200 thousand men. The army had 2 625 guns, of which 695 anti-aircraft. As far as the tanks and self-propelled guns, the army had available 512 of the fighting machines. Air support should have to provide army Aviation 6, but which had a limited number of aircraft and even more limited fuel supplies.

Three lines of defense
The germans have built in the area Seelowských heights and their wider surroundings of three lines of defense. The front line of the entire defensive position was named as the line of Hardenberg. Took place after the Seelowských heights and along the Old Odra. Accounted for her two to three rows of trenches and various engineer elements defense. Placed was along this line of five anti-aircraft regiments 23. anti-aircraft artillery division, whose guns were brought into position for direct fire. 53. and 185. the regiment were located in the area of Kunersdorfu and Quappendorfu, 7. the regiment meza Gusowem and Dolgelinem and 35. 140. regiment in the field Schönfließu. Behind her was a line of Stein. That has been the mainstay for mobile backup, it should lead the counterattacks. Prevent also had to případnů breakthrough the first line did not allow immediate access to the back of the other parts of the first line. The third line of the Latter was to prevent the soviet tank and mechanized bodies in achieving a breakthrough. Its a complete build was not enough material, so consisted of a chain of cities and villages, which were adapted to conducting circular defense. The space between them was přehražen anti-tank obstacles and was directed here part of the work of the focal points. Among the most significant points were Fürstenwalde, Müncheberg, Sternebeck and Eberswalde.

army Group Centre
To the south of the 9. army, and bundles army Group Vistula was standing 4. tank army, which fell under the a Group of armies Center. this army group had considerable combat potential, but its deployment has been problematic. The main problem was a bad estimate of allied intentions. The germans assumed that the next strike will be directed to a Saxony. The soviets should get in touch with the anglo-saxon forces to the rest of Germany split in two. Therefore, there were strong advances army Group Centre placed not against the 1. the Ukrainian front, but more to the south u Zhořelce (Görlitz) to maintain a corridor between the two wider parts of the German empire, which its shape resembled an hourglass. Line at the Nise defended the . army corps, who was in the assembly 342. and 275. infantry division and also battle groups 35. and 36. division of the Waffen-SS and south of Tank corps Großdeutschland who had a Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg, division no. 464, 615. divisions of special purpose and fighting a group of 545. the people's granátnickou divisions.

Western front

American troops on the Elbe
While in January, when soviet troops quickly advanced through Poland and Germany in the framework of viselsko-oder operation, was the procedure of the anglo-saxon troops temporarily slowed down the German operations in the Ardennes. On the contrary, when they had the Soviets to contend with problems on the wings in Silesia and Pomořanech, had fought the Americans, the British and the Canadians a way forward. First to break the Rhine, then on the two places they crossed, and subsequently in rúrském boiler surrounded the twenty-one divisions army Group B. Meanwhile, the 11. April arrived the frontal detachments of the american 9. army south from Magdeburg to the Elbe, which on the following day crossed and created a small bridgehead. Berlin already not far. In comparison with Zhukov Americans were at that point a little further, but again it should be closer than Konev. General Simpson turned to the general Eisenhower asking for permission to cross the river main forces and proceed further to the main city. Eisenhower but, to the great annoyance of the British, refused. Eisenhower not intend Berlin conquer. It couldn't change anything nor the enthusiasm of the members of the 9. army, even british insistence. He was the only willing for the situation that they agree to the appropriate political representation, and then he gets such an award, which as a soldier come true. In the meantime, the thing was going to look from a purely military point of view.

a Clear demarcation line
Eisenhower also wanted to avoid the problems with the Soviets. Already long ago decided that to come into contact with soviet troops should occur on the Elbe, which also informed the Stalin. Supreme allied commander in Europe, wanted to establish clear, with good visibility and hardly questionable boundaries, which would have formed a demarcation line. He was worried because of the problems that could arise, if the line drawn somewhere outside the suitable landmark, and units on both sides would have to rely on radio contact, pre-arranged signals and good will on both sides. And already since January it was clear that the Soviets it will often be difficult. There was a danger that there will be a whole series of misunderstandings. The flow of the rivers Elbe and Mulda is therefore offered as a suitable solution. Even so, the Americans would roll up to the Elbe, freed one fifth of that part of the territory of Germany, which was under negotiations from Yalta accrue to the USSR. There was also agreed that the western Allies accrues after the war, control over the parts of the Berlin, although the conditions for connection with the rest of the occupation of the territory were written too vaguely, which would later manifest itself.

Primary military objective
Eisenhower again in September after the success in Normandy counted on to finish the campaign in the Berlin. But after a delay in the Ardennes this goal left. His goal was to quickly win and end the war. One is called the conquest of Berlin considered it a waste of time and cadres for the goal of secondary importance. The primary for him was the destruction of the German army Group B, the decommissioning of the German war industry in the Ruhr, cast Lübeck and thus cutting off the German units in Scandinavia and the cast of the alpine area in Bavaria and Austria, to prevent the emergence of the so-called alpine fortress. Not to mention that quick cast the largest possible territory to Germany, the best to prevent further expansion of the organization Wehrwolfů. Eisenhower in addition saw that the Elbe is still only a minor part of the american forces and their center of gravity is still too far to the west. If should supply unit to secure the attack on the Berlin, they would have to also stop essentially all other operations. Eisenhower moreover, he did not believe in the Berlin could get before Zhukov. Indeed, the assumption that the Germans will not be too resist, was not based on reality. 14. April German protútok made the unit 2. armored division, to withdraw from the bridgehead over the Elbe. 5. armored division couldn't create a new to the north from Magdeburg, and so the river was further to the south 83. infantry division. Eisenhower and Bradley estimated that the crossing of the Elbe, break through the network of lakes, rivers and canals west of the Berlin and the conquest of the city would require up to a hundred thousand dead. The americans refused to pay such a price for the target, which would then as well have to on the smaller part of the clear out. On the contrary, in the Ruhr region the situation has developed well. A few days after the soviet army began to fight for Seelowské heights, rúrský the boiler collapsed and the western Allies captured more than three hundred thousand German soldiers.

churchill's resistance
Eisenhower was in your position the support of the joint chiefs of staff and their president. Against he was, on the contrary Churchill, which first realized the importance of Berlin, but he was alone. Churchill mind, that Eisenhower Stalin agreed on the demarcation line of his will, according to the british prime minister it wasn't purely a military problem, on the contrary, it was a matter with many of the political context. The american political leadership but as the abuse of power seen. Churchill claimed that the Berlin has not lost its military significance and, moreover, is of great political importance. Churchill feared that if the Soviets occupy the Berlin, symbolically, so gets the greatest share in the defeat of nazi Germany. Overshadowed by the fact that the Soviet union started the war together with Germany and Great Britain stood against Germany, not exactly a short period of time essentially alone. Conquest Berlin will give the Soviets more power to make more and more entitlements and make the post-war coexistence with them even more complex. Churchill was aware that the actions of the western Allies against the Berlin would go against the agreements of the Yalta agreement, but argued that the Soviets had these arrangements already themselves violate them, whether it's about events in Poland, Romania or allow the use of the airport in Budapest. In Washington but just seeing how as quickly as possible to end the war and affairs, as was the prestige or the future political development didn't mean much to solve. Questioned about the possibility to get ahead of the Soviets and, moreover, emphasized that it is the same territory, which has to go under soviet occupation control. In addition, the Americans didn't want to compromise the soviet assistance in the war against Japan. Churchill he was an early prophet and his will to the Americans and forth. It is, moreover, extremely doubtful whether indeed the western Allies had from a military point of view a chance to Berlin arrive earlier than the Soviets. In London wanted to trust in Washington it ought to be impracticable and unnecessary, in the Moscow were afraid of it. Because they were soviet commanders, mainly Zhukov, under a lot of pressure to Berlin conquered as soon as possible. While the Americans concentrated on the early end of the war and the military defeat of the German units, Stalin wanted to liberate and to conquer the main city, and to prepare you as a stepping stone for the further expansion of the empire, which already in the time of fighting Berlin took place in the states of eastern Europe. In those one dictatorship was replaced by more or less smoothly different.

deployment Plan 1. belarusian front

Frankfurt or Seelow
After gaining a beachhead in Kostřína should the Soviets prepared two plans of further action. The first assumed a swipe at Berlin from kostřínského beachhead in a straight direction through the Seelowské heights. The other assumed building another bridgehead at Frankfurt-on-Oder, and then lead the main attack hit the Berlin south of the Seelowských heights. In the first April days was in a meeting in Moscow decided that the berlin offensive operation will be conducted mainly from the kostřínského beachhead forces of four tri-service armies and two tank armies. Žukovovy army suffered during the fighting on the wings and on the bridgehead considerable losses in manpower and technology. The commander of the front, therefore, repeatedly asked for reinforcements. Part of them got, but even so, there were a number of volumes on the states corresponding to roughly two-thirds of the systematizovaných spreadsheet numbers. On the other hand arrived the next backup after the beginning of the operation. This may allow to supplement the existing units, but as far as the number of pawns, get Zhukov everything he asked for. 1. belarusian front also received several other artillery units, and two additional separate motorized battalions of special purpose, which have been units with amphibious vehicles Ford GPA.

deployment Plan 8. guards army
Zhukov had eleven armies of ground troops, which he divided into several groups. Core group accounted for 8. guards and 5. shock army that should together with 1. and 2. gardovou panzer army attack against the position on the Seelowských heights. Both vševojskové army therefore had two breakthrough artillery divisions. Other vševojskové army front should be available either only one or no such division. The main striking strength of this group should be 8. guards army, which had advanced along the imperial highway through the Seelow and Müncheberg Berlin. Čujkovova army had achieved a breakthrough of the German defense in the offensive zone between the railway station south of Golzowa and farmhouses east of Sachsendorfu, i.e. essentially in the area west of Alt Tuchebandu. Then had to develop the attack on the general direction of the Seelow, Trebnitz, Garzau, Dahlwitz, Silesian station (Friedrichshain), Charlottenburg. During the first day the army had to reach the line of the Alt Rosental, Neuentempel, Lietzen, during the second day should refer to the line between the Garzau and the lake Maxsee, and the third day had to fight your way to the line of Altlandsberg, eastern edge of Hoppegarten, the Kalkberge. At the end of the third day, so the army had to stand in sight of the berlin suburbs. Subsequently, she had to get through berlin suburbs and the centre of the city. The sixth day was to reach the eastern bank of the river Havel. That plan was very bold. Like in the spirit of rapid progression during viselsko-oder operation. However, the Germans had time to organize a defense, and numerous state divisions 8. guards army around five thousand members, mostly rather less, while, on the Vistula there were around six thousand. A number of shooting red should conditions at roughly half the prescribed number. The rest of the army on all about the same. On the other hand, had the army strong tank formations. It was about 7. separate heavy tank brigade, 34. guards heavy tank regiment, 259. tank regiment, 65. tank regiment, 371. guards self-propelled artillery regiment of, 394. guards heavy self-propelled artillery regiment, 694. self-propelled artillery regiment, 1061. self-propelled artillery regiment and 1087. 694. self-propelled artillery regiment. You should have equipped tanks IS-2 and T-34 and samochodky SU-76 and ISU-152. Mainly 82 tanks IS-2 constituted a strong striking force.

deployment Plan 5. shock army
With 8. gardovou army on the right wing adjoined 5. shock army. She had achieved a breakthrough in the German defense in the offensive zone between the Zechinem and Golzowem. Then had to develop the attack on the general direction of Zechin, Neuhardenberg, Grunow, Wesendahl, Blumberg, Blankenburg, Berlin. During the first day of the operation was to reach the line Altfriedland, Neuhardenberg, Alt Rosental, the second day should arrive to the line of Prötzel, Ruhlsdorf, and the third day he should break through to the line Löhme, Krummensee, Altlandsberg. After should occupy the north-eastern and northern suburbs of Berlin and subsequently was on the sixth day to reach the Havelsee, thus, concluded Berlin from the west. 5. shock army so should be even faster than the 8. guards army. For direct support of infantry had 5. shock army 11. and 67. gardovou heavy tank brigade, 220. a separate tank brigade and 92. a separate engineer tank regiment. Units of the army should be in the arsenal of machine IS-2, T-34, T-70, SU-76, ISU-122 and ISU-152. Tanks IS-2 has 128 pieces and samochodek SU-76 even 134 pieces - it was almost three times more than in 8. guards army. The reason for this was the presence of self-propelled artillery battalion in each of the nine divisions of the army. The presence of such a large number of heavy tanks, IS-2 then again meant that the armies were not allocated to the tds SU-85 and SU-100.

Plan the deployment of tank armies
While the artillery and vševojskové army with an accompanying heavy equipment should work as a heavy hammer, the standard roles of tank armies could be compared to the spear, which is lighter, more agile, faster and has more reach than a hammer. In both tank armies were heavily represented medium tanks and motopěchota. In the berlin operation, but was not using them exactly according to the theory. According to the warrant, the Strike should be deployed on the main attack direction after the infantry reaches the breakthrough of the German lines, to quickly holed up to the north edge of the Berlin, which had a bypass and secure the border at the Elbe, to the western Allies thought of her to cross. The prospect of the decommissioning of the two tank armies of the fights on the Berlin, and leaving this task only to the tri-service armies, Žukovovi very much didn't like. In the second day of entry to the breakthrough, 2. guards tank army to occupy the premises Birkenwerde, Heiligensee, Rosenthal, Schönwalde. Then had one of her choir exceed Hohenzollernský channel between the Oranienburgem and Henningsdorfem and ensure on the western shore of the bridgehead, while the rest of the army was to head south and occupy the northwest part of the Berlin throughout the route of the railway line Bernau bei Berlin Pankow-Charlottenburg-System. Bogdanovova army, therefore, had to bypass the Berlin from the north, and to occupy its northwestern and western part. This would prevent any flow of the German advance into the city from the west and vybojováním bridgehead across the channel, moreover, paved the way for the onset of labor, which should go to the Elbe. Similar orders had Katukovova 1. guards tank army, only should proceed south from the city. The second day of the breakthrough was to occupy the space Marzahn, Karlshorst, Schöneweide, and Köpenick, Friedrichshagen, Neuenhagen, therefore, in principle, the space north of the lake Großer Müggelsee lake, which is located to the east of Berlin. Then proceed to the southwest and in cooperation with the 2. gardovou panzer army to occupy the space Charlottenburg, Wilmersdorf, Zehlendorf, Lichtenrade, Rudow, Treptow, Neukölln, therefore, the whole area south and southeast from the center of the Berlin. Contact of the two tank armies to the southwest from the Berlin would be the city virtually surrounded. Panzer army should however move rather around the suburbs of the city, which they quickly traversed, and occupy it, than in the town itself (due to the scale of the city). To the center of the city attack not. Cast to the middle of the city was intended as a task for the 8. gardovou and 5. hard-hitting army. Tank army they should just open the road and to prevent the supply of German reinforcements.

Plan the deployment of 69. and 33. army
Left and right from the armies, which formed the main strike force, were to attack the lineup the next two armies. On the left wing stood 69. and 33. army. 69. army had set off from the southern part of the bridgehead in the direction parallel with the 8. gardovou army, thus she should cover the south wing. On the sixth day, the army had to pass through the southern and southeast edge of the Berlin and take a position on the southeast shore of the lake Havelsee. 33. army should in the first instance to ensure, in conjunction with 69. army connections of their bridgehead near Frankfurt with kostřínským bridgehead and encircle so jointly with the frankfurt crew. Then she had to go to the west in the direction of the Königs-Wusterhausen, Michendorf and Brandenburg. The two armies on the left wing should be available one breakthrough artillery division. 33. army had also 2. gardovým riding corps and two fortified areas. The armies were assigned separate motorized battalions of special purpose of overcoming the waterways, as the area southeast of the Berlin teemed with various natural and artificial water courses.

deployment Plan 47. army
On the right wing from the main strike group was a space operations 3. shock and 47. army. 3. shock army should proceed in parallel with the main strike group, which means it didn't enter into Berlin. On the contrary, was from the north to bypass the Havelsee, and on the eighth day, dominate the area Hennigsdord, Brieselang, Fahrland, Kladow, There, Spandau. It should facilitate the fact that available 9. panzer corps. North of her attack 47. army, the aim of which was the river Elbe.

Plan the deployment of the Polish 1. army and the soviet 61. army
Even more to the north, on the right flank of the front there were two other armies - the Polish 1. army and 61. army. The Polish army had to cross the Oder, and yet during the first day of the advance to the Old Oder, which the west bank had to establish a beachhead. The second day had an Old Oder to cross and advance further to the west. Crossing of the two flows, she should facilitate the allocation of a separate motorized battalion of special purpose. The eleventh day had the Polish 1. army reach of the river Elbe. 61. army had the first day to cross the Oder and carve out a wide bridgehead. For this task, you should also available one separate motorized battalion of special purpose, and three regiments of samochodek SU-76. After crossing the Oder should the army proceed on the west to the Elbe. Their composition differed from the composition of the armies, which formed the main strike force, even from those that formed his wings. Neither of these two army did not have artillery division. It was assumed by them, on the contrary, that they will proceed relatively less bráněnou areas north of Berlin to the Elbe. 61. army was in the assembly i 7. guards cavalry corps, in which it was assumed that in the case of weak resistance he could hit fast forward.

Plan the deployment of the artillery
With the plan of operations was for each of the armies of the familiar only a very narrow circle of persons. In addition, they were taken deceptive operations and training, in order to confuse the Germans about the location of the main blow. The effort was to attract their attention mainly to the Štětínu. However, the Germans instead of the main blow estimated the total exactly. Since the soviet command os the prisoners learned about the German intention to move before the expected soviet stroke of the main part of the units of the first line of defense in the second, it was decided to increase the depth of fire during the artillery preparation so that ammunition was not wasted by shooting at the empty trenches and on the contrary was threatened stáhnuvší German infantry. Cannons should burn to a depth of 10 to 12 miles, in the space 8. guards army to a depth of 17 to 19 miles. For the implementation of a massive artillery strike was centered 14 038 guns and rocket launchers, from which the artillery major was 12 629. This number does not include anti-tank guns of both the panzer armies and a backup 3. army. In the area of the zone of the main strike between Güsterbiese (Gozdowice) and Podelzigem were on average 189 artillery the main or rocket launchers on a one kilometer queue. Cannons and rocket launchers were concentrated primarily in the areas for the assault zones of individual armies, then where was their density at the one mile still higher. In the zone 47. army it was about 270 pieces, 3. shock army about 266 pieces, 5. shock army about 286 pieces, 8. guards army on the 268 pieces and 69. army about 253 pieces. For the fire during the first day of the berlin operation, there was the soviet artillery allocated 1 147 659 artillery shells and 49 940 rockets. Also interesting is the fact that each rifle regiment tri-service army on the main attack direction accounted for between 1.4 and 2.4 of the artillery regiment. It just confirms how much importance the Soviets in general, field artillery.

Plan the deployment of the headlamp
One of the attractions of the plan of the attack on the Seelowské heights was the deployment of anti-aircraft searchlights in a fairly nonstandard role. After the end of the artillery preparation had headlamps to illuminate the battlefield, which had the infantry out in the dark, and at the same time to blind the enemy. The total was deployed to 143 pieces from the assembly floodlight architecture company front and part 5. corps of air defence. The headlights were the armies allocated in the following numbers: 20 in the zone 3. shock army, 36 in zone 5. shock army, 51 in the zone 8. guards army and 36 in the zone 69. army. The individual pieces were deployed at a distance of 150 to 200 feet apart and 300 to 800 yards from the county line. The expected afterglow was five miles.

Plan the deployment of units
1. belarusian front available and free units. It was a one of a battalion and twenty-six of rot. Most of the armies of the queue so got three of them. Even free units should have a significant base.

deployment Plan 1. Ukrainian front

the Development objectives of commitment 1. Ukrainian front
1. Ukrainian front marshal Koněva should participate in the berlin strategic offensive operation, but the fighting on the city as such to intervene did not. Order Strike of 3. April gave him the task of destruction of enemy groupings with the Cottbus and in the period between the tenth and the twelfth day of the operation to occupy the line of Beelitz, Wittenberg, Dresden. Prepare the procedure on the Leipzig. Konev however weren't Berlin of the eyes. In orders, which have received bundles of line 8. April, it was stated that the 3. guards army has the task to prepare one rifle division, which would, together with special detachments 3. guards tank army out of the Trebbina by Berlin. Order directly for 3. gardovou army was shifted a little further. The army should exceed the Nisa between Forst and Klein Bademeusel, to break through the enemy position, a bypass from the south Chotěbuz and arrive to Zossen. Here had the main forces attack from the south on the Berlin, while one of her rifle corps would attack the city from the southeast. This is no small shift from their original orders. Konev had to replace 3. gardovou army, Cottbus. In this respect, probably counted with the deployment of 28. and 31. army, which had a front as a down payment.

Plan the deployment of the 3. guards army
The commander of the 3. guards army general Gordov Koněvovo the award has changed. The army had to bypass the Chotěbuz from the south, however, the axis of the attack led through the city. North from the line of Chotěbuz-Vetsau should follow the 76. and 120. rifle corps, south of 21. rifle corps. 76. rifle corps should ensure a transition Spree at Döbricku, 120. rifle corps directly in the city and 21. rifle corps south of the city. The city should occupy the right 120. rifle corps. Gordov wanted to prevent the Germans could enter the field easily move reinforcements after quality road Forst and Chotěbuzí. 3. guards the army were allocated to two breakthrough artillery division. Anti-tank defence should procure 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigade. As far as the works had an army that had to deploy about 50 thousand foot soldiers, available 2 202 main. That's roughly one gun for 25 soldiers. In the area 76. rifle corps there were 293 in the space 120. and 21. rifle corps 1909. The density of works per kilometre queue match the number 239. The gunners had plenty of ammunition. Worse was the situation with 25. tank corps, which under 3. gardovou army fell. 111. tank brigade had just four operational tanks and six in repair, 162. tank brigade didn't even have one combat-ready the machine, in the repair of seven. Better was the situation with 175. tank brigade, which had twenty-two of the fighting machines and seven in the repair. 262. guards self-propelled artillery regiment had available fifteen machines ISU-152 and nine in repair. Army had moreover assigned to 87. separate heavy tank regiment with eleven of the prepared machine and three in the repair and 938. self-propelled artillery regiment with nine bojeschopnými machine SU-76. The number of tanks was very small. On the other hand, had in the same area to operate 3. guards tank army.

Plan the deployment of the 3. guards tank army
3. guards tank army should you proceed to an area west of the Berlin, therefore, in the general direction of the Brandenburg. However, the commander had to reckon with the possibility of allocating forces to support the attack 3. guards army by Berlin from the south. Character framing 3. guards tank army (in direct combat) initially answered the way that Konev yet at the mechanized volumes practiced (into the breach). Orders of the commander of the front of the 8. April assumed the planting of the 3. guards tank army into the breach on the river Spree in the area 3. guards army. This is consistent with the award Strike, Koněvovi ordered the deployment of tank armies and the tri-service armies of the second echelon to the breakthrough of the German defense in order to develop the success of the main attack direction. Tank army, therefore, should be planted only after the vševojsková army of the first echelon reaches the flow of the Spree river. This award Koniev in the base approved and handed over 9. April, 3. guards tank army. Army commander general Rybalko described the deployment in its order of 13. April as follows: 3. guards tank army rides into a breakthrough in the stretch 3. guards army on the river Spree south of the Cottbus and, quickly, each furthering the attack in the general direction of the Calau, Luckau and Luckenwalde, the end of the third day of the operation occupy the area of the Kittlitz, Schlabendorf, About Drehna, Calau. Units of the tank army should go in to the breakthrough on the Spree in the area Chotěbuz-Gallinchen. In the first sequence should follow the 6. and 7. guards tank corps, in the second echelon was behind the left wing of the advance 9. mechanized corps. 6. guards tank corps once had a brigade to help the attack on the Forst, transported through Nisa in the night of the second day of the operation, to help 3. guards the army with the attack on the Chotěbuz and in the night of the third day of the operation to cross the river spree in the south of the city. 7. guards tank corps have had to cross both rivers during the same nights as the 6. guards tank corps.

Modified the deployment schedule 3. guards tank army
However, the 14. April, Konev his command 3. gardovou tank army modified, should now be deployed from the first day of the operation. 6. guards tank corps had together with section 40. cannon artillery brigade in the course of artillery preparation to go to Nise and three hours after the beginning of the operation exceed the prvosledovou brigade river between Klein and Groß Bademeusel and follow right behind components 21. rifle corps, whose infantry unit was outrun in the space between the Noßdorf and Simmersdorfem, i.e. a third of the way between Nisou and Sprévou. The evening then had the choir forward to cross the river spree and provide a bridgehead between the Gallinchenem and Madlowem. The rest of the forces had until the evening to dominate the area Kiekebusch, Frauendorf, Haasow. 7. guards tank corps had in the course of artillery preparation to go to Nise and within three hours from the beginning of the operation exceed the prvosledovou brigade river just south of Klein Bademeusel. After that he had the panzer corps to move forward immediately behind components 102. rifle corps, the overtake in the area between the Simmersdorfem and Klein Kölzigem and the end of the day to cross the river spree and occupy the bridgehead area Frauendorf, Munich, Roggosen. Tank volumes not delay the filling points of resistance, but quickly move forward. Cleaning of these sites should ensure the rifle corps. Their units should be a part of forces to allocate to ensure a bridgehead for Sprévou. 9. mechanized corps should advance in the second echelon. The left wing of the army had a cover 19. self-propelled artillery brigade machine SU-57. 57. heavy tank regiment a machine IS-2 formed the army's advance. The second day had a frontal detachments both of the guard's tank corps 3. guards tank army head out again to attack and to dominate the area around the Luckau and April. The original plan assumed that I would progress up to the third day. At the beginning of the berlin operation had 3. guards tank army available 397 tanks Т-34/85, 12 tanks, T-34/76, 22 tanks IS-2, 51 samochodek ISU-122, 39 samochodek SU-100, 27 samochodek SU-85, 45 samochodek SU-76 and 39 samochodek SU-57. It corresponded roughly two-thirds of the systematizovaného condition. Members had 50 266, which corresponds to roughly ninety percent of the tabular condition.

Section 13. army
In the middle of the 1. Ukrainian front stood 13. army. This should according to the original plan to work as a liaison between the two strong tank groups. By order of 8. April should exceed the Nisa on the section of the front between the Klein Bademeusel and Klein Zerhen and after penetrating the German defenses get in the attack on the general direction of Groß Kölzig, Drebkau, Münchhausen, Schlieben, zahn's. With the onset of the tank volumes to a breakthrough in space operations 13. army didn't count. The army itself should have the support of just one tank regiment, and four self-propelled artillery regiments.

deployment Plan 5. guards army
5. guards army she got the task to exceed the Nisa and break through the German defenses on the section fornty between Klein Zerhen and Bad Muskau. After she had her troops get to attack in the general direction of the Hoyerwerda, Schwepnitz, the edge of the Dresden. The support of the infantry should provide 4. guards tank corps.

deployment Plan 4. guards tank army
The original plan counted with the deployment of 4. guards tank army to the breakthrough achieved by 5. gardovou army in the Spree, where she had quickly to develop a punch in the general direction of the Grossräschen, Finsterwalde, Schlieben, zahn's. With the participation of the army in the fighting about the Berlin therefore at all was not foreseen. The city of zahn's was located halfway between Berlin and Leipzig. By analogy with the 3. guards tank army initially with the deployment of 4. guards tank army to the breakthrough on the Spree achieved vševojskovou army. But it meant that the infantry had during two offend roughly forty miles between Nisou and Sprévou. But should have the support of only 115 tanks and samohybek. There have been doubts whether there will be infantry capable of quickly enough to proceed forward. There was a danger that the Germans will be able to retreat into a more defensive position, moving reinforcements and prevent or significantly slow down the soviet crossing of the Spree. 5. guards tank army moreover, at the outset had to deal with the German bridgehead at Bad Muskau. For an immediate transition Nisa, therefore, could allocate only one choir. Two days before the start of the operation Konev Leljušenkovi ordered to his strong front detachments planted into the attack immediately, which should be achieved sufficiently rapid breakthrough. Tanks 4. guards tank army should wait until the infantry 5. guards army cross the river Nisa, conquers there the bridgehead and will be built crossing over to her. Immediately after should the tanks move forward so as to 17. April morning of running crossed the river spree. I 4. guards army so in the end had to enter into battle in accordance with the custom of marshal Koněva. That should happen to an earlier deployment of the panzer armies, make life easier for the soldiers 13. army. Maneuvers of tank armies on its both sides meant that the partially bounces into her space. At the beginning of the berlin operation was 4. guards tank army available 265 tanks Т-34, 26 tanks IS-2, 1 tank Valentine, 10 samochodek ISU-122, 2 samochodky SU-122, 28 samochodek SU-100, 10 samochodek SU-85, 27 samochodek SU-76 and 48 samochodek SU-57. Members had a 42 481.

Dresden - secondary objective
1. Ukrainian front had to secure also the auxiliary strike of the Kohlfurtu (Węgliniec) in the general direction of the Budyšín and Dresden. That should make the Polish 2. army and part of 52. army. This maneuver had the Germans to prevent counterstrike from the south into the side of the forces of the main grouping of the front, as the German counterstroke would be exposed to strike from the right side. The Polish army had to cross the Nisa, break in Rothenburg and move forward in the direction of the Dresden. 52. army had to attack his right wing, the rest of the army should stay in defense. Assault role fell to 73. rifle corps. He had to cross the Nisa and proceed in the direction of the Budyšín and the southeast edge of the Dresden. In the first sequence should follow the 50. and 254. missile division, in the second sequence then 111. missile division. The second day was supposed to be the breakthrough deployed 7. guards mechanized corps, to conquer Weißenberg and cover the area Bautzen. Both choirs so basically formed the southern attack shield, which should cover the main strike group of the front. 7. guards mechanized corps suffered in the battles in Silesia appreciable losses. Those were before the start of the berlin operation may be healed only partially. AT its beginning the choir has 10 947 members, which was roughly seventy percent of the tabular condition. In a state had 79 tanks Т-34, 1 tank IS-2, 21 samochodek ISU-122, 5 samochodek SU-122, 10 samochodek SU-85 and 10 SU-76. The number of piece of equipment corresponded to approximately fifty percent of the systemizovaného condition. In addition to this the corps had 52. army also separate tank and self-propelled artillery units. It was about 124. separate tank regiment with 19 tanksТ-34, 8. samohybnou artillery brigade with 58 machine SU-76, 1198. self-propelled artillery regiment with 21 machine SU-76 and a separate self-propelled artillery sections. On this side of the offensive direction should be deployed even 1. guards cavalry corps. He had to go to breakthrough 52. army and go in the direction of the Possible, Oppach, Sebnitz, Glashütte. Their task was to raid the back of the head zhořelecko-dresden grouping of the German troops..
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14. – 15. April: skirmish

the Order to conduct a survey of the fight
11. April sent the commander of the 1. belarusian front marshal Zhukov commanders 3. and 5. shock, 8. guards, 33., 47. and 69. army, to 13. April at 4:00 conducted a survey of the struggle. Every army should the anticipated weaknesses of the German defense to send two rifle battalions, supplemented by a few tanks and self-propelled guns. Support is should be a ten-minute artillery fire of two artillery regiments. 12. April the order came to postpone the survey until the 14th. April morning. 5. shock army should eventually the most difficult task. Command line wanted to hide as long as possible the arrival of the 3. shock and partly 47. army to kostřínského bridgehead, and so should the exploration of the struggle in their space to lead-partly or completely-the division, which in this space until now held the position - hence the division 5. shock army.

Exploratory activities in the course of 14. April
14. April morning 5. shock army sent out to survey one regiment 94. guards rifle division and three battalions 295. rifle division. Artillery support them ensures 564 cannons and mortars. During the three-hour fighting some battalions advanced up to a distance of 400 metres, where they were stopped by strong fire of the enemy. The survey showed that the first line is probably being held weaker units and the main bulk of the German defenders hold the second line. Among the other lines there were, rather, only individual support points than a coherent set of defenders. The commander of the 5. shock army then came to the conclusion that there is no sense directed the full weight of artillery preparation on the first line and its tactical depth. It also decided that the reconnaissance battalions will be strengthened and will continue to lead exploration activities. The battalions then in the afternoon after a fifteen minute artillery preparation started again on the survey. This time they were in the fight planted and part of the 60. guards rifle division and two missile regiments of the 301. rifle division. The total was in the second stage, a reconnaissance-in-force deployed eight shooting regiments, five mortar brigades, two mortar regiments, ten artillery regiments, seven artillery brigades, divizion of special mightiness and three tank regiments. In the evening, reconnaissance troops have advanced about two kilometers. In Golzowa managed to encircle and basically destroy one battalion of 90. regiment 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers. During the day artillery 5. shock army fired 16 of 320 shots, out of the 60 rounds fell on the caliber of 305 mm and a hundred on the caliber 203 mm. 47. army the survey involved 14. April morning three of his battalions and one battalion from 5. shock army. These were reinforced battalions from the 60., 132. and 175. rifle division and a battalion of the 248. rifle division 5. shock army. The commander of the corps shortly after the beginning of the battle reported, that the enemy does not put a stronger resistance and, apparently, withdrew to Wriezenu and Kunersdorfu on the second line of defense. The commander of the army on the basis of that decided to send them to fight the other battalions, which were to try to get into the evening to the second line of defense. There are a total army therefore sent fifteen. The battalions advanced about a mile forward, and in some places occupied the first line trenches, but it turns out that the first line of trenches was not nearly as empty as they first appeared. A number of reports even talked about the fact that the main forces of the enemy are just in it. However, the northwestern tip of the bridgehead was slightly expanded. The unit 3. shock army 14. April reconnaissance-in-force did not attend. Her division is gradually přisouvaly over the Oder on the beachhead and taking over the space from division 5. shock army. 14. April reconnaissance-in-force have not benefited from even 61. army and Polish 1. army. By order of the general Čujkova had a reconnaissance-in-force 14. April attend each of the three corps 8. guards army. Two corps decided to deploy for this task free of the company. 4. guards rifle corps sent out 327. criminal company, and 28. guards rifle corps 326. criminal company. 29. guards rifle corps put on normal gunpowder units - one battalion from the 27. and 74. guards rifle division. Their task was to occupy the village of Alt Tucheband. All recon units have the support of tanks, self-propelled guns and sappers. Artillery support any criminal company, and each missile battalion ensures the mortar regiment and an artillery divizion. Later was added still raketometná support. In the case of rot it was about a divizion and in the case of the two rifle battalions of the regiment. In case the reconnaissance troops found that the Germans withdrew to the second line of defense, should be to develop the offensive activity. For the case was allocated to a battalion from 27., 47. , 57., 74. and 79. guards rifle division. Reconnaissance companies and battalions of the morning hanging out after a ten-minute artillery preparation, and covers by, enemy suppression fire. Initial successes prompted the commander of the army to deploy ready battalions. Further development of the already but so optimistic not. However, Alt Tucheband was conquered and maintained despite several German counter-attack. The commander of the 69. army for a reconnaissance in force has allocated two reinforced rifle battalions from the 247. and 274. rifle division supported by six tanks T-34 and two batteries of self-propelled works SU-76 and one company from 41. rifle division. Banners the morning of the 14th. April went after a ten-minute artillery preparation. The troops succeeded in several places to break into the first line of defense, but their further progress stopped by a counterattack of parts of the 169. and 712. infantry division. The soviets even had to pull back. The morning of the 14th. morning conducted a survey of the struggle i 33. army, which was located on the southern edge of the front outside the territory of the kostřínského bridgehead. The bridgehead of this army was relatively small, so sent only one battalion from prvosledových divisions and of the bridgehead at Wiesenau one company. In Lossowa managed to occupy the two rows of trenches, in Wiesenau one. In addition, here in the southern part of the queue of the army took the Germans a successful counterattack and drove the soviet reconnaissance units back. In Lossowa with the redcoats keep.

Exploratory activities in the course of 15. April
A reconnaissance in force was 15. April restored only in some sectors. Among them was a stretch of 5. shock army. On its right wing 26. guards rifle corps during the day to enlarge their bridgehead on the less than four kilometers. Choirs at the middle and on the left wing had advanced that day, only about half a mile. 5. shock army as a whole pushed out 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers of the original defensive positions. In the German report there has been a forced change. LIONS. panzer corps received from XI. tank corps of the SS just 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers and 9. paradesantní division. LIONS. panzer corps he tried to push back the troops 5. shock army back, but he failed. 15. April engaged i 3. shock army. Did best her 12. guards rifle corps, which operated on the left army wing in contact with the right wing 5. shock army. The corps sent out to survey the three battalions, which supported one there artillery brigade, one houfnicová artillery brigade special power, one mortar brigade and one fighter anti-tank artillery regiment. Corps advanced about three kilometers per took two lines of trenches. 79. rifle corps sent to survey the two battalions with the support of the two heavy artillery brigades and one mortar brigade. Corps advanced about half a mile. 15. April to survey the fighting involved also the Polish 1. army, which for artillery support sent part of the forces 2. and 3. infantry division through the Old Oder in Güstebieser Loose. 61. army 15. April on a reconnaissance-in-force was not involved. Reduction of the intensity of combat activities 15. April had a rather confuse the German command. For some commanders it succeeded, but the commander of the army group Heinrici the attack on the following day expected and in addition, he received Hitler's permission to download the units on the second line of defense.

16. April: overcoming the first line of defense and approach to the other

Artillery preparation
At 3:00 central european summer time sent one headlight a beam of light up towards the sky. It was far away visible signal to open fire. After a short moment resounded a deafening cacophony, which vyluzovala shooting thousands and thousands of soviet cannons, howitzers and mortars. Their distinctive sounds has joined the ranks of reactive artillery, then known rocket launchers katyusha. Half-hour the firing was the most concentrated in space before the 8. gardovou army. The following description of the operation of artillery is, therefore, mainly refers to its space leadership of combat activities. The first ten minutes it was in the sign of the drum-fire led all the artillery resources to all enemy position to a depth of twelve miles. Army artillery group to focus their fire primarily on the large position of a German field and anti-aircraft artillery. For this activity should be available to a guns caliber 152 mm cannon howitzers calibre 152 mm, cannon, caliber 210 mm and howitzers of caliber 203 mm. Their next task was the neutralization of manpower and firing means at the abutment points between the first and second defensive lines and on the second line, as well as the destruction of command posts of divisions and advances. For this purpose have rocket launchers. Corps and divisional artillery groups have targeted primarily on the position of the German mortar batteries and the most important points of support in the immediate vicinity. Regimental artillery groups were almost continuous fire on the front of the German defensive line, where to destroy weed out the manpower and firing means of the enemy. Corps artillery groups had equipped the cannon caliber 122 mm howitzer caliber 122 mm and rocket launchers. Divisional and regimental groups were then armed with cannon caliber 76 mm, houfnicemi caliber 122 mm and also mortars caliber 82 mm and 122 mm. In 3:10 over the soviet artillery from the drum-fire to fire methodical. The rate of fire reduced two to four times, according to the type of gun and the intended objectives. The operator gained a little bit of time on a certain patch of fire. An exception formed the space 5. shock army, where the artillery continued to tumble fire even after another ten minutes. 3:15 soviet artillery crew returned to the leadership of drum-fire, the intensity of which gradually increased with the increased cadence of firing of the individual works and as a result, that joined the main part of the rocket launchers. The objectives were the same as at the beginning, but the number of projectiles dopadlých on the German position has increased significantly. The intensity of the fire culminated in the 3:25. In that moment it was on the 143 searchlights and infantry 5. shock and 8. guards army surged with the support of tanks and self-propelled guns to attack. The main part of the plukovních, divisional and choral artillery groups passed on the leadership of the přehradné fire, which consisted in the creation of double firing wall in front of the advancing formations of infantry. The greater part of the army artillery groups continued in the leadership of the counter-battery fire until 3:30. After the led only fire on demand.

Attack 5. shock army
5. shock army had three missile brigades. Those at the front of the wide nine miles rozestavěly two sequences. On the right wing and was 26. guards rifle corps, whose first sequence formed 94. guards rifle and 266. missile division. The Role of the second echelon went on 89. gardovou shooting division. At the center stood a 32. rifle corps, which in the first echelon sent out 60. gardovou shooting and 295. shooting division. 416. missile division she held the post of the second echelon. On the left flank was placed 9. rifle corps. His first sequence of provided 301. missile division. 248. missile division formed the second sequence and 230. missile division was held back as a backup commander of the army. Stretch breakthrough was wide seven miles. Go on the offense should 60. guards rifle, 266. missile, 295. missile and 301. missile division. On the German side they had to face 652. granátnický regiment 309. infantry division along with 25. and 26. paradesantním regiment 9. paradesantní division. Artillery preparation 5. shock army ensure that 1999 rounds of the main and 306 vehicles with rocket launchers. As has already been stated, after twenty minutes on their fire followed by infantry, which surged with the support of tanks and self-propelled guns to attack. The greatest success was achieved on the right army wing. 26. guards rifle corps darted to the line of the railway track Letschin — Seelow, that after repeated attacks has reached around noon and slowly continued on. Elsewhere the situation was not nearly as good. The advance of soviet units was hampered by the dense network of drainage ditches and drains. The bridges across them were tossed into the air and their surroundings followed by the elements of field fortifications and zaminováno. The first day of the 5. shock army lost 12 tanks T-34, 17 tanks IS-2 and one samochodku SU-76.

Attack 8. guards army
8. guards army she put over his three guards rifle corps at the front, wide thirteen miles. Each corps consisted of three of the guard's rifle divisions. They were equally divided into two sequences in the first two divisions, in the second one. So had 4. guards rifle corps in the first echelon of the 47. and 57. gardovou shooting division and in the second 35. gardovou shooting division. 29. guards rifle corps built into the first echelon 27. and 74. gardovou shooting division and the second 82. gardovou shooting division. 28. guards rifle corps sent in the first sequence 79. and 88. gardovou shooting division, in the second stay 39. guards missile division. Stretch breakthrough 8. guards army was on its right flank in the area 4. and 29. guards rifle corps and it was wide seven miles. From the three miles went to 4. guards rifle corps, three kilometers and three hundred meters on the 29. guards rifle corps and seven hundred meters to one of the rifle regiments 79. rifle division 28. guards rifle corps. Division rozestavěly their regiments similarly - two regiments in the first echelon, one in the second. On sedmikilometrovém offensive zone so it was ready to go into the attack nine prvosledových shooting regiments. Try to fend them off should be part of the 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers, the unit Panzer division Müncheberg and three regiments of the 303. infantry division. Body Čujkovovy army surged into the attack after the artillery preparation, in 3:25. The way they nasvěcovalo 143 lamps and also tanks and self-propelled guns, which marched in closed formations, shooting regiments, started with the headlights. Axis procedure prvosledových departments 4. guards rifle corps represented the imperial highway no. 1. Even units 8. guards army hit on the marshland and a network of natural and artificial drainage watercourse. At noon they arrived to the main ditch, which the Germans fiercely defend. Bridges were destroyed, the canal was built a field fortifications, the area was mined and dense fire here focused not only anti-tank and field artillery, but also the buried tanks and tank destroyers. Attack 4. guards rifle corps promote 7. guards heavy tank brigade. which was armed with tanks IS-2. 105. heavy tank regiment acted in conjunction with 47. gardovou shooting divisions and 106. heavy tank regiment, then with the 57. gardovou shooting divisions. 104. heavy tank regiment was held in reserve. Even heavy tanks but failed to ditch exceed, and in addition, suffered considerable losses. 105. the regiment came in about 15 machines and 106. a regiment of about 7 pieces. Set was 104. the regiment, which had to find another way, but even he failed to channel to overcome. It was clear that the attacking units will need a strong artillery smokescreen. The afternoon was dragged all the available artillery. Under its cover, went to attack the other sequences 4 divisions. guards rifle corps, who managed to channel exceed and night to get to the foot of the Seelowských heights. 47. guards missile division advanced to the Werbigu and Neuwerbigu, where they clashed with the 27. paradesantním regiment 9. paradesantní division. Guardsmen managed to fight your way up the imperial highway no. 5 between Seelowem and Gusowem. 57. guards missile division has reached hubenějších results, when night has taken hold at the foot of the Seelowských heights. To the foot of the heights, before 4. guards rifle regiment on the right flank, approached 29. guards rifle corps in the middle part of the section 8. army. Attack 74. guards rifle division supported 1200. self-propelled artillery regiment samochodkami SU-76. The redcoats approached the position on the slopes and samochodky on them began to fire. But further progress could not, because the slope was too steep and the roads were booby-trapped. The passages managed to clean up at the end of the first day. Even so, but the middle part of the army of the section ahead of the right wing. That try to take advantage of the Germans, who about noon made a counter-attack from the area Ludwigslustu. He was repulsed tanks T-34 of 65. separate tank regiment, which provided the corps the corps direct support. The soviets then occupied the Ludwigslust. With the procedure further to the west but it was worse. The railway here runs along the high and steep embankment. That could tanks and other heavy equipment to cross just down the road to Friedersdorfu. This has resulted in a deep cut, which was spanned over the railway bridge. The but the Germans fired into the air and its wreckage road zatarasily. Infantry 27. guards rifle division crossed the embankment, but soon came under the fire of German guns, tanks and samohybek. The attack then stopped, and it was necessary to wait for the arrival of the royal engineers, who had to remove the wreckage of a bridge and allow passage of heavy equipment, without whose support it was not possible in the attack to continue. On the left wing 8. guards army progressed 28. guards rifle corps. Since the stretch of a breakthrough 8. guards army and 69. army nenavazovaly, sent a corps to the attack, which was led in a westerly direction, only a smaller part of the forces. The rest of the forces should advance on the south and southwest, there to protect the left wing of the army. Attack the tip of of the corps were part of the 79. guards rifle division. their procedure to support the tanks T-34 259. separate tank regiment and the tanks of the IS-2 34. guards heavy tank regiment. Infantry all jumped on the tanks and you went towards the Sachsendorf. The way minovými field them klestily tanks with odminovávacími devices. At six o'clock in the morning was Sachsendorf cast and offensive divisional units issued direction to Dolgelin. On the approaches to him but were stopped. In Dolgelinu was the headquarters of the 303. infantry division, whose commander was badly wounded. The situation here didn't look too good. The germans therefore decided that here reinforce the defense the divisions of the tank her majesty's grenadier guards Kurmark and II. banner Panzer regiment Brandenburg. Conveyed here there were even a few tanks heavy tank section SS 502, which you'll engage in fights.

Planting a tank armies
With the preparation of the transport units 2. panzer army across the Oder into the space kostřínského the bridgehead began at night on the 15th. April. In the early hours of the morning 15. April was transported 12. guards tank corps. The evening then began to transport 9. guards tank corps. Deployed were in the area of Golzowa and Genschmaru. U 1. mechanized corps with the carriage began shortly after midnight on the 16th. April. It was completed before noon the same day, while the choir occupied a position at Gorgastu. At noon 16. April so were all three of the corps 2. guards tank army concentrated at designated positions. In the night of 15. April started also with the preparations for the transport of 1. guards tank army to kostřínského bridgehead. The frontal units of its brigades across the Oder moved in the night from 15. 16. April, before the start of the artillery preparation. The main forces of the army of the river have exceeded the 16. April between 4:00 and 13:00. An hour after noon, therefore, were in the starting positions ready masses of tanks of the two tank armies to the front. According to the plan they should be following the operating unions in the fight planted until after the shooting bundles will create a breakthrough in the hostile zone of defense, which after the mechanized formations will use it for a foray into the German rear. Due to the fact that the situation at the front was not going according to plan, he decided to Zhukov shortly after noon, he puts on a tank of the army immediately. 2. guards tank army she got the task to develop into the attack two of its corps in the field covered by 5. shock army in the general direction of Neuhardenberg, Ihlow, Prötzel, Bernau. 12. guards tank corps advanced to the positions, which recently went through infantry 5. shock army (roughly around Golzowa), 9. guards tank corps then set off further north to an area where she 5. shock army with 3. hard-hitting army (roughly around Letschina). At the turn of the afternoon and evening hanging out tanks into the attack and in the course of the night holed up to the channel Friedländer Tree, which flows through the areas east of the Neuhardenbergu. Here it is stopped by strong German resistance. 1. guards tank army received an order to pass through the positions of the corps 8. guards army and then go on the attack in the general direction of Berlin. 11. panzer corps on the right wing in the evening got to Werbigu, 11. guards tank corps on Wednesday, advanced to the foot of the Seelowských heights and on the left wing of the components 8. guards mechanized corps trying to lead the attack on the railway station at Dolgelinu and Libbenichenu. The procedure 1. guards tank army so, in principle, stopped by the inability to overcome the strong German defensive position, which rested on a high and steep embankment of the railway track leading east from the Seelowa. The deployment of the tank army here, therefore, a fundamental contribution not. The here thus unnecessarily lost thirty tanks and six samochodek. In addition, its machines filled the already crowded roads and paths in the space 8. guards army. This slowed down the movements of others sequences, and artillery 8. guards army.

Attack 3. strike and 47. the army on the right flank of the front
The northern part of the kostřínského bridgehead was the starting point for the attack 3. shock and 47. army. 3. shock army-operated right next to the 5. shock army. The army has developed on the front line of a width of eleven miles the two sequences. The first was formed 12. gardovým rifle and 79. rifle corps, second then 7. rifle and 9. tank corps. The corps also created two sequences, with the first formed two missile divisions and one rifle division. Stretch breakthrough army has been wide for six miles. Deployed here was the 23. guards rifle and 33. missile division 12. guards rifle corps, and 150. and 171. missile division 79. rifle corps. Direct support to the infantry to provide T-34 tanks and IS-2 and self-propelled guns SU-76, and ISU-152 from 1203. self-propelled artillery regiment, 351. self-propelled artillery regiments and 85. the tank regiment. Against them were part of the 309. infantry division, regiment the Division of the panzer grenadiers Kurmark and right wing 606. infantry division. 79. rifle corps went into the attack at 3:30 after a half-hour artillery preparation. He stumbled on the soggy terrain and the problems with overcoming the swollen watercourse. One more channel at noon he stopped the procedure 150. and 171. division. 207. division meanwhile occupied part of the Neubarnimu that the evening cleared. 150. division night managed to channel exceed and break through to the road from the Neulewinu to Neutrebbinu. 12. guards rifle corps darted into the attack at 3:40. His 33. missile division the morning unsuccessfully attacked Letschin. To avoid delays, the division was diverted north of the village, whose cast was accounted for 52. gardovou shooting division, which was so far kept in the second echelon of the corps. Overall, 3. shock army the first day of the attack had advanced about eight miles. On the northern edge of kostřínského bridgehead was 47. army. The occupied part of the front wide for eight kilometres. On it were linearly deployed all three of its choirs. In a section of the breakthrough that has been wide about four and a half mile, stood 132. and 143 of the missile division 129. rifle corps, together with the 175. and 60. shooting divisions 125. rifle corps and 260.shooting divisions 77. rifle corps. Procedure 77. rifle corps supported the 1204. self-propelled artillery regiment machine SU-76, 125. rifle corps relied on the assistance of 1892. self-propelled artillery regiment to the machine SU-76 and 334. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment machine ISU-122, strike force 129. rifle corps intensified 1416. self-propelled artillery regiment to the machine SU-76. 125. rifle corps had to possess also two criminal companies. Against the unions 47. the army cost the services of the 606. infantry division. The German defense on the northern flank rested on meziříčí, between the Oder and the Old Oder. The necessity of the transition of the two waterways was hampered by the activities of the attackers and vice versa by facilitating the activities the situation of the German defenders. The first major German defence point in the scope of the 47. the army became the city of Wriezen. The attackers could either make a direct attack on the city, or try to bypass from the south and go to the next line of defense. The artillery preparation on the section 47. the army began at 3:50 and lasted 25 minutes instead of the planned 30 minutes. Conditions were not ideal, as it combined polotma, the fog and the smoke of the artillery preparation for the main section of the breakthrough. The unit then went into the attack without the support of the headlamps, which have not been allocated. Infantry, covered by, enemy suppression artillery fire, went forward and initially did not encounter more serious odpora, so during the morning occupied the southeast of the Wriezenu village Karlsbiese, Neulewin, Neubarnim and Altbarnim. Then surged towards another line of defense. The Germans forced to send units 47. the army comes from the area north of the Wriezenu battle group with an unusual name 1001 night (Kampfgruppe 1001 Nächte), in which he became the head tank vererán major Blancbois. The core of the group was a section of tank destroyers SS 560 for the special use, which was armed with a td Hetzer. 47. army not in my state, too many tanks, so Hetzery could zamřit on the soviet infantry. As for heavy equipment, fought with the soviet samochodkami 1825. self-propelled artillery regiment. A total of 47. army of odne wrote off six SU-76 one SU-100, three ISU-122 and two tanks IS-2. Night led 77. rifle corps attack 260. and 328. shooting divisions Beauregard, 185. missile division has created a second succession of the choir. The choir that day, advanced about six miles. As far made i 125. rifle corps, whose two prvosledové division had previously fought the aforementioned Neulewin. 129. rifle corps, who fought his way Neubarnimem set off to Großbarnimu, capturing a larger group of German soldiers. By the end of the day insulted also six miles, when they approached the railway line to Wriezen - Seelow. 47. the army may have failed to advance according to plan, however, against her standing division as a result of its activity essentially ceased to exist as a compact fighting unit. Generally, this side part of the front became for the Germans a sensitive place, where they had to be sent in advance, which then were missing on the main section. It concerned mainly the 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers.

the Situation on the left flank of the front
On the southern wing of the kostřínského bridgehead at the front, wide 18 kilometers were located in one line of the three choirs 69. army. Army led the offensive activity on his right flank, where on the section of the breakthrough wide 6 miles there were six rifle divisions. In the middle of the assault grouping of the army on a section wide 3,1 kilometer of developed 274., 247. and 41. missile division, right waited 77. guards missile division and left 312. missile division and part of the forces 370. rifle division. After the artillery preparation, troops of 69. the army went into the attack and at 5:30 overcome the first defensive line of the enemy. When attempting the procedure for the second line but ran into strong resistance of the enemy and failed to advance further. Connect the area of the breakthrough 69. and 8. guards army during the first day failed. In the area of activity 69. the military components of the German 169. and 712. infantry division managed not only to maintain the compactness of the defensive line, but also to carve out the back part of the territory. German foot soldiers around 16. hours for support Heavy tank section 502 drove out the Soviets from Schönfließu. The Luftwaffe has also succeeded in the space 69. army partially disrupt transportation across the Oder. Activity 33. army south of Frankfurt an der Oder was initially isolated from the operation ongoing in the area of kostřínského bridgehead. The army has taken the space of the queue wide 64 kilometers of its three choirs and two strength detail. The strength of the formation occupied the greater part of the queue, the rest fell on the two sections of the breakthrough. One was wide of 3.5 km and was located in the area of 62. rifle corps south of the Brieskowa. North of Brieskowa was the second section of the breakthrough, which had a width of 3 kilometres and it was located on the trade 16. and 38. rifle corps. South of Brieskowa should attack 362. and 49. missile division, while 222. missile division was in the second echelon. North of Brieskowa fell this task 89., 339. and 383. shooting division. South of Brieskowa them had the face 32. volunteer the grenadier division of the SS 30. Januar, north of the city 286. infantry division. Both divisions fall under . volunteer mountain corps of the SS. Artillery preparation in the space 33. the army began at 3:45. Rifle division in attacks started at 4:15. Soviet troops initially encountered stiff resistance from the enemy that morning zuřive defended. But in the end, put on the retreat. The unit 33. army the evening had advanced about six miles.

Crossing the Oder river on the right edge
Attack 1. the Polish army started in 2:15, when her unit began to exceed the Old Oder in the northern part of the bridgehead 47. army. The old Odra in this place runs virtually perpendicular to the Oder, and its excess so threatened the flank and rear of the German units. 4. and 5. infantry regiment 2. Polish infantry division crossed the Old Oder and establish a bridgehead. At 4:45 then 6. the regiment of the same division crossed the Oder, and then, what created the bridgehead, he set off towards to 5. regiment. The afternoon was then to the bridgehead transported 3. the Polish infantry division. The successful crossing of the river at the point of confluence of the Oder and the Old Odra allowed us to begin an attempt to cross the river in the entire section of the army. At 6:30, started 2. regiment 1. Polish infantry division crossed the Oder south of the railway bridge. With the help of 274. the amphibious battalion created 1. regiment 1. the Polish division of the other bridgehead in the area against Zäckericku. At 16:00 at the beachhead were all three regiments of the 1. Polish infantry division and began the carriage 6. the Polish infantry division, which formed the second echelon of the Polish army. 61. army the first day of the attack carried out a reconnaissance in force. At 4:00 two battalions of the 397. shooting and 75. guards rifle division made a survey on the west bank of the Oder. The first battalion 212. guards rifle regiment and 152. criminal company at 4:15 after patnáctiminutovém the vicinity of the overflow crossed the Oder and establish a bridgehead on the northern edge of the Neuglietzenu. The stretch of the queue defended 5. hunter's regiment 5. hunting division. His forces managed to prevent the battalion 397. rifle division in crossing the Oder in the area of the railway bridge near Niederwutzenu and prevent the expansion of the bridgehead at Neuglietzenu. The second attempt of crossing the Oder at Niederwutzenu at 13:00 also not been successful. I couldn't even expand the bridgehead at Neuglietzenu. Adjacent 80. rifle corps at 6:00 the cover of smoke and fog tried to cross the Oder reconnaissance groups 234. rifle division. 18:40 general Bělov he gave the order to perform another attempt at crossing the river at 22:20, who had lead from each corps one battalion.

the Activity of the air force
The maximum range of most artillery means the front wasn't enough to be affected by those batteries, which the Germans withdrew further to the rear. On you should focus the air force. But from dawn to noon was the area of the air bases and also themselves targets obscured by fog and smoke. Visibility was less than five hundred meters, so the deployment plans of the air force were not filled. The numbers of take-offs battle and bombing machines were a lot smaller than planned. The situation began to improve only in the afternoon. Soviet pilots managed to dispose of an ammunition train in Fürstenwalde or decommission the battery three rail guns caliber 280 mm in Münchebergu. Shortage of aviation fuel forced the luftwaffe to choose between a more intensive deployment for two, three days or a time longer by the action of lower intensity. Here, the command chose the first option. In the case of options the objectives were not given priority nor strikes at the crossings over the Oder, nor strikes on the advancing troops in the field. The pilots of the luftwaffe focused on both. In both cases, have achieved several successes. It was for example about the broken pontoon bridge or two destroyed samochodky the SU-122. Deployed several funds Luftwaffe, but after the impact to the field did not cause greater losses among the advancing infantry. It is possible, however, that their goal should be pontoon bridges. The germans deployed the suicide pilots who tried going to ram bridges. Sources are not unanimous in whether it's in at least one case failed. Members, the INCOME of air defence have recorded around a thousand take-offs of the German air force. 16. army aviation during the day took place 5 342 take-offs. 109 occurred on the night bombers, 1 315 on bombers, 1 383 aircraft and 2 545 on the tank. The soviets claim that it was shot down 165 German planes while their own loss of 87 machines.

Summary of the first day
The operational plan assumed that a massive artillery preparation will disrupt the defensive position of the enemy, into which enters the infantry supported by tanks and self-propelled guns, which will create a breakthrough. To him then they should be sent panzer army, which had a breakthrough use for a quick maneuver to the enemy's rear, which would open the way to Berlin. But the developments at the front from the plan significantly diverted. The problems occurred right at the beginning. The German high command received information about the attack, and so prepared. In the first line were left only securing the unit, the rest was downloaded. Artillery was also removed further to the rear. The massive soviet artillery preparation, although it was impressive, but its effect did not correspond to the amount of consumed ammunition. Happy didn't show up, nor the idea with the lighting of the battlefield headlights. A light stream of headlights was blinding the German defenders and illuminate their positions, which should facilitate the attacking soldiers their combat activities. However, this measure didn't work and the extra help rather the Germans. The light actually hit the morning fog and large amounts of smoke. On the German positions so nedosvítilo and in addition to reflect on your own unit, which was sort of blinding and nasvěcovalo. The germans so they can lead effective by, enemy suppression barrage on the soviet units. Another problem was the terrain. Soviet troops on the main section of the breakthrough act, after the marshy soil in the region traversed with larger or smaller drainage channels and strouhami. This delay mainly tanks, self-propelled guns and other equipment, but at the same time and infantry. A major obstacle has also proved to be a high embankment, after which the at the foot of the Seelowských heights led rail track. Overcoming the main channel and the removal of barriers in culverts under the embankment required the arrival of the royal engineers with bridges and other equipment. But the marshy terrain forced the prvosledová troops to trying to stick to just paved roads. You have been saturated with vehicles. This situation is exacerbated by the premature planting of the tank armies that traffic problems significantly increased. Fighting technique, moreover, began to lose contact with the infantry, which so came direct fire pdoporu. The artillery again was not enough time to move because of the aforementioned traffic problems. The soviet units at the price of hefty losses have conquered just almost a blank first line and advanced to the second, with some units only come closer. Plan the operation so he began to recruit a large delay. The soviets, by the evening had advanced only about six miles and Seelowské heights remained in German hands. Zhukov so failed to fulfill the assignment given on that day. In contrast, the Konev in the south proceeded according to plan.

17. April: breaking through the second defense line

Procedure 5. shock army along with 2. gardovou panzer army
The soviet offensive continued in the night from 16. 17. April. 5. strike and 2. guards tank army the entire length of your section of the queue reached to the Old Oder. 9. guards tank corps in the area 3. shock army advanced to the channel Friedländer Tree. On these two streams lay the second German line of defense. Some of the components here were able to get even during the day, but were driven back by strong German resistance. Now here the Soviets firmly home, and in addition, after strong artillery preparation began the foot soldiers wading through both flows. Here they managed to gain a foothold, but necessarily needed to get started with the transportation of heavy equipment. The building of transport but under the enemy fire was very slow. 9. guards tank corps in the course of the day led the fight for control of the west bank of the channel Friedländer Tree. 47. guards tank brigade was able to gain a foothold on the other side and bury a hundred meters from the river. This allowed the engineers to speed up the work. And when it was almost done, hit the German artillery, and the whole work could start again. Transport thus making it possible to start to perform until the evening of the 17th. April. 49. guards tank brigade 12. guards tank corps 17. April at 5:00 got to the old Oder in the area of the village of Quappendorf. Crossing a river but they could not themselves commanders take place due to adverse conditions and the strong fire from the positions on the other bank. Provided but at least the fire support of the infantry, which could have for their help the flow of the exceed. On the left wing in space activities 9. rifle corps entered 301. missile division in frontal combat before Gusowem, who was one of the German supporting points. To help her was sent 248. missile division of the second echelon of the corps, which circumvented the Gusow from the south and occupied it. By ensuring the side south of the advancing 8. guards army. The fight was now nestled 1. mechanized corps. His 37. mechanized brigade ran Gusowem and went to the northwest along highway no. 167, which threatened the German defensive position on the Old Oder, which tried to exceed the above-mentioned components 5. shock and 2. guards tank army. In the noon, so the brigade have been dispatched the remaining components of the corps, that was a breakthrough used. In the 15:30 was conquered by Platkow. Managed to occupy the bridge, which was mined, but the rapid advance of motorized infantry prevented his firing. Cast Gusowa and Platkowa meant a breakthrough into the second defence line of the German defense. 37. mechanized brigade along with 219. tank brigade marched on along the road and at 17:00 took the Neuhardenberg. 37. brigade at 19:00 arrived to the river Stöbber. Here with the support of artillery, tanks and samohybek motopěchota exceeded and by midnight occupied the village of Karlsdorf, thus created in the west bank bridgehead. 219. tank brigade of Neuhardenbergu turned to the south and even during the evening has arrived to Wulkowu. 12. guards tank corps took advantage of the fact that 1. mechanized corps occupied the bridge at Platkowa and began to through him transported to the other side of the Old Oder. First hit 48. guards tank brigade, which was sent in the direction of the Wulkow. Ties 5. strike and 2. guards tank army was therefore able to the second day of the offensive to advance to a distance of 8 to 14 miles. Reaching such a line, which was intended for the first day.

Procedure 8. guards army along with 1. gardovou panzer army
However, the success of the 1. mechanized corps influenced the course of operations in the scope of 8. guards and 1. guards tank army. You recorded 17. April the biggest achievements in the area of contact with the 5. strike and 2. gardovou panzer army. Here the attack 11. panzer corps along with 35. gardovou shooting divisions. At 5:00 to units after the artillery preparation had issued to the attack. Headed your way minted 65. tank brigade with 50. heavy tank regiment. Brigade night conquered Wulkow, which was already svírán from the north of the neighbouring units. The brigade was able to advance quickly, as she was driving on the northern edge of the foothills of the Seelowských heights. The other brigade corps, which had originally on the heights to attack from the east, turned and went in the direction of 65. brigade. 11. guards tank corps while in the noon control Friedersdorf, but the Germans made a determined and successful fight back. General Katukov considered, that is another pursuit of a breakthrough at this point in vain and decided to take advantage of a breakthrough on the right wing. The corps received orders to bypass the Seelow from the north and occupy the Görlsdorf and go further south to the highway to Münchebergu. At 20:00 44. guards tank brigade Görlsdorf occupied, but the next procedure prevent the Germans that destroyed local bridges. As he found the ford, they had to get to work to put the sappers. You my work finished at midnight. 8. guards mechanized corps in the course of the 17. April led the heavy fighting on the Seelowské heights. 1. guards tank brigade managed at noon to occupy the Dolgelin, but further action stopped by strong fire from the area of Vorwerka. 20. guards mechanized brigade attempted an attack on the Libbenichen, but failed. 19. and 21. guards mechanized brigade were in the second echelon of and provide prvosledovým brigades fire support. Katukov the evening decided that Čujkovovým forces will leave only two brigades and even 8. guards mechanized corps moves in the direction of 11. guards tank corps. All three guards rifle corps 8. guards army on the contrary, had to stay in their assigned sectors and continue the attack on the heights. That started at 8:15 to 8:30 after a variously long artillery preparation. In the sector 4. guards rifle corps 35. and 47. guards missile division join process 11. tank corps. 57. guards missile division afternoon after obchvatném maneuver occupied already almost surrounded the town of Seelow and released to Görlsdorfu. The morning of the 17th. April have been cleaned passages in the ruins of the destroyed railway bridge on the line between Ludwigslustem and Friedersdorfem. This allowed the 29. gardovému rifle regiment to renew the offensive activity. 27. and 74. guards missile division for the aid 40. and 44. guards tank brigade encircled and conquered Friedersdorf. The next procedure was but stopped a counter-attack the Division of the panzer grenadiers Kurmark. The choir additionally, the afternoon came about the support of the tank brigades, which Katukov, as already mentioned, reassigned. 82. guards missile division, which formed the second echelon of the corps, was moved to Görlsdorfu. The least successful part of the 8. guards army was 28. guards rifle corps. 79. and 88. guards missile division together with the parts 8. guards mechanized corps morning led combat activities on the border of the reich highway no. 5. The afternoon was but a mechanized corps from the fight taken out and moved to the right wing 1. guards tank army. The already shaky situation 28. corps even deepened the slow progress of neighboring 69. army.

Left wing
With the advent of the night of the 16. 17. April, 247. shooting division 61. rifle corps managed to re-conquer the Schönfließ. At 8:30 went corps 69. army after a half-hour artillery preparation of the attack. However, ran into heavy fire, led from the dense network of German trenches, which were additionally extensively braced minovými field. The military has not achieved any significant success. At 9:00 occupied 25. rifle corps Mallnow. At 14:30 25. the corps renewed the offensive activity against the position of the German 169. infantry division, but could occupy one, two rows of trenches. 61. choir twice attacked the German trenches, but reached the same success as 25. choir. Defence force 712. infantry division was reinforced by a platoon of tanks Tiger II of Heavy tank section SS 502. 91. rifle corps he also led the two attacks, but could occupy only a single series of trenches. The whole army so nepostoupial for the whole day, more than two kilometers. 33. army surged to the attack till 9:00 after a half-hour artillery preparation. 383. missile division 16. rifle corps has reached to the end of the day Markendorfu, which began to clean it from enemy troops. 38. rifle corps sent out to fight two regiments of 64. rifle division, which kept contact with the procedure 16. corps. 62. choir expanded the bridgehead in the forest of the massif west of Brieskowa plus sent 222. shooting division to the south, which here crossed the channel Oder-Spree.

Right wing
47. army had recorded 16. April relative success. Due to the position on the wing could hope that the enemy will not be as strong as on the heights. The army bolstered 7. the equestrian corps. Infantry should lead the attack on the line of Wriezen - Kunersdorf and into the breach then had a go riding the choir, which then had a along with 2. gardovou panzer army move quickly on Berlin that there were earlier, than there will be able to download units of the German 9. army. The germans but the weakness of the defense in this area realized this and moved here from backup 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. This was after the repulse of the soviet attack even go to the counter. Troops 47. army knocked in 6:00 after a half-hour artillery preparation of the attack. Morning despite the heavy fire of the enemy overcame the first defense line of the enemy and crossed over to the second line, which in the 13:20 attacked. Due to the arrival of the German reserve division but this effort did not lead to success. Night led 77. rifle corps battle of Wriezen and 125. and 129. rifle corps arrived to Friedländer Tree, that part of their force crossed and established a bridgehead on the other bank. Army for a whole day insulted about five kilometers, and no big breakthrough, therefore, did not take place. 3. shock army kept 7. rifle corps in the second sequence and the forward progressed 12. gardovým rifle corps and 79. rifle corps. In the first line of the rolled four shooting divisions of nine, which the army had at its disposal. 150. and 171. missile division 79. corps arrived to Friedländer Tree and began to prepare for his transition. 12. guards rifle corps to flow also approached, and parts 23. and 33. rifle division him crossed. The army is so vklínila to the second German defensive line.

Crossing the Oder river on the right edge
The second day of the attack 61. army finally began, the planned excess over the Oder. Reconnaissance groups of divisions 9. guards rifle corps after midnight, began to make his way through to the other side. One of them in the night, managed to occupy a dam south of the Neuglietzenu. At 4:05 artillery preparation began, which lasted till 4:50. At 4:20 under the firing cover of began troops 61. army make his way through to the other side. 75. guards rifle division managed from the running to occupy the Neuglietzen. However, the 56. mysliveckému regiment 5. hunting division managed to rudoarmějcům in the further expansion of the bridgehead to prevent. When darkness fell, started one company 286. an amphibious battalion on the other side to carry the unit 397. rifle division.

Summary of the second day
Marshal Zhukov couldn't be with the course of the second day of the fighting satisfied. A number of sites occurred due to the size of deployed forces to only a very small procedure. The largest criticism it garnered 69. army. On the contrary, holds the greatest promise was a breakthrough 1. mechanized corps along the road no. 167, the conquest of Seelowa and swipe 1. guards tank army to the west into the area Görlsdorfu. Defense 9. paradesantní division here in the area Wulkowa had to reinforce the two regiments of the 18. the division of the panzer grenadiers. The commander of the army Group Vistula also decided to send the other reserve forces to the front. 11. volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland began to move into the area west of Seelowa and 23. volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nederland to the area south of Frankfurt an der Oder. The fighting knocked out even Heavy tank section SS 503.

18. April - bypass Seelowských heights

the Deployment of German advances
The task of the main strike grouping was to develop the success, which succeeded the previous carve out on the contact 5. shock and 8. guards army. While soviet troops clashed with newly arrived divisions Nordland[/url and, finally, even [url=]Nederlandwhich, although originally she was sent to the south to Frankfurt, but in the end had to be deployed to the middle in subjection XI. tank corps of the SS. Division Nordland was assigned to LIONS. panzer corps. The division should prevent further penetration of the soviet troops into the area between the LIONS. tank corps and XI. the tank corps of the SS. Corps commander general Weidling she therefore ordered to concentrate south-east of Jahnsfelde and in the morning 18. April carried out a counterattack towards the south-east. But the division until the evening didn't get rationed gasoline, so her tanks had to stay in one place. In defensive battles so division has sent at least his regiment of panzer grenadiers who served in the role of infantry. Division Nederland was deployed on the left wing XI. tank corps of the SS, where she tried to stop the advance of the soviet troops on the northern foot of the Seelowských heights.

Procedure 5. shock army along with 2. gardovou panzer army
In the third day of operation 5. shock army the attack in the area of the forest massif and the network of lakes at the river Stöbber. The troops of the army during the day had advanced about four miles and reached the German main line of defense. In conjunction with 5. hard-hitting army continued the attacks and the two corps 5. guards tank army. 37. mechanized brigade 1. mechanized corps trying to keep at the forefront of a breakthrough into the German defence. Along with her progressed 48. guards tank brigade 12. guards tank corps. Both the brigade in the morning crossed the river, Stöbber and continued the advance to the west. At 10:00 took Ringenwalde. It is worth noting that in battle fell here the commander of the 48. the brigade of colonel In. Also. Makarov, hero of the Soviet union. From Ringenwalde continued every brigade in the other direction. At 14:30 37. brigade arrived to Batzlowu, where to hit the strong resistance of the enemy. When darkness fell, the brigade to the village burst in. In the meantime, part of the brigade went to Ihlowu, on whose western edge of this reconnaissance detachment arrived at 16:00. In that time 48. the brigade attacked on the Reichenberg. 37. brigade through Stöbber carried 35. and 19. mechanized brigade, which is at 19:00 were assembled in Ringenwalde. 219. tank brigade in conjunction with the brigades 11. tank corps advanced through Wulkow at Hermersdorf, that about nine o'clock occupied. The brigade then ran into determined opposition from units of the division Nordland and 18. the division of the panzer grenadiers, that their progress stopped. 219. the brigade was then moved to the Ringenwalde closer to the rest of his choir. 12. guards tank corps 2. guards tank army weakened 48. gardovou tank brigade also set out to Hermersdorfu. But even he stumbled on the part of the 11. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland and 18. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Procedure forward once again fell on the proven brigade - 37. mechanized and 48. gardovou tank. In Ringenwalde to them in the evening joined another 94. guards rifle and 266. missile division 26. guards rifle corps. This group is here prepared to lunge towards the Batzlow. During the 18. April led the fighting activity also 9. guards tank corps. Sappers during the night they managed again to build transportation via Friedländer Tree and at 6:30 could go the remaining components 47. guards tank brigade across the river. Across the river progressed also infantry 12. guards rifle corps 3. shock army. The morning on the other side were prepared to foot soldiers, tanks, spgs left and the field artillery. Rifle division of the corps went into the attack and fought their way to the east and north-east approaches to Batzlowu, where it is stopped by strong enemy fire. To the village at noon over the Gottesgabe fought their way also 47. guards tank brigade. In the evening it managed to even 50. and 65. guards tank brigade. Front commander temporarily přepodřídil 9. guards tank corps from 3. hard-hitting army.

Procedure 8. guards army along with 1. gardovou panzer army
4. guards rifle corps 8. guards army followed behind the troops 11. tank and 11. guards tank corps 1. guards tank army. The furthest has fought 35. guards missile division that is the end of the day, fought my way to Trebnitz. 11. panzer corps managed to climb up to the units 2. guards tank army. The cast Wulkowa and Hermersdorfu from the previous day made the procedure 20. tank brigade, which occupied Obersdorf. 36. tank brigade conquered in cooperation with forces 11. guards tank corps Trebnitz. In the evening, therefore, the soviet commanders approached Münchebergu to the northeast. An attempt to swipe at Buckow but did not succeed, for too strong German resistance. 11. guards tank corps at 4:00 exceeded in Görlsdorfu the river and set off west in the direction of Müncheberg. 40. guards tank brigade co-operated with 36. tank brigade that cast of Trebnitz. The rest of the choir during the day has conquered the Jahnsfelde. Müncheberg was threatened from the east. 8. guards mechanized corps knocked out of the field Görlsdorfu to the south-southwest and into the evening occupied the Marxdorf. This procedure endangered the volumes XI. tank corps of the SS, holding a position against 8. guards and 69. army on the heights south of the Seelowa. The German units still managed to put an effective resistance. Attempt 28. guards rifle corps the left wing 8. guards army the Germans repelled. On the right wing but 4. guards rifle corps and 82. and 27. guards missile division 29. guards rifle corps could use a breakthrough Katukovových tankers at Seelowa and go through the areas Görlsdorfu. 82. division along with 7. gardovou heavy tank brigade drove the Germans out of Worinu. Units of the army then advanced up to the imperial highway at the Jahnsfelde.

Right wing
Each rifle corps 3. shock army available to support the tank corps. 9. guards tank corps was moved from the main attack group and promoted 12. guards rifle corps. 79. rifle corps progressed in conjunction with 9. tank corps. Operation 12. guards rifle corps of 18. April has already been described above, so we focus on 79. rifle corps. 150. missile division exceeded Friedländer Tree and, in conjunction with 23. and 95. tank brigade 9. tank corps conquered Kunersdorf. 171. missile division at noon, she arrived to Möglinu and afternoon overcame the defenses on the line of Schulzendorf - Möglin. By midnight, the two divisions making a break for up to Frankenfelde. The main opponent to them was 119. a regiment of panzer grenadiers 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. The army had advanced about five miles and surpassed the main defense line of the enemy. In the way of her stood no longer just týlová part of the German defense. The evening was, as already mentioned, 3. shock army subordinate 9. guards tank corps. He was given the task to plunge into the breach between the Möglinem and Batzlowem and then proceeded to Prötzel and in the general direction of Bernau. 18. April surged to the attack and 47. army. At 8:00 after more than a half-hour artillery preparation started to move her corps. To the end of the day arrived 77. rifle corps To Wriezenu and began to fight in the streets. By midnight, the city was conquered. 125. and 129. rifle corps in the afternoon reached the road Wriezen - Schulzendorf, that the evening exceeded.

Left wing
The intensity of the fighting in the area 69. army 18. April fell significantly. The army was regrouping to concentrate their efforts on the right wing 25. rifle corps. The left part of your queue the next 61. rifle corps. Then again, part of your queue 91. rifle corps. The attack started at 10:30 after a half-hour artillery preparation. Brought but only a very limited procedure in the field of 61. corps in the middle of the army's front line. However, the overall situation has forced the German command to evacuate the German crew Frankfurt an der Oder and to strengthen these units defenses in other sectors. Download units took place in the night from 18. 19. April, at 5:29 was in the air fired the bridge over the Oder.

Crossing the Oder river on the right edge
18. April was also the 61. army, which expanded its bridgehead. 9. guards rifle corps in the course of the night tried to expand their bridgehead and at the same time has transported his remaining part over the river. The pursuit of the expansion of the bridgehead was intensified with the arrival of a new day. The choir in the course of the swelled area under its control about two kilometers. Engineers is early in the morning managed to build a pontoon bridge at Neuglietzenu. This allowed to start with the transportation of self-propelled artillery regiments. After a while, but the bridge is destroyed the German air force, so spg will take had to be transported on barges.

Summary of the third day
Soviet troops on the third day, the operation moves further forward. In many places it wasn't any formidable procedure and Zhukov couldn't be far from satisfied, which, moreover, gave his subordinates again sharply clear. Veelitel front probably didn't expect quick achieve a broad breakthrough, since acquiesced tank army commanders 8. guards and 5. shock army. On the other hand, it is to be noted that it was also the place where the Soviets managed to create the prerequisites for a breakthrough and even the last German line of defence here didn't have far to collapse. The germans had to put into the defense of the last of the reserves, which could in a number of places the Germans to repel or slow down. But the overall situation could not have anything major to change.

19. April: breakthrough

the Adjustment plan
Early in the morning of the 19th. April, Zhukov decided to change the plan of action on the right wing. 47. army, 3. shock army and 5. shock army should curl to the southwest and go directly to the Berlin. 47. army had to attack in the general direction of Haselberg, Lauenburg, Beiersdorf, Bernau, Schildow and Hermsdorf. 3. shock army in the general direction of the Prötzel, Werneuchen, Blankenburg and Tegel. 5. shock army in the general direction of the Strausberg, Altlandsberg, Eiche and Weißensee. 2. guards tank army continued to fight even in the night and in the morning had her 1. mechanized corps occupy Batzlow, 9. guards tank corps Sternebeck and Prötzel, 12. guards tank corps had to go through Ihlowem and conquer Grunow. So should be a broken third German defensive line. It should allow the above lunges 3. and 5. shock army.

Procedure on the middle 1. belarusian front
The transition 5. shock army the attacks had in accordance with the new orders to begin at 10:30 after a half-hour artillery preparation. 1. mechanized corps should act in conjunction with 26. gardovým rifle corps and 12. guards tank corps along with 32. rifle corps. However, the nocturnal activities of tank units changed the situation and undermined the original intent of the command. Troops 2. guards tank army led combat activity even in the night from 18. 19. April, while recorded a significant procedure. Since he was 9. guards tank corps assigned to 3. shock army, advanced 2. guards tank army forward two choirs. Part of the 1. mechanized corps early in the morning rocking their Batzlow, 12. guards tank corps occupied Reichenberg. In the morning 1. mechanized corps conquered Ihlow and Reichenow, from where he sent his brigade in the fan formation on the Prädikow, Prötzel and Sternebeck. 19. mechanized brigade for Prötzelu hit the very strong resistance of the German defenders, who were firing from all sorts of artillery resources. On the contrary, 219. tank brigade the afternoon could occupy Prädikow and headed north to Prötzelu. As well advanced 37. mechanized brigade, which occupied Sternebeck and headed to Prötzelu. The defense here but it was přílši strong, and so general Krivošejn decided not to lose time here and this point to bypass. 37. mechanized brigade turned and ran into the woods west of Prötzelu, where the evening crossed the river Blumenthal. Late in the evening was stopped ženijními obstacles in Gamenského the lake, but after midnight arrived at the Wertpfuhlu to the reich highway no. 158. The remaining brigade of the corps, meanwhile, were concentrated in the forest west of Prötzelu, i.e. behind the front of the brigade. 12. guards tank corps attacked one brigade from Ihlowa on Prötzel, the rest of the brigades on the Grunow. The terrain here was swampy, and the inability to develop tanks in open formation, so the tanks had to advance along the road, where they were an easy target for the German artillery. At three o'clock in the afternoon 34. guards motostřelecká brigade along with 48. gardovou tank brigade occupied Grunow. 49. guards tank brigade attempted attack on Prötzel, but ran into very strong resistance, so he tried to go around from the south-west. But here in the woods to hit the obstacles, which it stopped. The brigade then shifted more to the south, to lead the attack to the west of Grunowa. Troops 2. guards army 19. April penetrated the third German defensive line and traveled to the west. In the lead was the 1. mechanized corps, which penetrated to a distance of 30 kilometers. Chorus but rode to the area, which according to the plan seemed to sector 3. shock army. Of troops 2. guards tank army so, in conjunction with the units 5. shock army progressed 12. guards tank corps as 1. mechanized corps then pulled into the space 3. shock army and 9. guards tank corps she has already been přepodřízen at the end of the previous day. However, 26. guards rifle corps and right wing 32. rifle corps, specifically, 60. guards missile division from assembly 5. shock army with the support of tankers 12. guards tank corps have driven the Germans from the area to the east of Ringenwalde and develop the attack into the open position in the direction of Reichenberg, Ihlow, Grunow. Corps advanced about 10 kilometers. Adverse terrain the most slowed down the process 9. rifle corps, who travelled the 5 kilometers. The corps commander decided not to attack head-on on the Buckow, but that it tries to bypass from the south and the north. 301. missile division walked around the city and Schermützelské lake from the north, while the 248. missile division passed to the south of the city on a narrow strip of land between the Weißerským and Abendrothským the lake. 9. rifle corps 5. shock troops in the fighting in Buckowa helped 11. panzer corps from 1. guards tank army, which was originally to support the infantry attack 8. guards army. The commander of the 11. tank corps general Juščuk after an unsuccessful morning assault Buckowa advanced with the infantry, 9. rifle corps in the two streams. The northern task group formed 65. tank brigade, 50. heavy tank regiment, 1493. and 1461. self-propelled artillery regiment and 12. motostřelecká brigade together with minometnými light artillery regiments. Command of this formation kept the corps commander. The south wing, that formed a 20. and 36. tank brigade, to battle led the chief of staff of the corps general Gricenko. Commanders marched on from Buckowa than infantry. The right wing well into the evening arrived to the area near the Grunowa that have already been cleaned by other soviet forces, and the left wing proceeded to Dahmsdorfu on the northern edge of Münchebergu, where it was stopped a strong German fire. According to the original plan should 11. tank and 11. guards tank corps 1. guards tank army to break the German defenses and fight your way to the east, respectively south-east edge of Berlin. 8. guards mechanized corps was in cahoots with the left wing of the 29. guards rifle corps the attack in the direction of the Fürstenwalde to the rear of the enemy defending Seelowské heights. However, the rapid and wide breakthrough with 19. April didn't happen. 11. guards tank corps in the morning, he tried a quick attack from running, tried to occupy the Müncheberg, but encountered strong resistance, Panzer division Müncheberg. The choir then at noon, in conjunction with 29. gardovým rifle corps 8. guards army began with a bypass of the city from the south. Even that wasn't simple. 27. guards missile division progressing along with 44. and 45. gardovou tank brigade to hit right on the southeast edge of the city to artillery fire from Münchebergu together with fire from mortars and anti-tank guns led from Elisenhofu. The afternoon was conducted a powerful artillery ambush Münchebergu and the adjacent Elisenhofu, at the end of which surged into attack against the city 82. guards missile division supported by 7. gardovou heavy tank brigade with tanks, IS-2. At the same time struck against Elisenhofu 27. division 44. and 45. brigade. From the north headed to the city bypass 47. guards missile division 4. guards rifle corps, that afternoon reached Dahmsdorfu. In the evening, then managed to resistance to the Germans in Münchebergu break and the city was conquered. Even when he started the resistance of the Germans in the city fade restore the southern group of the procedure and until midnight arrived through the Eggersdorf to Schönfelde. 8. guards mechanized corps in the morning he led an unsuccessful struggle with the parts of the 23. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nederland (Dutch no. 1) and in the afternoon, commander 1. guards tank army Katukov moved in the direction of, which proceeded to 11. guards tank corps. Katukovova the army may have failed to fulfill the assigned tasks for the day, however, the third German line of defense was the fall of the Münchebergu been broken. Bundles of 8. guards army during the day to share successes and failures 1. guards tank army. 4. and 29. guards rifle corps in the morning send a selected group to carry out a survey of fighting. In the noon, then after a half-hour artillery preparation went into the attacks part of the 4., 28. and 29. guards rifle corps. 4. the corps operated together with the 11. tank corps for Buckowa and Dahmsdorfu, 29. the corps participated in the battles of Müncheberg and 28. the choir walked around the northern edge of the Seelowských heights and progressed to the south and southwest.

Right wing
Troops 47. army 19. April broke through the German defenses at the line Wriezen – Kunersdorf. After her unit in accordance with the order queue changed direction from northwest to west and southwest. Of great help was the action of 9. guards tank corps 2. guards tank army. This is when your procedure partially received in the space 129. rifle corps 47. the army broke the German defenses and allow the infantry to advance. Axis procedure, ward was the railway from Wriezenu to Werneuchenu. The attack set off shortly after midnight. 47. and 50. guards tank brigade advanced north of the rail body 65. tank brigade and 33. motostřelecká brigade south of it. By morning, the brigade reached the level of Frankenfelde and in the afternoon they went through the lines Harnekop – Sternebeck, which broke through the German third line of defence. After the units of the corps continued through the forest massif. The evening reached 47. brigade, together with two battalions 33. brigade of the imperial road no. 158 and began to struggle for Steinbeck, that before midnight conquered. 65. brigade night occupied the forest settlement Biesow, in which cross several forest roads. The success of the 9. guards tank corps allowed 129. rifle corps move forward. In the evening reached the chorus Markraběcího lake and Biesowa. The remaining two corps 47. army but left behind. 125. rifle corps made use of the breakthrough of the neighboring corps to attack on the exposed flank of the German defense and continued in the unsuccessful frontal attacks, until the commander of the army ordered the corps to attempt to bypass. On the right army wing was 77. rifle corps stopped by strong fire of the defenders, who retreated into the Freienwaldského the forest. 47. the army had extended the left wing and the like facing to the northwest, although according to the warrant should be directed to the southwest. Not so to put a 7. guards cavalry corps, which was to invade-won breakthrough. 3. strike army 19. April the morning began in accordance with the order turn to the southwest direction. 12. guards and 79. guards rifle corps should reach the western edge of the Prötzelského forest on line Werftpfuhl – Wesendahl. This would 3. strike army went over the flank of the German defenders, who tried to keep the procedure of the soviet main strike grouping. The army advanced with the help of 9. tank and 9. guards tank corps, to which the afternoon joined still 1. mechanized corps. Shooting choirs dobývaly center of resistance, which mechanized corps treated. 33. and 52. guards rifle division 12. guards rifle corps early in the morning, to clear the Batzlow. His 23. guards missile division then from the southeast attacked the Prötzel, who till night captured and cleaned. 79. rifle corps sent out to attack in the first echelon of only two divisions. 207. missile division, together with the 1203. self-propelled artillery regiment and two battalion 351. self-propelled artillery regiment conquered Frankenfelde and Harnekop. 171. missile division in conjunction with the 85. tank regiment and two battalions of 351. self-propelled artillery regiment in the evening arrived at the forest hamlet of Blumenthal.

Left wing
As a result, that 8. guards army shifted more to the north, where she was watching the procedure 1. guards tank army, had part of her the previous section assume the 69. army. She also finally can boast first successes. Even in the night 25. rifle corps managed to conquer the Carzig. 283. missile division on the left flank in conjunction with the units 33. the army occupied the freshly abandoned part of Frankfurt, on the right bank (i.e. today's Słubice). At 9:30, she joined troop 69. army after a half-hour artillery preparation for a general attack. In the evening 25. rifle corps occupied the Alt Mahlisch and 61. rifle corps Niederjesar. 33. the army is 19. April, devoted mainly stocking the eastern part of the Frankurtu, which fell mainly on the 129. shooting division. The rest of the army is dug in and reflect counterattacks. The strongest one was led against the position of 383. rifle division in Markendorfu.

Crossing the Oder river on the right edge
Troops of 61. army 19. April continued the battles for the expansion of the bridgehead on the west bank of the Oder. The fights with the Germans here tempt the units 89. shooting and 9. guards rifle corps. Both during the day cede roughly one kilometre. The activity 415. rifle division supported the twenties samochodek SU-76 from 312. self-propelled artillery regiment. 286. amphibious battalion continued to transport across the river people and the technique. The army had advanced to the Old Oder, which had the following day to cross. The left wing of the Polish 1. army 19. April crossed to the north of Wriezenu the Old Oder and moved less than three miles.

Summary of the fourth day
The most striking result of the fighting of the fourth day was a successful breakthrough in the space 8. guards army and 1. guards tank army. Both by perforating the third German defensive line in Münchebergu and gaining room for manoeuvre on the west and southwest direction to rehabilitate in the eyes of the commander of the front, who was not satisfied with their current procedure. The army on the right wing did not fulfil the tasks assigned to them. However, even in the space of 2. guards tank, 3. strike and 5. shock army achieved a breakthrough in the last German defensive line. The deployment of German advances forced the soviet forces in some places to change the direction of attack, sometimes even into the space of the neighboring armies. 9. guards tank corps was subordinated to the 3. shock army of the order of the previous day, 1. mechanized corps got in her space when circumvention Prötzelu.

20. – 22. April: the procedure 1. belarusian front to Berlin

in General
Breakthrough the third and last the more pronounced the German defensive line allowed the troops to 1. belarusian front, significantly accelerate the pace of progress on the Berlin of the units of kilometers to tens of kilometers. There is also some rearrangement. The Front was during the previous days, organised into strong clusters in the middle, two wings and next to them even on the edges of the section of the front to operate other peripheral formation. Now the front moved forward in two wings, which continue on the sides to cover the extreme of the formation. The right wing in the Berlin approach from the northeast, accounted for 47. army, 3. shock army and 2. guards tank army. The left wing of the attacking along the imperial highway no. 1 consisted of 8. guards army, 5. shock army and 1. guards tank army. On the left edge of surgery 69. and 33. army and on the right 61. army and the Polish 1. army.

Right wing
2. guards tank army, which prorvala Prötzelským through the woods, he sent his troops to attack the west, southwest and southern direction. 1. mechanized corps 20. April morning set off in the direction of Bernau, which was located in the space 47. army. Evening to the city rushed tanks 219. tank brigade together with the technique 19. and 35. mechanized brigade. 37. mechanized brigade proceeded in parallel. The city defended the patchwork of different units, including the militia and the police. Support provided the cannon air defense of Berlin. The germans couldn't great odds long to resist, to midnight, the Soviets, the city conquered. On the right wing of the army advanced in the direction of the Rüdnitz and Ladenburg 9. guards tank corps. His 47. guards tank brigade in the evening occupied the Ladenburg and 65. guards tank army fought their way into the area southeast of the Rüdnitz. 12. guards tank corps struck into the back of the head of the German units that opposed to 5. shock army. The choir had the morning to go to Tiefensee and from there continue on south in the direction of Werneuchen and its surroundings. Due to the traffic jam but set off with a delay and only around noon, arrived in Werftpfuhlu. But then accelerated the pace and in the evening arrived to Altlandsbergu, who tried to conquer from running, which is him but failed. The evening of Zhukov Bogdanovovi ordered as soon as possible to set off to Berlin and into the early morning broke through into the city. Bogdanov warrant held only partially. 9. gardovému panzer corps ordered to continue the advance to the west. 1. mechanized corps had to immediately go into another attack and still have until midnight to conquer Schwanebeck. On the morning of 21. April was then cast Blankenburg and Malchow. 12. guards tank corps had control Altlandsberg and then fight your way to the northeast edge of the neuenhagen branch. Bogdanov is so Zhukov answered only in the case of warrant for 1. mechanized corps, the remaining two corps should basically continue in obkličování of the city. Mechanized corps in the morning proceeded to the city in two groups along the imperial highway no. 1 and highway no. 158. At noon, 219. and 35. the brigade occupied the Malchow and reached the northern edge of the Weißensee. To him arrived late in the afternoon and 37. brigade. Suburbs prevented the remnants of the 9. paradesantní division enhanced the domobrance. Krivošejnův choir gradually fought through the berlin suburbs. Procedure forward was based on the procedure of two tanks, one on each side of the street, taking the left tank led the fire to the right and vice versa. Thirty metres behind them came the self-propelled guns ISU-122, which eliminated the discovered nests of resistance. Behind them then took the other two tanks, which led the fire to the upper floors of buildings. The gunners were defenders hidden in cellars. Late in the evening 22. April 1. mechanized corps drove to the south edge of the Weißensee and began the battle for Berlin as such. 12. guards tank corps to midnight conquered Altlandsberg. Then crossed the Berlin orbital motorway and occupied Hönow. In penetration on him was to prevent the German LIONS. panzer corps. The 22. April morning tried to counter-attack on the Hönow. This attempt was repulsed tanks IS-2 from 65. heavy panzer regiment. Night, this point took over the infantry 5. shock army and the commanders could continue on. In the evening they arrived to the Here and Eiche. 9. guards panzer corps had by the evening of the 21st. April occupy Hennigsdorf. Then you should make the right wing and the rest of the forces go to the south to occupy Spandau. The choir 22. April morning fought his way to the eastern shore Hohenzollernského channel. In the evening the channel has exceeded the motopěchota and engineers began building pontoon bridges. The resistance of the defenders, who defended stretch of the front 47. the army quickly grew fainter, and her choirs so they could go forward. In the evening to advance into the area between the reich highway no. 2 and the imperial road no. 158, while achieving line Albertshof, Schönfeld, Weesow. In principle, then fill the space between the advancing corps 2. guards tank army. From the afternoon hours began the artillery firing on Berlin. It wasn't about not aimed fire, the aim was only to the demoralization of the defenders of the city. In the night part of the units of the army participated in the conquest and purification of Bernau. Troops 47. the army moves forward and 21. April. 77. rifle corps had to provide cover for the right flank of the army, because the Polish 1. the army was late. At noon the army crossed the beltway highway at Buchu and arrived to Buchholzu. The next day 47. the army turned to the west and worked as a part of the ring around Berlin. 3. strike army 20. April advanced along the imperial road no. 158 and occupied Werneuchen. Early in the morning 21. April was 79. rifle corps to cross the circular highway at Karowa and continue the attack into the city. 12. guards rifle corps had to occupy the Lindenberg and also continued towards the city. Troops 3. shock army in the morning to launch an attack in the crossed circular highway and proceeded south, while druhosledová 150. rifle division occupied Karow. Troops 3. shock army began fighting in the suburbs of Berlin.

Left wing
The core of the German forces that were trying to impede the process units 5. strike and 8. guards army, formed the LIONS. panzer corps, which 20. April held a defensive line at the line Gartenstadt, Klosterdorf, Hasenholz, Dahmsdorf, Müncheberg. While the 2. guards tank army in tow with the 3. hard-hitting army, and 47. the army on the right flank advanced quickly forward and prokousávaly first villages and cities near Berlin, and then the suburbs to the city, the procedure 5. shock army slowed down. Her 9. and 32. rifle corps hit 20. April on the approaches to the Strausbergu strong resistance. Per day so they advanced about six miles. Something better led 26. guards rifle corps, who had advanced eleven miles. In addition, there was operating 11. panzer corps, which, after overruling the Buckowa set off on the Strausberg. General Berzarin decided to take advantage of the relative success of your 26. the choir, the presence of a tank corps and rychléh the procedure of the neighboring 3. shock army and ordered Strausberg bypass. Bypass conducted by 26. gardovým rifle corps, penetration 12. guards tank corps to Altlandsbergu, therefore, to the back of the head of the defenders of the Strausbergu, led to the collapse of the defensive line before the rest of the 5. shock army. In the morning 9. and 32. rifle corps stormed the Strausberg again, and this time it conquered. Most of the German defenders is pulled into the gap between the southern edge of the Bötzského lake and the western edge of the Hennikendorfu and further to Bruchmühle and Seebergu. Downloading forces the LIONS. tank corps made it easier for situation 5. shock army, but on the contrary complicate the 8. guards army. 4. guards rifle corps 20. April attacked the forces 35. and 47. guards rifle division in the area roughly between Buckowem and Münchebergem. His procedure here slowed down by an artillery barrage, firing mortars and dug-in tanks. Chorus yet stepped forward, however, only about four kilometers. Much better was the situation in the neighboring 29. guards rifle corps, which moved forward in units of 1. guards tank army. His 27. guards missile division through a forest massif southwest of Münchebergu and attacked in the direction of Kagel. In total during the day progressed the right wing choir about twelve, and left wing even about thirty miles. 28. guards rifle corps advanced toward the southwest from the Münchebergu. The decomposition of the German defense in Altlandsbergu over 21. April due to a penetration of 12. guards tank corps from the north, allow 8. guards army to accelerate the pace of the procedure. 1. guards tank army broke through the third German line of defence south of Münchebergu and darted toward the southeast into the space between the LIONS. tank corps and XI. the tank corps of the SS. 11. guards tank corps arrived on the night of the 19th. 20. April to the river Löcknitz and at noon crossed. Another barrier to Kalkské and Stienitzské lake. The stretch between the lakes around Rüdersdorfu the Germans have strongly impeded, however, 44. guards tank brigade the evening of the 21st. April managed to at Tasdorfu to occupy the bridge over the river, which both lakes it connects, and proceed further west. Early in the morning 22. April has exceeded the brigade circular highway. The other brigades of the corps act for her. 8. guards mechanized corps in the morning of the 20th. April set off the southern and south-western direction from Münchebergu into the back of the head XI. tank corps of the SS. The afternoon part of the corps arrived to the river Spree, west of Fürstenwalde. The choir began preparing the river crossings, but Katukov in the night the corps he commanded to set aside a forthcoming sortie to the south and veered west to Berlin. To the city mechanized corps proceeded in the direction of Erkner, which lies between the two lakes. The chorus to the city arrived in the morning and going on the attack. In the afternoon the town was busy and the soviet tanks could roll on to Berlin. Breakthrough Katukovových corps lake areas lighten 8. guards army. The still 21. April sent 29. guards rifle corps, to take advantage of the breakthrough 11. guards tank corps and ran Tasdorfem. 22. April then a breakthrough 8. guards mechanized corps used the 28. guards rifle corps, that passed through Erkner. Rifle corps 8. guards army so fit in the struggle for the berlin suburbs.

South rim
German troops standing in front of the 69. the army of the northwest from Frankfurt retreated in a westerly direction. Army during 20. April had advanced about twenty miles to the south-west and south and the following day another twenty kilometers to the south. 33. the army basically did not progress forward as it was closing in on the rest of the German forces in Frankfurt.

North edge
61. army 20. April crossed the Old Oder. 397. missile division in conjunction with the 286. separate motostřeleckým the banner of the special purpose crossed several branches of the river southwest of Bralitz and occupied Falkenberg. 415. rifle division captured the Bad Freienwalde. 356. missile division then advanced up to the Dannenbergu. The following day the army advanced further to the west. 89. shooting set off along the imperial road no. 167 to Eberswalde. 9. guards rifle corps and part of the 80. rifle corps advanced into the area south of Eberswalde. The procedure of the Polish 1. the army was slower than the procedure of the nearby soviet units. The right wing 47. army 20. April moved away twenty kilometres from the Polish units. However, the following day the Poles gradually sped up the pace and by the evening of the 21st. April got up on the line Trampe, Danewitz, Rüdnitz, Schmetzdorf. Since the late procedure 2. belarusian front, she had to have the Polish army together with 61. army take care of ensuring the right side of 1. the belarusian front. In practice, this meant curling up on the north and secure the area after Finowský channel..
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Before the attack

Koněvův 1. Ukrainian front had the advantage of being prepared and his attack in the dense forests on the east bank of the River. Training may have failed to completely conceal, however, German intelligence had a job significantly more complicated than in the case of 1. belarusian front. When the 15. April darkness fell, I took off on survey on the western bank of the River reinforced rifle battalions. These units but encountered strong and organized resistance of the enemy, although have found that the first line of the trenches is largely abandoned.

16. April: the transition Nisy

Preparation and transition of the frontal attack units
Artillery and air preparation began at 4:15. After a short bombardment the first line of defense is artillery focused on the second line of defense. A hail of projectiles, bombs, and forced the defenders to seek shelter, which allowed the engineers to build assault bridges. Infantry again could have a relatively calm board the boat. At 4:55 artillery laid a smoke screen and then transferred fire on targets at a greater distance. Reinforced battalions prvosledových divisions could start with the transition Nisa after the assault bridges and using small vessels. When these frontal units acquired part of the territory, started the engineers build pontoon bridges. An hour after they could to the other side to start to carry the main force prvosledových divisions. It took them about an hour. At the time engineers complete their larger pontoon bridges with a load capacity of 30 tonnes and for the next three hours were built bridges with fixed supports, which had a carrying capacity of 60 tons.

Right wing - 3. guards army
The right wing of the main strike grouping of 1. Ukrainian front formed the 3. guards army general Vasily gordo's. The army was divided into two sequences. In the first was five rifle divisions in second echelon three shooting division. In reserve then the army had 389. shooting division. In the area of the attack 3. guards army was the city Forst, from which the Germans have made a strong foothold conscription into the line at the Nise. The city defended granátnický regiment 554 of the 342. infantry division. The unit 149. rifle division 120. rifle corps exceeded Nisa southeast of the city and began an attack on the city. 555. rifle regiment 127. rifle division from the same ward in the meantime occupied Keune, which had strongly attacked the battle the air force. 253. and 329. missile division 21. rifle corps after crossing the River overcome the defense granátnického regiment 697 from the same German division and rolled into the woods in Groß Bademeusel and Klein Bademeusel. First thing in the morning then managed to break through the German defenses to a depth of three miles, so could be deployed to strike part of the forces of the army. The fight was set 25. panzer corps. 149. missile division in the meantime prokousávala Forst and late in the afternoon began to conquer the center of the city. 76. rifle corps he sent one division to attack from the east on the Forst, the other was given the role of a cover of a possible counterattack from the north and the third was about the transition of the River northeast of the city. Artillery support of the attack on the city to provide two batteries 183. houfnicové artillery brigade large cardinality with 203mm houfnicemi. 253. and 329. missile division they went through the forest for Bademeuselem and arrived to Groß Schackdorfu. 127. missile division along with 175. tank brigade 25. tank corps just got Forst from the south and attacked the Noßdorf. Councils 3. guards army during the day they advanced about four to six miles. A breakthrough was made in front wide ten miles. 58., 197. and 389. missile division remained in the reserve and in the fighting during the first day of been involved. The army was according to plan during the day to advance more into the depth of the German defense, however, its effect can be assessed as quite successful.

In the afternoon was 21. rifle corps 3. guards army supported by 6. gardovým tank corps 3. guards tank army general Rybalka. Tank army advanced to the south from Forstu. Her forehead formed a 51. guards tank brigade just from 6. guards tank corps. The brigade at noon, crossed the south of the Keune Nisa and darted in Domsdorf, to which the afternoon arrived, but cast him out of the running with her for the too strong German resistance failed. Sent at least one battalion to the Forstu, to here supported the division 120. rifle corps during the conquest of the city. 52. guards tank brigade the advanced more to the south. After crossing the river went to the west and in the evening hit in Groß Schackdorfu to intense German fire. By side shooting units then engaged in fighting this village. 53. guards tank brigade progressed in the second echelon behind the 51. and 52. brigade. 22. guards motostřelecká brigade across the river transported up to the evening, so in the fighting the first day of the hit. The first sequence 6. guards tank corps together with the first series of 21. rifle corps during the first day advanced about nine kilometers. It wasn't exactly a bad result, however, the plan counted with twice the distances.

Center - to- 13. army
In the middle of the main strike grouping operated on the armies of the 13. army. On the right wing of the army stood 102. rifle corps, which all three of its rifle division built into one sequence. Attack of the corps supported the 7. guards tank corps 3. guards tank army. His 54. guards tank brigade, 56. guards tank brigade and 23. guards motostřelecká brigade while Nisa exceeded until during the afternoon and evening, and later than a brigade 6. guards tank corps, nevertheless able to advance more in depth of the German defense. In the evening, together with the infantry 12. rifle corps occupied Groß Kölzig and Klein Kölzig, which walked into the German defence of the wedge at a depth of thirteen miles. 9. mechanized corps was in the second echelon and the river crossed to 7. gardovém tank corps and in the fighting that day did not hit. On the left flank, 13. army progressed 27. rifle corps. When the choir in the first half of the day has carved out a bridgehead, walked to him, the unit 10. guards tank corps 4. guards tank army. The first day it was about the 62. gardovou tank brigade and 29. gardovou motostřeleckou brigade. Shortly after noon the brigade arrived to Tschernitzu and Dubraucke (today Eichwege), where it ran into strong German resistance. Afternoon here to support the attack 350. rifle division to both municipalities. During the day he succeeded at the cost of relatively small losses to advance about ten miles. 61. and 63. guards tank brigade late in the evening crossed the Nisa, however, remained in the second echelon and in the fighting during the first day of been involved. Also druhosledový 24. rifle corps 13. army crossed during the evening of Nisa. In Köbeln was on the western shore of the transported 6. guards mechanized corps 4. tank army. At night followed him 5. guards mechanized corps the same army.

Left wing - 5. guards army
On the left flank of the main strike grouping of the front attack 5. guards army general Žadova. She had to both exceed the Nisa, both to eliminate the German bridgehead on the east bank at Muskau. In parallel with the other offensive components of the front crossed in the morning the river Nisa 32. guards rifle corps. The choir was rozestaven into two sequences. The first accounted for 95. and 13. guards missile division. Support them provided 4. guards tank corps. During the day this formation has advanced about eight miles. Druhosledová 97. guards missile division was on the beachhead transported up to the end of the day. On the morning of the attack on the left from the 95. division, and expand the bridgehead. The task of the liquidation of the German bridgehead was commissioned by 34. guards rifle corps. His 58. guards missile division crossed the river, while the other two rifle division attacked on the part of the German bridgehead, which was located in front of them. The first is to the river fought their way 15. guards missile division, which even during the morning she started with her transition and into the evening occupied on the west bank of the concomitant bridgehead. 14. guards missile division to the river broke through at noon, and then also crossed the Nisa. On the opposite bank has secured a small bridgehead. Druhosledový 33. guards rifle corps remained during the first day on the eastern shore, as for him on the beachhead was not enough space.

the Germans slide in the backup
The German command expected the attack to the Saxony, therefore the German power standing against the 1. the Ukrainian front for Nisou were relatively weak. There were two infantry divisions and several battalions of the militia. On them right now should shed several soviet armies. Slow down their procedure could only deploy backups. Mobile the advance of the army group Center but were located at the Zhořelce. Deployed it could be just the 21. tank and The accompanying division, which was basically a division of the panzer grenadiers. Panzer division is holding position along the highway of Berlin by Vratislavy and the division of the panzer grenadiers then by the road to the Sprembergu. From Zhořelce still went 10. panzer division SS Frundsberg, but faced with a lack of fuel, and so had their rear unit to leave at the Bautzen. From the area of the city Guben were to Cottbus downloaded battle group 215. and 275. infantry division along with 70. sapper brigade.

17. April: fighting with the German advances

Night fight
Late in the evening they reported to the commanders of tank and motorized rifle brigades, that their forces encountered German tanks. General Leljušenko didn't want to give the enemy time to build defense on a Spree or to prepare a counterattack, so ordered 10. gardovému panzer corps to still in the night he went forward and conquered bridgehead north of the Sprembergu. 6. guards mechanized corps should the same reach the south from the same city. To fight with at night put even the Germans. From the area Noßdorfu led the counterattack on the southern edge of the Forstu. The infantry attack supported nine assault guns, the StuG. The German advance stopped the battery 379. fighter anti-tank regiment 7. fighter-anti-tank brigade. After the repulse of this attack was Forst area surrounded by and cleaned up. Druhosledová 197. missile division surged to the village Gosda, by the end of the day occupied. On her flank was operating on 127. missile division and from the northeast to the city of a 187. missile division. Meanwhile, in the middle of the city fought 149. missile division. At the end of the day, this division was transferred under the 76. rifle corps. While 76. rifle corps eliminate the resistance in the Forstu, 120. rifle corps set off to the west. German 21. panzer division she went over to the counterattack and the attack against front troops 3. guards and 3. guards tank army. 54. guards tank brigade 7. guards tank corps in the evening took Simmersdorf and during the night led the fight for Gahry, which but for the darkness to conquer failed. Until this morning it worked for help 172. rifle division and 23. guards motostřelecké brigade.

Fight about Gahry
Morning but started a German counter-attack. Battle group 21. panzer division attacked the Gahry in the direction from Jeth, Wooden, Trebendorfu and Mattendorfu with the aim of the village to encircle and destroy the here soviet unit. The redcoats are worth the price of the hefty losses on the men and the technique of defend. Among the fallen was the commander of the 2. tank battalion 54. guards tank brigade guards major . In. Chochrjakov, double hero of the Soviet union and veteran of Khalkhyn Gol. Martial activities of the other components of the 7. guards tank corps then definitely eliminate the German threat to the units in Gahry. 23. guards motostřelecká and 55. guards tank brigade circumvent Gahry from the north, and late in the evening occupied the Wooden. 56. guards tank brigade along with 1977. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment at the same time conquered Mattendorf and Trebendorf.

the Procedure in Spremberg
Before the dawn advanced on both sides of the imperial road no. 156 forward of the unit 4. guards tank army. In this area progressed and 27. rifle corps 13. army who cast Döbern and he broke through here the second German defensive line. In the morning 350. missile division for the aid 62. guards tank brigade, 29. guards motostřelecké brigade and 416. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment occupied the Dubraucke (today Eichwege). A hole in the defense to hit tanks 10. guards tank corps. The front detachments became 62. guards tank brigade, which from the north walked around Reuthen and arrived up to the Spree. For her act 61. guards tank brigade and 29. guards motostřelecká brigade, which in the afternoon occupied the Reuthen, then Bloischdorf and in the evening they began to fight about the village of Groß Luja, near which was the railroad Spremberg-Chotěbuz. 63. guards tank brigade stay 17. April in the second sequence and the fighting did not hit. South of the imperial highway act of the unit 6. guards mechanized corps. In the same direction advanced also 34. guards rifle corps 5. guards army. 16. guards mechanized brigade in the morning occupied the Klein Düben. Then advanced together with the 35. gardovou mechanized brigade on the Schleife, which started the evening fight. 17. guards mechanized brigade progressed behind them in the second echelon. 5. guards mechanized corps that day, the fighting did not hit and proceeded in the second echelon behind the 6. choir. Tanks 4. guards tank army 17. April the Germans pushed them back a little more to the west, but to carve out a bridgehead north and south of the Sprembergu they failed. In the meantime, the Germans have moved into the area between the Sprembergem and Chotěbuzí backup.

Koněvovy orders
Even during the day Konev in response to this, that the Germans are retreating behind the river spree and before leaving only smaller clusters, which should block the main strokes, than for the river develops a defense, ordered his ties to offensive continued in the night and from the course of water flow exceeded. It should, preventing the Germans from building a defense for Sprévou. Infantry and tanks had to proceed off the main road and bypassing the fortified settlements because of the frontal attacks would unnecessarily delay the procedure. Konev stressed, that is, on the contrary quickly progress forward, to the soldiers of the line were in Berlin the first, and with honor so fulfill Stalin's order. Further ordered, order to the Spree brought artillery, which should, if necessary, to support the attacking units.

Tank army should be compared to the original plan to curl about ninety degrees, towards the Berlin. 3. guards tank army she in the night from 17. 18. April cross the river spree and quickly develop attack in the general direction of the Vetschau, Golßen, Baruth, Teltow, the southern edge of the Berlin. In the night from 20. 21. April the army had to penetrate from the south into the Berlin. 4. guards tank army she in the night from 17. 18. April cross the river spree in the north of the Sprembergu and quickly develop attack in the general direction of the Drebkau, Calau, Dahme, Luckenwalde. 20. on the evening of April the army had to hold the territory Beelitz, Treuenbrietzen, Luckenwalde. In the night from 20. 21. April was then to dominate the Potsdam and the southwest edge of Berlin. Panzer army should proceed quickly, bypassing the points the stronger the resistance.

18. April – the breakthrough across the river spree

Activity 3. guards army in Forstu
The amendment to the original plan the deployment of the panzer armies for the time being did not affect the plan for deployment of tri-service of the armies of the front. The commander of the 3. guards army his ties to the 18. April ordered to arrive on the eastern bank of the Spree river, from the course of her cross and 19. April morning to occupy the Chotěbuz. It was quite in accordance with the original plan. After the conquest of Cottbus should the army proceed on the Berlin. Major combat operations of the army 18. April took place in the vicinity of Forstu, to which they began to withdraw German advances from the parts of these queues, which were located outside the area of combat activities. 76. rifle corps after heavy street fighting has conquered the Forst, when he sent part of the forces 287. rifle division from the north and northeast, and 149. shooting division from the south and southwest. The remnants of 698. regiment 342. infantry division, 367. regiment 275. infantry division and 36. division of the SS have withdrawn to the north of the city. The remaining two corps of the army led the fighting activity in the area between the imperial road no 112 and the highway of Berlin by Wroclaw. 120. rifle corps once the divisions reflect counterattacks of the adversary and the other divisions, together with the 175. tank brigade proceeded along the railway line from Forstu by Cottbus. 21. rifle corps proceeded to the west along the highway. To overcome the had to the water channel. Overall, it can be stated, that the army did not progress forward very quickly. During the first three days, the operation progressed, on average, six miles a day.

Transition 3. panzer army across the river spree
While 55. gardovou tank brigade created a shield against protiútokům opponent from the north, crossed the 7. guards tank corps shortly after noon, 56. gardovou tank brigade the river spree at the Neumühle. After her on the other shore ran over a 54. and 23. guards tank brigade. 6. panzer corps it was worse. Because of the strong resistance of the German 21. panzer division couldn't cross the water channel Fließ. In the afternoon visited the 7. guards tank corps the commander of the front. He decided that at the Neumühle river exceeds all three of the corps 3. guards tank army. To přepravišti was moved as 6. guards tank corps and 9. mechanized corps. Night the river crossed the 53. guards tank brigade. In the channel Fließ was left 22. guards motostřelecká division, which it in the evening managed to exceed. 7. guards tank corps in the meantime, developed a breakthrough on the west bank of the Spree river. Counter-attack 21. panzer division from the area of the municipality Koppatz, which is located between the Sprévou and Fließem, towards přepravišti at the Neumühle was repulsed 55. gardovou tank brigade. 21. panzer division in addition, since the east came under pressure 58. rifle division 3. guards army, so she had to go to the defense. The German command didn't have enough forces to cover the entire length of the western bank of the Spree river. Able to protect the selected points. Approaches to Cottbus defend 21. panzer division, while approaches to Sprembergu 10. panzer division SS and The accompanying division. However, 7. guards tank corps through non-protected forests provide a stretch between these two points. In the night from 18. 19. April is here carried even 6. guards tank corps and two brigades of 9. mechanized corps.

Transition 4. panzer army across the river spree
Shortly after midnight 18. April ordered the commander of the 4. guards tank army 10. gardovému panzer corps to the morning of the run crossed the river spree at the Sellessenu. 6. mechanized corps should do the same for Trattendorfu. 5. mechanized corps had to occupy positions in Schönheide and wait, whether previously manage to cross the river south or north of the Sprembergu. In the morning 18. April, 62. guards tank brigade 10. guards tank corps occupied Sellessen and ensure defense against potential protiútokům from the south. For her advanced 29. motostřelecká brigade, that of running crossed the river spree and in the evening they fought their way to the road of the Sprembergu by Chotěbuze. The evening was done not in the dock for the tanks, so they could transport the 61. guards tank brigade, which immediately began to expand the bridgehead. In the night from 18. 19. April then part of the corps went into the attack in the direction of the Drebkau and Calau. Part of the 6. guards mechanized corps arrived in the morning to the river and began her pacing. In the evening one got motostřeleckému battalion 16. and 17. mechanized brigade and three motostřeleckým battalions 35. mechanized brigade. Between the units of both corps were shaken, but still dangerous German tank groups. His counter-attack could cause significant problems. Right wing during the day went about seven miles, the left wing about ten miles. However, on the right wing was finished not in the dock for the tanks. The commander of the army in addition received Koněvův order to change the direction of the on Berlin. He commanded, therefore, in the night of the 19th. April 5. mechanizovanému corps to move on the right wing and created a second sequence for the 10. gardovým tank corps. The fact that the army crossed the river spree, surpassing the 1. Ukrainian front the entire depth of the German defense on the Nise. The way to Berlin was open, because in the area there are no extensive backups, which could make a big counter-attack.

19. – 22. April: the struggle for Chotěbuz

19. April
After the breakthrough across the river spree and unloading of tank armies in the Berlin to combat the activities of the capital group 1. Ukrainian front divided into three parts. Part of the forces led the fight for Chotěbuz, the panzer army went to the Berlin and vševojskové army moved forward in a westerly direction. The penetration of tank armies made easier by the fact that the 3. guards army on the right flank of the front established mobile and walking the advances of the enemy. Chotěbuz, which represented an important communication node and whose the conquest was a prerequisite for the sufficient supply of tank armies advancing on the Berlin, prevent 36. division of the SS, 214., 242. and 275. infantry division, 21. panzer division and reconnaissance battalion 10. panzer division SS. 19. April troops 3. guards army on the right wing těsnily adversary, who retreated from the Forstu, and on the left flank crossed the river spree, and act the Chotěbuz. The commander of the army on the 19th. April is ordered to lead the main strike forces of four rifle divisions around the Cottbus to Kolkwitz. On the main the direction of set out to 21. rifle corps in the assembly 58. and 106. and 253. rifle division for the aid 1. breakthrough artillery division, 938. and 1453. self-propelled artillery regiment and 87. the tank regiment. From a backup that was against i 389. missile division. Adjacent 120. rifle corps along with 175. tank brigade should arrive to the Spree north of the Chotěbuze and exceed it. But things not going so well. Cross the river spree to the south of the city, specifically at the Neuhausenu, only managed to 253. shooting division, and moreover, thanks to the activities of neighboring 13. army. 58. missile division led the fight on the east bank of the river near the village of Koppatz. Also 106. and 389. missile division during the day failed to get to the other shore. Even the two remaining corps of the army were not able to get to the other shore.

20. April
20. April south of the city carried through the created not in the dock on the other side of the next unit 21. rifle corps, who then develop the offensive in the west and northwest direction. Afternoon 389. missile division fought their way to Kolkwitz, which interrupted the railway connections from Chotěbuze by Calau. 58. and 253. missile division arrived to the highway of Berlin by Wroclaw. The unit 21. rifle corps during the day faced protiútokům German troops from Chotěbuze, which is trying to push south away from the city. 106. missile division take a defense line facing north and has become the go-between 21. rifle corps and the main forces 3. guards army. Konev 20. on the evening of April visited Gordovovo headquarters and reminded him of the importance of the mastery of the Cottbus, which wanted to occupy the following day. Also ordered, to 25. breakthrough artillery division was after the morning artillery preparation moved to the subordination of the 3. guards tank army. 21. on the evening of April had 21. rifle corps the attack from the south, southwest and west town to dominate. 25. panzer corps had from the area Kolkwitzu attack in the direction of Kunersdorf and Ruben, to dam its retreat to the north and northwest.

21. April
On the Chotěbuz moved two corps 3. guards army. 21. rifle corps the attack in the west bank and 120. rifle corps on the east bank of the Spree river. 389. missile division advanced on the city from the west along the imperial road no. 115. 58. and 253. missile division from morning to tempt the fight about the village along the highway Berlin-Wroclaw, specifically, it was about Gallinchen, Groß Gaglow and Klein Gaglow. In the late afternoon, these were the points occupied and the division crossed the highway. Division 120. rifle corps went after the artillery preparation, carried out by the 25. breakthrough artillery division, to fight on the eastern part of the city, which began shortly penetrate. German troops were in the city surrounded from the west, south and east.

22. April
Konev 3. guards the army assigned this day to the strong support of the air force, which should help with the disposal of the rest of the German forces in the city. Recommend also deployment 25. tank corps. He had but little technique, and still waiting for restocking. 127. missile division 120. rifle corps exceeded in the city of river spree and started seducing the struggle for the center of the city. From the south into the city after a night strike prorvaly 58. and 253. missile division. 389. missile division occupied Ströbitz and chotěbuzské airport. In the afternoon the city fell. Soviet troops then squeezing out the remaining defenders on the north to the swamps. 3. guards army so it has fulfilled the given task. The delay in filling it but the cost of participation in the occupation of Berlin. Took over 28. army that got Konev available from the Strike. The her 21. April sent to followed by 3. gardovou tank army.

19. – 22. April: the procedure of tank armies on Berlin

19. April
19. April morning began the procedure of tank armies of the 1. Ukrainian front northwest Berlin. On the right wing 3. guards tank army darted 6. guards tank corps into the attack along the highway from Berlin to Breslau. Afternoon 53. guards tank brigade conquered Vetschau and continued to Groß Lübbenau, that night occupied. Cleanup Vetschau should ensure 52. guards tank brigade and 22. guards motostřelecká brigade. 51. guards tank brigade in the meantime, received a neighboring village Boblitz. On the left flank, making his way 7. guards tank corps. Its frontal 56. guards tank brigade after lunch, took the Casel, then conquered Ogrosen and evening advanced up to Calau. The remaining brigade of the corps marched for the front brigade. 9. mechanized corps advanced 19. April in the second echelon of and into the fighting part of it. The right wing of the army against possible attacks from Cottbus cover the barrel 16. self-propelled artillery brigade. At the end of the 19. April troops 3. guards tank army made it, what they do for 17. April. On the other hand, for them was the road between the eastern bank of the River and the west bank of the Spree relatively smooth, so suffered less than the estimated loss. Early in the morning of the 19th. April the commander of the 4. guards tank army commanded 10. gardovému panzer corps that continued to attack in the direction of Groß Buckow, Drebkau, Casel, Calau, Luckau, to the end of the day dominated the line of Wittmannsdorf, Zöllmersdorf, Cahnsdorf and was ready for the conquest of the area around the Beelitz by the end of the following day. 6. guards mechanized corps he had early in the morning to cross the Spreetalu river spree and hit the road towards Neupetershain, Altdöbern, Settinchen, to the end of the day, dominate the area Weissack, Bornsdorf, Beesdau and be ready for the conquest of the area around the Luckenwalde by the end of the following day. 5. guards mechanized corps progress for 10. gardovým tank corps and the end of the day to reach the area Garrenchen, Wanninchen, Schlabendorf. The choir had to be ready for the conquest of the area by Treuenbrietzen by the end of the following day. The corps also had to send out a reconnaissance group in the direction of the Finsterwalde and Herzberg. The procedure 4. guards tank army to the reich highway no. 2 so actually he has been covering the south and south-west side of the main strike grouping. In the morning 61. and 63. guards tank brigade 10. guards tank corps carried over the river spree, in 10 hours occupying Drebkau and continued further on Calau, but ran into very strong resistance. This point, therefore, covered 29. guards motostřelecká brigade and tanks Calau flank from the south. 61. guards tank brigade it was evening halted before the Luckau. On the contrary, 63. guards tank brigade get through to the Krossenu (part Drahnsdorfu). For 10. gardovým tank corps progressed 5. guards mechanized corps, that night he arrived to Luckau. The procedure of the two councils in some areas, slowing the presence of units 3. guards tank army, which gradually curved all the way to them running out of orders on change of direction. Most of this was expressed in the Caselu. 6. guards mechanized corps progressed significantly slower and in essence separated from the two remaining corps. The commander of the army, therefore, the corps ordered to the west direction issued to the northwest, and approached so the rest of the army. The penetration of the soviet tank armies cut off the German . army corps from the main force 4. tank army. The corps was therefore 19. on the evening of April přepodřízen 9. army, whose commander, general Busse the corps ordered the move from Lübbenu to of Halbe. At the same time removed from the assembly choir 21. tank army and subjected it directly to the headquarters of the army.

20. April
The germans tried to slow the advance of the soviet troops, which drove the hazy center, secondment infantry division Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and one tank section of the Wünsdorfu. This desperate attempt could have on the fate of the two cities to change anything. Comrades of the red army encountered serious resistance, and rolled rapidly forward on the hazy center. 6. guards tank corps cleared the Lübbenau, and then conquered the Golßen. Frontal 53. guards tank brigade after noon has conquered the Baruth and in the evening arrived to the outer defense ring around the Berlin, Wünsdorfu, where it was stopped. 52. guards tank brigade progressed for her. To the left from the 6. guards tank corps progressed 7. guards tank corps, that morning has conquered the Luckau and into the evening, the heart, swamp terrain to Kummersdorfu. 9. mechanized corps 20. April has progressed in the second echelon behind the tank corps 3. guards tank army. 57. guards separate heavy tank regiment was transferred to the Golßenu, where he was in the emergency room in case of tank corps ran into a stronger German tank formation. 16. self-propelled artillery brigade participated in the battle of the top destination, thus at the same time covering the right wing of the army. Forward progressed and 4. guards tank army. Frontal 61. guards tank brigade 10. guards tank corps into the evening advanced to the Jänickendorfu. Towards the Jüterbog went 5. guards mechanized corps, which in the evening he arrived to Dahme. 6. guards mechanized corps increasingly lagged behind, as he still led the fight for Sprembergu. Soviet tanks rolled forward, but Koněvovi it wasn't enough. Zhukov indeed, approached the Berlin and he missed only ten kilometers. Front commander because commander 3. tank army ordered to at night fought his way into the city, and was there first. To the fact he was missing about thirty miles. Rybalko therefore, he ordered his corps to-night in one place attacked towards berlin sightseeing highway. Part of the 28. army received the night orders, so early in the morning began with moving a tank army, which should help with the fighting on the approaches to the center of the city.

21. April
The advance of soviet tanks but hitched. In the forest, lakeland and swampy area between the Baruthem and Zossenem tank brigade lost their previous pace. Does not slow down the is only a landscape, which often rudoarmějce made progress in the relatively narrow corridors, but also the outer defensive ring - mounds, trenches, anti-tank ditches, bunkers and minefields that filled the spaces in between the individual lakes and swamps. Deployed was even a unit of assault guns. Air units worldly 2. air army were 21. April in the stage of moving to a new base, so both could not provide air support just at the moment when the Germans come from the area 1. belarusian front moved the rest of its aviation units, both had to be in some cases prevent ambushes of German units, which are downloaded from the Sprembergu. However, none of this could have the soviet tankers to completely stop. At the tip of the advanced tank brigade 6. guards tank corps at night looking for gaps in the German defense. The commander of the corps divided the troops into two groups. One advanced along the imperial road no. 96, the other in parallel along the forest paths and roads of the lower order. Late in the evening of the 20th. April one battalion of the 52. guards tank brigade broke through the germany defence and occupied Töpchin, which is located in the woods east of the Wünsdorfu. But the germans quickly close the gap and the battalion was around the midnight cut off. Early in the morning 21. April but from Töpchinu obchvatným maneuver reached the main forces of the brigade. 51. and 53. guards tank brigade in the night attempted to break through along the imperial road, but not one has failed. 22. guards motostřelecká brigade advanced also forests east of imperial road. On her route was rerouted and 51. guards tank brigade. 21. on the afternoon of April the brigade conquered the Zehrensdorf, thus caught up 52. gardovou tank brigade that they but failed to connect. In addition to the afternoon to face the few German protiútokům. In the meantime, but managed to break through to the north 53. guards tank brigade, after a time, but again ran into strong resistance. 7. guards tank corps sent out in the night part of the forces more to the west. 54. and 55. guards tank brigade to the end of the day entered into the fight for the Rehagen. In battles joined even the 9. mechanized corps. His 91. tank brigade progressed along with 7. gardovým tank corps and 71. mechanized brigade was left Baruthu as a backup. On the contrary, 69. and 70. mechanized brigade were planted into area 51. guards tank and 22. guards motostřelecké brigade 6. guards tank corps. 69. mechanized brigade went out in the evening in the attack on the north, and soon conquered Schöneiche, whence they turned west to the Zossen. 70. mechanized brigade meanwhile, combed the forest east of Zossen. 57. guards separate heavy tank regiment was still kept in reserve to be able, where appropriate, together with the 71. mechanized brigade repel the attack of the remnants of German units from the Chotěbuze. Overall, it can be said that the armies of the 3. guards tank army while advanced 21. April forward, but because of the weather, the terrain, the greater the resistance of the enemy, including its air force, and the absence of support from their own air force significantly less than during the previous day. In Berlin that day not yet entered, while in the northeast it 3. shock and 2. guards tank army 1. belarusian front managed. Zhukov so he was a bit faster than the Konev. This therefore strengthened the 3. gardovou army, that night on the 22. April received 10. breakthrough artillery corps, 25. breakthrough artillery division, 32. raketometnou brigade, 23. anti-aircraft artillery division, and 2. fighter aviation corps. 28. army plus ordered to provide 3. guards tank army 61. shooting and 48. gardovou shooting division.

Events in the field of activities 3. guards tank army had a direct effect on the activity 4. guards tank army, respectively, of its two leading brigades, which began to even more turn to Berlin. 63. guards tank brigade 10. guards tank corps on the morning of 21. April took Jänickendorf and began to attack the Luckenwalde. 61. guards tank brigade in the morning, also close to Jänickendorfu and then attacked on the right from the 63. brigade. For them to Jänickendorfu arrived and 29. guards motostřelecká brigade and 62. guards tank brigade. Then the brigade gradually began to turn to the north. The commander of the 4. guards tank army in response to the problems 3. guards tank army this morning, released the 10. gardovému panzer corps the order to his units flank Luckenwalde, and place on Beelitz stormed in the direction of the Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Stahnsdorf and Zehlendorf and the end of the day dominate the southwestern edge of Berlin. The remaining councils act unchanged. 5. guards mechanized corps the morning has conquered the Jüterbog and progressed on to Treuenbrietzen. 61. missile division granted 28. army was in the night, loaded on trucks, and during the day was moved through Golßen to Kummersdorfu, where late the evening of her frontal detachments engage in battle. The other two divisions of the corps should arrive during the following days and then fight your way to the Teltowu. Koněvovi therefore failed to be in Berlin first. 3. guards army is only dealing with the defenders Cottbus, 3. guards tank army failed to quickly break through the outer defensive ring and the deployment of a corps 4. guards tank army it not change anything, because it was relatively far away and still would have ran into the same obstacle as Rybalkovovy tanks.

22. April
The defenders of Berlin but they could not resist long, the delay tank units on one day was due to the number of forces total success. The procedure 3. guards tank army 22. April accelerated. At the head progressed 9. mechanized corps. His 69. mechanized brigade after midnight in the vicinity of Telzu crossed the channel Notte and in the morning Telz conquered. From there she continued to Jühnsdorfu that before lunch occupied and at the same time in its surroundings has exceeded the berlin orbital motorway. The evening then was able to break through to Teltowskému channel, while engaged in the fight for a bridgehead on its northern shore. 91. tank brigade was moved from Kummersdorfu to the main forces of the corps and into the evening through to Lankwitz. 70. mechanized brigade progressed in the second echelon and in the evening arrived at Marienfelde. The corps then fought on a relatively broad front to Teltowskému channel. 6. guards tank corps conquered hazy center, but then had to find a way across the channel Notte, because the road bridge was blown into the air. Part of the forces of the canal crossed to the east of the city, a part of him crossed to the other side through the little ruined railway bridge. The congregation then quickly proceeded to the north. 51. and 52. guards tank brigade in the evening took the Teltow and trying to gain a foothold on the opposite bank. 53. guards tank brigade led the fight at the railroad tracks southwest of Teltowa, to which it approached and 22. guards motostřelecká brigade. 7. guards tank corps advanced on the left flank, 3. guards tank army and night its frontal 54. guards tank brigade led the fight for Stahnsdorf, thereby also closer to Teltowskému channel. The defending protiletadloví artillery, the unit Volkssturm and also members 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Closer to Berlin Rybalko come close to even the backups. Southeast of the Zossen was placed 71. mechanized brigade 9. mechanized corps together with two batteries 1798. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment and a section 91. raketometného regiment. Their task was to, if necessary, block the path of units of the German 9. army, if attempted půrnik to Berlin. In Jühnsdorfu was, moreover, still ready 57. guards heavy tank regiment. To the city in addition directed some shooting division 28. army.

23. April
23. April in Berlin and even appeared 10. guards tank corps 4. guards tank army, the front 62. guards tank brigade at noon arrived at the Stahnsdorfu to Teltowskému channel.
By the end of the day for him to come 63. guards tank brigade and 29. guards motostřelecká brigade. On the left wing is away from Potsdam cover 61. guards tank brigade. The choir was preparing for a channel crossing and the entrance to the city. For this facing have been assigned 350. missile division 13. army. Unit 3. guards tank army were given space for a short rest and replenishment of forces and supplies. Combat operations led just 71. mechanized brigade 9. mechanized corps, which had advanced along the circular highway to the east, to create a cover on the right wing of the army.

19. – 22. April: Spremberský boiler

19. April
In Sprembergu remained relatively strong German grouping. Accounted for is a three-division and a number of other smaller units. The germans meanwhile were in no hurry away, apparently hoping for the possibility of a successful counterattack in the wings of the soviet offensive. Disposal of this boiler were given the task of 13. and 5. guards army. 13. army advanced 19. April for tank volumes, which have already established a bridgehead on the west bank of the Spree river. At its head was a 172. missile division 102. rifle corps and 6. guards missile division 27. rifle corps. Both during the day had advanced about twenty miles. The commander of the 13. army had to provide cover on the wings, to make him into the side of the nevpadly German troops from the Cottbus or Sprembergu. You would moreover endanger just the back of his army, but also the supply of communication both tank armies, which, moreover, require a constant supply of a large amount of inventory. General Puchov therefore had to deploy four divisions to cover the wings and the forwards attack only the two above-mentioned. The left wing cover 350. and 280. missile division, the right wing 117. guards rifle and 147. missile division. The unit 24. rifle corps remained on the east bank of the Spree river and led the fight with the German grouping in the Sprembergu. The southern part of the boiler has created a 5. guards army and 6. guards mechanized corps assignment of 4. guards tank army. He was tasked primarily přehražení communications on the west of the city. Already in the night from 18. 19. April, 16. guards mechanized brigade along with 28. heavy tank regiment occupied the Spreetal south of the Sprembergu, which was blocked by one of the imperial roads. 19. April 17. and 35. mechanized brigade conquered the Terpe on west from the city, which the Germans prevented the retreat of the west rail and the imperial road. Infantry 5. guards army during the day has not progressed much forward, but on the other hand, attack on a wider front. 32. guards rifle corps crossed the 13. and 97. gardovou shooting divisions the river spree, while the 95. guards missile division she remained on the east bank and attacked the city from the east. The German units that were in the part of the Sprembergu, which is located on the eastern shore, uncomfortably threatened the rear. Disposal of this German bridgehead has therefore become one of the main priorities. For this purpose, set the 33. guards rifle corps, who had the first attack on the German bridgehead, secondly, to close the gap between divisions 32. guards rifle corps. On the left flank meanwhile, the broad front of a length of fifty miles stretched out 34. guards rifle corps, which ensured cover of the southern wing of the whole of the main strike grouping of 1. Ukrainian front. German troops in the Sprembergu was almost surrounded and under pressure, however i Konev in the saw element, which threatens its rapid progress on the Berlin. Pushed therefore the commander of both armies, to the boiler 20. April wiped out. Concerns that have not been idle, because 20. April got 10. panzer division SS order to carry out a sortie on the north, and closed the space between Sprembergem and Chotěbuzí. Konev he didn't want the town became a base for lunges or a fortress town. He demanded, therefore, a frontal blow to the city, to the two variants of prevent. To ensure a successful strike were přisunuty two division 7. breakthrough artillery corps and one division 10. breakthrough artillery corps. The total was for an attack on the city available fourteen artillery brigades, with 1 104 barreled and 143 of the rocket launchers. Brigade were deployed from the south, east and west of the city. The objective was to strong ambushes force the enemy to download from the planning of the positions to the left of the corridor towards the west. On earth should the Germans push 33. guards rifle corps 5. guards army. Bundles 13. army not be in the fighting significantly involved, their task was to cover the rear of the tank armies.

20. April
At 10:30 rozezvučela cannon. After a massive artillery preparation started at 11:00 forward unit 33. guards rifle corps. After several hours of heavy fighting, the choir has conquered the Spremberg, and then advanced on the line of Stradow - Gosda. This success has allowed the rest of the army to proceed west toward the Elbe. The unit 32. guards rifle corps together with units 4. guards tank corps 20. April went to the point of attack 5. guards army to the west. At the end of the day arrived 97. guards missile division along with 4. gardovým tank corps to Senftenberg, which is a relatively important railway junction. In the area 5. guards army again he 6. guards mechanized corps 4. guards tank army, which essentially ensures the function of the clutch between the 32. and 33. gardovým rifle corps and in the evening arrived at the line of Proschim - Gosda. 34. guards rifle corps 20. April even more stretched out the length of your section, which already consisted of seventy miles. 13. army 20. April lunged forward corridor, which created a procedure for tank armies. During the day, 27. and 102. rifle corps reached up to thirty kilometers forward. 102. rifle corps arrived to the railway line from Berlin by Dresden that cut in the area between the Waltersdorfem and Brenitz. 13. army was quite a bit stretched, and could it endanger the German units raised from the Sprembergu. The commanders of the 10. panzer division SS, the führer's accompanying division and 344. people's grenadier division but instead to retaliate a north-easterly direction chosen for the breakthrough to the northwest with the aim connected with 12. army general Wencka south from Berlin. The front should progress division Frundsberg, back the accompanying division and 344. the division was on the right wing procedure to cover from the north. At night German troops began to gradually withdraw from their positions and prepare for a breakthrough.

21. and 22. April
The German division started early on the morning of 21. April. At noon they arrived to the Kausche. Here are already but there were soviet troops, which the Germans first reflected. After the arrival of the other units but the Germans tonight Kausche conquered. On the morning of 22. of April the Germans have to move again. Had to go between the two villages, which were in soviet hands. Crossfire was not long in coming. After passing by this corridor, they stopped these divisions to exist as organized units and fell apart into smaller units. The commanders of the divisions have received information on the overall situation and decided to change their direction of advancement of the southwest, however, the structure no longer constitutes a significant fighting force. Even so, but could their members be congratulated, because 22. April in Neu-Welzova joined the unit 33. guards rifle corps 5. guards army units 24. rifle corps 13. army, which were in the boiler enclosed, and eliminated the remnants of the German units. Missile units then fill in the task, which was originally designed tank formations on their own, but by that time paved the way to Berlin..
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BATTLE OF the BUDYŠÍN[/heading]

Attack of soviet and Polish units

16. April
The commander of the 1. Ukrainian front could afford to curl up tanks on the Berlin thanks to the development of the left wing, i.e. on the dresden direction. Since the Germans feared that the Soviets would attempt to cut the remaining German territory, there were located a strong mobile backup. On the bump units of the soviet 52. army and Polish 2. army, which brought a relatively hard fight with these German volumes. The situation at one point was very critical, however, this direction represented a kind of a cover shield of the main strike grouping of the front, which were directed at Berlin. The fight started here also 16. April. The Polish army on that day exceeded 7., 8. and 9. infantry divisions of the river Nisa, broke through the German defenses and advancing in some places up to six miles. Division of the right wing 52. army, specifically, 50. and 254. missile division 73. rifle corps and 373. missile division 78. rifle corps, have exceeded the Nisa and the end of the advanced up to ten kilometers. A successful fixture on the west bank of the River allowed the engineers to build two bridges, after which it began to 16. April after lunch on the west roll the tanks prvosledových brigades 7. guards mechanized corps, held the position for the subsequent foray into the breach. The corps commander even decided not to wait until the next day and already in the afternoon of the first day of put into the fighting front detachments 25. and 26. guards mechanized brigade, thus defected to the plan about half a day. 57. guards tank brigade cover the wing and 24. guards mechanized brigade formed the second sequence. Cross the river Weißer Schöps with the tank corps until the end of the day failed. In the night therefore regrouped and conducted a survey of the German position.

17. April
The second day morning to combat from the second echelon set 24. guards mechanized brigade, which had from the north to bypass enemy groups between Särichenem and Kodersdorfem. Prvosledové brigade in the meantime the group is attacked head-on. After a seven hour confrontation with the brigade reached forward, crossed the river, and in the afternoon have led the fight in the streets of the two villages, which was a task primarily for motopěchotu. In the evening 24. and 26. the brigade occupied the area Särichenu and 25. together with 57. gardovou tank brigade cleaned the Kodersdorf. Rifle division 73. rifle corps but enough with the tankers to keep up. Resulted from their nature, swamp terrain and the German counterattack on the wing. The morning of the 16th. April the commander of the army Group Centre the general field marshal Schörner ordered 20. panzer division and Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring perform a counterattack from the area Zhořelce along the river Neiße. The hastily-organized attack, but encountered a strong anti-tank group. To repulse were deployed 124. a separate tank regiment and 8. self-propelled artillery brigade. Tank regiment crossed the river with the task of aid 111. rifle division and entered into combat with the Germans 16. on the evening of April in the area of the municipalities Neu-Krauscha and Groß-Krauscha. The fight continued the following day, when the regiment repelled several German attempts to develop the attack. Artillery brigade crossed the river also at noon and she should support the mentioned fire division. One section supported the attack on Neu-Krauschu, another on the Zödel. Even one direction couldn't move forward. The following day, the sections reflect the German attempts to fight back, while the brigade was still one section in reserve. The German attempt to counter-attack was repulsed. Soviet troops were just beginning transition to attack, and so were located in relatively concentrated clusters. On the other hand, the German activity significantly slowed down the process 73. rifle corps.

18. April
While the main part of the 52. army she was late, mechanized corps rushed forward. Right after the blast týlovým the position of the German defence on the river Weißer Schöps, set off further to the west. His brigade moved forward to the middle and on the wings. 24. guards mechanized brigade expanded a breakthrough to the northwest, while the 57. guards tank brigade to do the same on the direction of the southwest. On Wednesday, advancing 25. and 26. guards mechanized brigade on the morning of 18. April took Jänkendorf with Ullersdorfem and then went quickly forward. After a few few hours 26. guards mechanized brigade fell into Buchholzu and then began to blame the struggle on the eastern edge of the Weißenbergu. The germans gradually began to withdraw to the south and west, while they blew the bridges across the river Lobauer Wasser. Sappers of the corps but managed to build two pontoon bridges, so that the frontal detachments of brigades of the corps could move forward on the Budyšín. The evening had advanced almost to him. For the mechanized corps advanced 254. missile division 73. rifle corps. 18. April was already twenty kilometers from Nisa. Rifle division on the left flank of the corps but at that moment were roughly on the line of which mechanized corps had already reached 17. April. 373. missile division 78. rifle corps in addition, remained at Nise, since it only takes Penzig (Pieńsk). Polish 2. army 18. April occupied the town, Niesky, which broke through the second German defensive line.

Invasion of soviet troops in Bautzen
Budyšín represented the main obstacle on the way to Dresden. Around the city were built three defensive rings, which were interspersed with dense minovými field. On city streets and arrivals in it were built of concrete, stone and wooden roadblocks and barricades. Individual defensive nodes were connected by covered and field trenches. Budyšín should defend the four battalions of the Volkssturm spoly with 1459. the fortress banner. A total of about 1 600 people. 19. April morning was Budyšín surrounded by law enforcement, 7. guards mechanized corps and 254. rifle division from the south, east and northwest. The soviets started with the attack on the city. In the evening after heavy fighting finally managed to break through the defense and the brigade have paved the way to the center of the city, while motopěchota was cleaning house from the house. In the morning 20. April then managed to get the transitions through the Šprévu to the western part of the city.

a German counter-attack

Counterattack in the area of Kodersdorfu
Levokřídelní volumes of the main strike grouping of 52. army, it is 50., 111. and 213. missile division, at that time, when 7. guards mechanized corps progressed to the west, had to deal with another German protiúderem. The main German onslaught headed 19. April, 213. shooting division in the area of Kodersdorfu. The division has been pushed out to the north for Särichen. Due to the cessation of the procedure 73. rifle corps the commander of the army decided to deploy the 48. rifle corps from the left wing 52. army, which he could afford thanks to the fact that from East Prussia arrived the next unit. 48. rifle corps therefore, the forward defense of its section of the dorazivším ties 31. army and set off to face the German counterattack. The choir took over as the 254. shooting division, who just led the fight in the streets of Bautzen, and was therefore practically out of the reach of the headquarters of the 73. rifle corps. The division has now become the front harness 48. rifle corps. For her act 116. and 294. missile division. You have been transported through the Niesky to the Weißenbergu.

a Strong counterattack to the east of Bautzen
Transportation units of the corps but had caused the delay, which was recorded in the cards of the strong grouping of German mechanized forces in the field Zhořelce. The germans are here regrouped and further pushed the soviet forces. To Boxbergu was also pushed over the Polish units of the Panzer jaeger regiment 1 of the Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg. He couldn't continue further to the west, because the unit 1. Ukrainian front have already occupied the Hoyerswerdu and Weißwasser. In addition, west was an area of forests and lakes, which already operated the troops of the soviet 1. the equestrian corps. One regiment had much of a chance for a breakthrough. The commander of the regiment, therefore, was to break through to the south along the Spree river through the druhosledové and rear of the formation. Parallel to him but in the opposite direction of him marched the German division from the Zhořelce, which have been grouped under the LVII. panzer corps. On the right wing rushed 20. panzer division, on the left flank, 17. infantry division. The second sequence was formed 72. infantry division. The germans gradually penetrated into the side of 52. army. Has managed to find a weak point between the 7. gardovým mechanized corps, who was together with 245. shooting divisions, Bautzen, 116. shooting divisions. The germans occupied Diehsu, Kollm and arrived to Sproitzu, thus we cut the road Niesky-Budyšín. 294. missile division, which was conveyed to the Weißenbergu was beginning to be surrounded.

Another encounter with Kodersdorfu
8. self-propelled artillery brigade got 19. April's orders go to the west for 7. gardovým mechanized corps. At half way but was turned back and the evening progressed along with the parts of the 213. rifle division on the west to the Särichenu. Here the brigade prepared to repel the enemy, whose strength was estimated on the tank division. 20. April morning, the commander of the brigade ordered to attack the Särichen and Kodersdorf and tried to once again conquer. With the order disagreed and announced that not considered to be a practical attack against such a strong German position just machine SU-76 and small infantry. Order but has been confirmed. The commander wanted to still protest, but it started on its status turn out the German projectiles. After artillery preparation the Germans went into the attack. The soviets strike repelled, and then themselves went into the attack. Even that was but stopped, and the brigade withdrew to Ödernitz.

Encirclement of the Polish units
German LVII. panzer corps proceeded further and during the 21. April teamed with a tank grenadier guards, who were advancing from the north. The were cut off and essentially surrounded the main forces of the Polish 2. army. Her crew but as if this fact is ignored and focus is only on the procedure on the Dresden, though there has been a disposal of the staff and týlů Polish 5. infantry division and parts of the soviet 16. guards tank brigade, of which the left one battalion. Konev however, the negative development registered and sent the chief of staff of the front, general Petrova, to organize countermeasures. In the meantime, as well as the Poles behaved even commander of 7. guards mechanized corps, which underestimated the adverse developments on the wing 52. army and he sent out two frontal detachments to the west. Konev 22. April early in the morning he ordered the army commander to on line Niesky-Mücka brought out two fighter anti-tank artillery brigade. 7. guards mechanized corps and Polish 1. panzer corps received orders to turn back and go away from Bautzen through the Baruth on the Groß Radisch. Units on the dresden direction, in addition, received support in the form of four different air forces.

Weak situation 52. army
52. army was on the defensive. 21. April was against the field Niesky even 214. missile division. On the morning of 22. April was on the wing 52. army the following situation: 214., 116. and 111. missile division hold the line Sproitz, Jänkendorf, Wilhelminenthal, thus covering the right flank of the German grouping; for Sproitzu operated 124. tank regiment and at the Kaany 8. self-propelled artillery brigade; 294. missile division cover the line Särka, Weißenberg, Förstgen. 294. missile division as well as 7. guards mechanized corps with 254. shooting divisions cut off from the rest of the troops of the front.

the Failure of soviet efforts to take the initiative
To restore initiative on the southern stretch of its section of the ordered Konev to perform a blow to the wings of the German formation. 7. guards mechanized corps received 22. April morning the order to attack with two brigades and a regiment samochodek ISU-122 on the Diehsu. It should provide synergies Polish 1. panzer corps. From the northeast should be from the opposite direction to Diehse go 214., 116. and 111. missile division. The commander of the 7. guards mechanized corps assembled a task force under the command of his representative. The group formed 25. guards mechanized brigade with the 355. gardovým heavy self-propelled artillery regiment, 57. guards tank brigade with 1820. self-propelled artillery regiment and another artillery unit. A total of about 2043 persons, 14 tanks T-34 one tank IS-2, twelve samochodek ISU-122, five SU-85, three armored cars, BA-64, six armored personnel carriers, 11 guns caliber 76 mm, 9 anti-aircraft guns caliber 37 mm, 4 mortars of a caliber of 120 mm, and twelve mortars caliber 82 mm. This formation however instead of an attack on Diehsu had to deal with numerous attacks of the enemy in the area east and northeast of Weißenbergu. Everything to complicate it, that the Polish tank corps, which also had to turn back from the procedure on the Dresden, ran into German tanks and a battalion of infantry, which stopped him on the Spree. Poles so didn't make a connection with 7. gardovým mechanized corps and did not progress to Diehsu, on the contrary, they had to defend against the German protiútokům, while they suffered considerable losses and started to disorganization. The germans, hence to do business forays in the direction of the Weißenberg and Budyšín. The situation was made worse by activity is Rudelova the battle bundle, which challenged the soviet and Polish tanks.

the Deterioration of the situation in Weißenbergu
22. on the evening of April the situation deteriorated even further. Regiment Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg arrived to Weißenbergu and vlomil in defense of 857. regiment 294. rifle division, which was located to the north of the city. The germans subsequently attempted to attack in the direction of Wurschen, so that athwart its road to Budyšín. The situation here saved the counterstroke of the above detachment 7. guards mechanized corps. Danger but persisted, because from the southeast to the city approached other regiment Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg. In the night of 23. April ordered the commander of the 48. rifle corps with the aim of maintaining the road between the Budyšínem and Weißenbergem chief 294. rifle division to parts of the forces defending Weißenberg and another part of the forces sent to the Budyšínu, where you should connect with 254. shooting divisions. This task fell to 859. rifle regiment, which he managed after heavy fighting to penetrate only to Wurschenu half way between the two cities. In the morning additionally had to face the German counterattack into the flank of the field Lauske, which cut him off from the main forces of the division. The regiment is therefore 23. April turned around and fought my way through back to Weißenbergu. The unit Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg so vklínily between the Weißenberg and Budyšín. Due to the strike of the German LVII. tank corps soviet 48. rifle corps divided into several parts. 7. guards mechanized corps he had two brigades in the Bautzen, two brigades in the Weißenbergu and two forward detachments between the Budyšínem and Dresden.

the Deterioration of the situation in Bautzen
Part of the 7. guards mechanized corps and 254. rifle division prevent 23. April their positions Bautzen, which in the previous days cleared of German forces, against the strong blows of the German forces. German 20. panzer division pushing down on the town from the northeast and Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring from the south. In the night from 23. 24. April was on the southern edge of the Bautzen against 24. guards tank brigade. The southeast edge of the defense of the city vystužil zákopnický battalion 7. guards mechanized corps and 248. pontoon battalion 83. zákopnické brigade. 24. April attacked the town of Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring. First unsuccessfully, but in the afternoon perforating the armor status pontonového battalion, and burst into the back of the head 24. guards mechanized brigade. She preferred to withdraw into the city centre, where soviet troops have taken a circular defence. After two hours, they retreated to the northern part of the city to other parts of the ward. The soviets here needed the help of the Polish units, particularly 1. tank corps, 8. infantry division and 14. infantry division. However, the attempt of the Polish corps to fight its way out to Budyšínu from the north was not successful. 2. the armoured brigade when it suffered heavy losses.

the Poles ignore the danger
Despite the adverse developments on the wing front advanced Polish 5., 8. and 9. infantry division forward on the Dresden. 7. and 10. infantry division were from the other cut off, as were the Sproitzu to the east of the German wedge into the soviet positions. The commander of the Polish army in addition considered the issues in your rear for the temporary problem that caused the Germans, who want to get into the american sector. This impression caused the initial procedure of the regiment Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg, which actually left the Polish sector. But they then added to the LVII. panzer corps, which the Poles directly threatened.

Emergency measures

Koněvova emergency measures
The German penetration into the soviet lines at a depth of twenty kilometers, the siege range units, damming supply lines of the Polish army and the danger of further progress of the German units in the direction of the Spremberg, which would threaten the rear of the other armies of the front, forced the Koněva to the adoption of larger-scale emergency countermeasure. Panzer army attacked in the northwest, so the task fell on vševojskové army. 33. guards rifle corps along with 14. gardovou shooting divisions 34. guards rifle corps should curl to the east and go in the direction of the Lohsu and Uhyst. Their task was during the 24. April to restore the integrity of the frontline and establish a direct connection with the Polish units. You should at the same time stop your progress. On the dresden direction should stay only 9. infantry division, and that should in addition go to the defense. 8. infantry division was supposed to turn around and go to the area north of the Bautzen towards the 14. guards rifle division, and then proceed to the east to link up with the Polish 7. and 10. infantry divisions, which were to attack the west. Polish 1. panzer corps and the soviet 7. guards mechanized corps should attack from the area north of Bautzen in the east to the wings of the German wedge. In the end instead of 8. infantry division had to work 5. infantry division. The out of area Kamenze in the direction of the village Luppa (today part of Radiboru). The Polish division ran into the German 20. panzer division and after Radiboru established contact with the Polish tank corps, turned to the north in the direction of the Königswarthu. Here fit in conjunction with 95. gardovou shooting divisions 33. guards rifle corps 5. guards army. Her unit served as a liaison between the against each other the advancing Polish troops and the obstruction of the procedure of the German divisions.

Clearance Weißenbergu
The Polish 10. infantry division advanced along the road of Weißwasseru by Bautzen, but 7. infantry division in the assault did not go over. As well as 1. tank corps did not advance forward and vice versa led the defensive struggle. As were the chances of an over-ride on parts of the 7. guards mechanized corps surrounded Weißenbergu misty, decided to his commander that the forces of the corps tries to break through on their own. 23. on the evening of April sent his representatives, who commanded the quiet detachment in the Weißenbergu, order early in the morning of the following day attempted to break through to the main forces 52. army towards the Jänkendorf, where he had contact 116. shooting divisions. Detachment 24. April morning repelled the enemy attack and then set out towards Diehsu and Jänkendorf. However, halfway to the Diehse was a detachment surrounded and in the subsequent struggle two-thirds of the men fell. Only a third of the can 25. April morning break to the main forces 52. army. On the way the break out of the encirclement through 24. April, 294. missile division, which in a still closer grip was running out of ammunition and pursuit 116. and 214. rifle division the breakthrough to Weißenbergu from the northeast did not yield the desired result. The division commander decided last night that in the morning attempt to break through to the 116. shooting division. 24. April together with detachments 7. guards mechanized corps went even 294. missile division. The foot soldiers but they had better luck, broke through the German encirclement and in the afternoon teamed up with 116. divisions. Weißenberg once again came under German control. The commander of the 48. rifle corps general Rogoznyj was unconvincing performance dismissed and replaced by general general Grečkinem.

Still worse situation in Bautzen and its clearance
After the units were 7. guards mechanized corps and 254. rifle division pushed into the northern part of the Bautzen, continued the German Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring in the attack toward the north along the imperial road no. 96. Division of the panzer grenadiers Brandenburg and 20. panzer division surrounded the city from the east. The commander of the 7. guards mechanized corps decided to attempt a break-out from encirclement. General Korčagin left turn the front detachments, which were half way to the Dresden and 25. and 26. gardovou mechanized division knocked out of the encirclement to the north. The troops of the corps managed to break through and connect with the leading detachments and units of the Polish army. The already weak situation 254. rifle division, which held part of the Bautzen, is even more deteriorated. Keep Budyšín it was in those circumstances unreasonable and impossible at the same time. In the night from 25. 26. April, soviet troops took defense to the south of the imperial road no. 96.

the Arrival of the forces 5. guards army
Surrounded soviet forces or the Polish forces did not have enough forces to deal with the German procedure. In the area north of the Bautzen therefore, were sent part of the 5. guards army. 14. guards missile division she got the task to occupy the Kamenz on the right wing of the Polish army. 95. guards missile division along with 150. a separate tank brigade have been deployed on the stretch Königswarta-Sdier behind the centre of the Polish army. 78. guards missile division the two fighter anti-tank artillery regiments took up positions behind the Polish right wing. Mobile deposit formed 4. guards tank corps, which was placed behind the right Polish flank in the area of Hoyerswerda-Wittichenau. Here, alternatively, you could block the German effort about the procedure along the imperial road no. 96.

the End of the German counterattack
Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring and 20. panzer division continued on the morning of 26. April in the attack towards the west along the imperial road no. 96. The force of the German blow fell mainly on the Polish 8. infantry division, which suffered heavy losses and retreated. Framing the Polish 1. tank corps and the remnants of 5. infantry division in the battle situation has changed dramatically. The German advance stopped up deployment 33. guards rifle and 4. guards tank corps yet during the 26. April -- they pushed the Germans a few kilometers to the south. German attempts to resume the attack of 27. and 28. April were unsuccessful. 29. April had to 25. guards mechanized brigade along with 254. shooting divisions reflect the new blows of the enemy. Soldiers of the Polish 8. and 9. infantry division attack failed to face and started to retreat from the area Holschdubrau-Bock-Droben towards the Königswarthu and further north. A smaller part of the fleeing Polish troops managed to 254. shooting division capture and return to the front. The remnants of the 7. guards mechanized corps were 30. April withdrawn from the fight and began to be supplemented by team and technology.

The front line here on the dresden direction of set in motion during the prague operation. The last German counterattack on the eastern front ended. Moreover, the complicated activity of soviet troops just in the opposite direction. Achieved a tactical success, but from an operational, let alone strategic perspective was not a major factor. 29. April was Parachute panzer division 1 Hermann Göring removed from the first line and the following day moved into the area north of the Dresden. During his last attack of the German panzer divisions demonstrated their destructive power. For example, 254. missile division lost during the April fighting nearly half of his team. The battle of Bautzen was one of the biggest battles of the second world war, with Polish participation. Polish losses soared to number 18 232, of which 4 902 people dead, 10 of 532 injured, and 2 798 missing. Lost was 205 tanks and self-propelled guns. The German counteroffensive was of a purely local character, as it affected only the lateral direction 1. Ukrainian front. Had no effect on the main strike direction of the front, let alone on the activity 1. belarusian front. 52. army and Polish 1. army basically fulfilled the role of the covering wings of the main forces of the front, when to absorb the German attack activity..
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Halbský boiler

in General
One of the larger operations, which took place simultaneously with the fight in the actual Berlin was that which led the soviet units with German units, which were closed in the boiler at Halbe. It was not a little action. In the area southeast of the metropolis was located about 200 thousand German soldiers, which was twice more than in the Berlin. It was a relatively compact units possessing more heavy equipment than the defenders of the capital.

the Emergence of a boiler
The boiler arises due to the breakthrough of the troops 1. belarusian front through Seelowské heights and breakthrough tank armies 1. Ukrainian front into the operating depth of the German defences after crossing the Spree river. The encirclement of the German 9. army and 4. tank army it was an organic part of the soviet plan because it would preclude participation in the fighting in the streets of Berlin. The boiler partially closed 22. April, when soviet troops 3. guards army in the south by all the routes through the Sprévský forest, on the south west railway the top destination - Halbe and on the west by the line between Teupitzským lake and městěm Königs Wusterhausen. In this day still missing some units 3. guards tank army and 28. army on the one hand, and certain units 8. guards army on the other hand, twelve miles to the complete closure of the boiler, at the appropriate positions were not even of the unit 3. guards army, however, the main communications were for the Germans already closed. To lock the boiler occurred the following day, when the morning Bohnsdorfu met 71. mechanized brigade of 3. guards tank army and 88. guards missile division of 8. guards army. One part of the strike force 1. belarusian front at that moment in addition prorvala through the area Erkneru, so the leakage to the northwest also was not possible. To the north of the 9. army in the Fürstenwalde nachazely forces 69. army and in the east of the river Oder, indeed, a breakthrough in this direction would make no sense, even if the Germans had forces. 23. April early in the morning the Germans attempted a breakthrough to the Cottbus, but were beaten back, and 24. April pushed back from the town more to the north. The soviets meanwhile zahušťovali and strengthen the position along the southwestern and western edges of the boiler.

33. and 69. army the attack on the cauldron from the north to the southwest direction and into the gap between the XI. the tank corps of the SS and LIONS. tank corps lumbering 3. army and 2. guards cavalry corps. Your pressure is the germans thronged to the south, thus prevent them in a possible move to the city. 33. army had to bypass the Frankfurt-on-Oder, but the front commander now ordered it to be turned on Beeskow. Her 38. rifle corps occupied Frankfurt and then she was removed and transferred to the backup queue. 16. and 62. rifle corps in the evening they arrived at the channel of the Odra-Spree and he began to cross. The commander of the 9. army withdrew the troops from the eastern and northeastern section of the front from the Oder to the line of Burg - Butzen - Schwielochské lake. . army corps had to hold the line from Burka after Königs Wusterhausen. . volunteer mountain corps of the SS then the stretch between Burgem and Kersdorfským the lock on the channel Oder-Spree. Also started to shape the task group, which should ensure a breakthrough to the forces 12. army. Formed her part of the 21. panzer division, 342. infantry division, 35. grenadier division of the SS and police and other smaller components. 33. army 24. April crossed the channel of the Odra-Spree and in the evening parts of the forces then even the river spree. Among the 24. and 26. April to Berlin attempted to break through the part of the 21. panzer division in the area Königs Wusterhausen - Mittenwalde. Their intrusion attempts were deflected 57. separate heavy tank regiment and 16. samohybnou artillery brigade 3. guards tank army in cooperation 152. shooting divisions 28. army. Regiments of this division is gradually rozestavěly on the line between Mittenwalde and Kiekebuschem. 24. April, 3. guards army spread on a broad front on the southwestern edge of the boiler to the south of the Spree. 287., 149., 127. and 253. missile division operated on north from the Cottbus and were cleaning the bank of the Spree river. 25. April was 253. missile division removed from combat and sent for the other part of the 21. rifle corps. 24. April occupied the 106. missile division Lübbenau. 197. missile division for the aid 175. tank brigade 25. tank corps cleared the western part of the Lübbenu. Further to the north 329. missile division occupied Krausnick and Groß Wasserburg. It is in this area the edge of the boiler got on the line of the river Spree. The rest of the armored brigade 25. tank corps together with two missile divisions in the area southwest and west of the Lübbenu prepare to sortie on the Märkisch Buchholz.

the Situation before the breakthrough
Meanwhile, it was an air reconnaissance reported that a large group of German troops pushing toward the highway in the area of Halbe - Freidorf. After both sides of the river began to race. On západnm bank of the Spree to the soviet units were trying to build a sturdy defense, while on east of it the German divisions were trying to be faster and try to break through the encirclement, until it was the defense of the weaker. 25. April, Busse received a telegram from the Hitler, in which he was commanded to defend a position to the south and at the same time made it all the way to 12. army, with which he had to establish the connection. It should be created a new army group, which would attack from the south, liberated Berlin from the soviet troops. Busse was aware of the impossibility of such a plan and focus on a breakthrough to the west from the area near Halbe in the area south of Beelitz. The situation he complicated it, that such orders as he got even He, but a swipe at Berlin tried. Nelenily or soviet units. 76. rifle corps attacked by the forces of 127. and 287. rifle division and in the evening reached the line of Groß Leine - Krugau - Schlepzig. 120. rifle corps zpevňoval defense and did not allow the Germans to breakthrough on the south-west, cleared the eastern part of the Lübbenu and Märkisch Buchholz. Part of the 58. rifle division 21. rifle corps take a defense in Tornowa. 58. missile division before midnight out of the Dubenu to Teupitzu. In the middle of the day 25. April has taken the defense between the Teupitzem and the highway. 170. rifle regiment occupied the Teupitz and repelled the first German attempt to breakthrough to the west. 270. and the 335. rifle regiment were located roughly in the area of Staakowa. The commander of the army zřejěm expected that the Germans attempt to breakthrough along the communication move in the direction of the southwest. 389. missile division therefore was left in the field Kadenu and Dubenu. 149. missile division was for the same reason, moved to Schönwalde. In Friedrichshofu cost 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigade.

Breakthrough 21. panzer division
In the northwestern part of the boiler were concentrated part of the 21. panzer division and the reconnaissance battalion, 10. panzer division SS Frundsberg. You now as the first went to Halbe, if they make a breakthrough, which would at the same time opened the way for the other components of the encircled grouping. Shortly after midnight 26. April began the German attack through the Halbe and the position of the 58. rifle division the settlement Massow and on. At night and in the morning was conducted a reconnaissance in force, and around noon, moving the main forces of the attack grouping. You run mainly on the 170. and the 335. rifle regiment, over which to advance to the Massowu. To help 58. shooting division was sent 389. missile division. The evening of 26. April sent 545. rifle regiment to Freidorfu and 1277. rifle regiment to Halbe. On the place were also sent a force 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigades. As the first arrived her 320. the regiment, which took up positions in the Freidorfu. In the evening there was a large engagement between the part of the German offensive forces, and those soviet anti-tank gunners, who managed, with considerable help from the air force of the German machine time to stop. The commander of the 3. guards army ordered to the unit 58. and 389. rifle division in the night occupied the line of Teurow - Halbe - Teupitz, in order to prevent the German breakthrough. To Massowu was sent 253. missile division. 27. April very early in the morning out of the unit 389. rifle division to counterattack, and in the evening reached up to Halbe. Use the fact that the German strike group didn't wait for his infantry, which hampered the blows of the soviet air force. The gap was once again closed, although part of the Germans broke through. Not only because of her Konev 27. April sent out from the Berlin to Zossen and Sperenbergu to help 71. mechanized brigade. Here before leaving left to strengthen the two batteries SU-100 from 1978. self-propelled artillery regiment, one section of the 91. raketometného regiment and one battery of 1719. anti-aircraft artillery regiment. The brigade then set off late to deal with the German detachments, which were able to ride. With those you have to consult 3. guards rifle corps 28. army and 68. guards tank brigade 4. guards tank army. When they arrived, the Germans Baruthu, went out to meet them this brigade and of the Luckau 50. guards missile division. Both units fit to fight with the German. 54. guards missile division out of the Luckau to Lindenbrücku and Zesche, where impressed in the midfield defensive position. 96. guards missile division arrived to the area east of Baruthu, where in the forest massif of the running attack on the German detachments. 27. April, soviet troops took the defenses along the road of Baruthu by Zossen, while most of the German combat group gathered in the woods northeast of Baruthu. The germans this morning attacked. Comrades of the red army the majority of their forces repelled, but part of the German forces managed to break through the road, but south of the Mückendorfu was destroyed. The main part of the group was still between the highway Berlin-Dresden and the road Baruth-hazy center and could once again attempt to breakthrough to the west. In the morning 28. April was this threat is eliminated when 50. and 86. missile division together the forest clean.

Breakthrough of the main forces of the 9. army
The soviets built on the road between the German 9. and 12. army several zones of defense. The first accounted for the unit 389. and 58. rifle division 3. guards army, the second unit 3. guards rifle corps 28. army and third 71. mechanized brigade 3. guards tank army. Even if some groups 9. army managed to penetrate these three zones, in the path to the 12. army he has the cost of the unit 4. guards tank army. The germans are actually in the following minor groups attempted to break through and the first two zones at times overcome, through the 71. mechanized brigade already but didn't. In the meantime, OKW repeatedly demanded the penetration of the Busseho, Wenckových and Steinerových forces to Berlin. Busse so far, but couldn't even connect each with the Wenckem, let alone to jointly attack from the south on the Berlin. The soviets, moreover, still strengthen the position on the path between the two German armies. In the area northeast of Halbe was from the original position přisunut 321. regiment 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigade, which had vystužit position 1277. fusiliers, 389. rifle division. To Freidorfu was přisnut 319. the regiment of the same brigade. Anti-tank guns BS-3 these regiments repulsed several German attempts penetration. Despite previous failures of the Busse was preparing his forces for a breakthrough to the west. 28. on the afternoon of April held a staff meeting with the participation of the commander of the corps and divisions. Busse and chief of staff of the army, Hölz during her all acquainted with the situation and then a discussion was held. The result was the decision to go in the evening to attack in order to break through Halbe to Beelitzu, in whose area should be connected with the forces 12. army. XI. SS panzer corps create and stick to the north edge of a breakthrough, . army corps had to ensure the southern edge. . volunteer mountain corps of the SS should stick to the eastern edge of the boiler and gradually change in the rearguard along with the rest of the 21. panzer division. The germans are actually in the evening went to attack and hit on the soviet forces near Halbe, in the northwest of Halbe primarily on guns BS-3 321. regiment 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigades. Outbreak of intense fighting with significant losses on both sides. On the southern part of the soviet infantry in the area between Halbe and Freidorfem under German pressure subsided for the anti-tank gunners 320. regiment 7. guards fighter anti-tank brigades. The fight here reminded of scenes from ancient times. The germans tried to get around the wings of the individual position of the soviet artillery and destroying them panzerfausty and small arms. Artillery units often had little choice but to lead from the 57 mm anti-tank guns ZiS-2 fire brushes from almost the immediate vicinity. The germans here have been able to stop and in the morning the positions of the back infantry 545. rifle regiment. Overall but parts of the German forces managed to slip through and some of the soviet units themselves caught in the encirclement such as 1277. rifle regiment 389. rifle division to the west of Halbe, 203. houfnicový artillery regiment 2. houfnicové artillery brigade of the south from Halbe or 3. section 98. hard houfnicové artillery brigade. The germans, therefore, in several places managed to break through the first zone of defense 3. guards army and arrived to the second zone 3. guards rifle corps 28. army. The second zone consisted of two lines. The front line held the 50. and 96. guards missile division along with 130. shooting divisions. A second line behind them 54. guards missile division. The germans approached in greater numbers to the area east of the railroad tracks Baruth - hazy center. 29. April morning the German frontal detachments ran into the left wing of the 50. guards rifle division, pushed him and got to the second line. This also quickly broke through, the widened corridor to the north and to the south and to ensure the wings. As to create a passage to the west and continued through the forest to the east of Kummersdorfu on to the third zone defense 3. guards tank army. Immediately north of the Mückendorfu the Germans ran into two battalions 68. guards tank brigade, that night, forced to retreat north to Neuhofu. The germans went through, but for them to challenge a corridor close to the third battalion of the 68. guards tank brigade together with the parts 395. shooting and 50. guards rifle division. The German group, which were able to ride all three zones of defense, now had to compete with units 4. guards tank army. She against them sent from the Wannsee to 61. and 63. gardovou tank brigade 10. guards tank corps and 7. motocyklistický regiment. So a small force but could not control such a wide area and to stop a large group of German troops. To the west is thus broken through roughly thirty thousand German soldiers.

the Liquidation of the boiler
Those German units that neproklouzly corridor at Halbe, were gradually destroyed or captured by the troops 33. and 69. army. Already in the middle of 29. April began to soviet forces taken into captivity larger numbers of German troops and occupying a considerable number of pieces of military equipment. 30. April continued in the disposal of boiler 33. army gradually after short shootings took into captivity the scattered groups of German soldiers.

Wenckova 12. the army attacking south from Berlin

the German 12. army
Shortly after, I was at the very beginning of April closed rúrský boiler, ordered by Hitler on the establishment of the new army. 12. army, which were subordinated to the XXXXI. panzer corps, XXXXVIII. panzer corps and XX. army corps, began to take shape in the area of Desava-Wittenberge. Into its forehead has been named general He just in Bavaria recovering from injuries suffered in East Pomerania. Staff of the army was created from the already unneeded staff of the army Group North, which arrived in the middle of the month of East Prussia. The division, which should be the army subordinate to the, were formed from the younger grades and the team of the , the reich labor service (RAD). Due to circumstances and a rapid formation but the division of this army suffered from a lack of material and level of training also very varied. Army had according to the original plan to go quickly through the Harz to rúrskému the boiler and put in it a closed the Group of armies B. However, at a time when soviet troops holed up in the suburbs of Berlin, was still in the field of formation on the river Elbe. From one side, it pushed us, from the other side of the soviet troops. 23. April arrived at her staff chief of the OKW, general field marshal Keitel general Wenckovi ordered that fought its way to Berlin and teamed with 9. army. He therefore ordered that XXXXI. panzer corps left on the Elbe, only a weak aperture and the main force moved on to the defense line east of the Brandenburg and connect with týlovými units army Group Vistula. XX. army corps should move to the east. Division Scharnhorst should take a position at the bridgehead at Barby. The next part of the ward should take a position on the Elbe between Coswigem and Desavou. Infantry division Ulrich von Hutten should through Gräfenhainichen download to the Elbe and take the line between Coswigem and Wittenbergem. Infantry division Theodor Körner should focus on Belzigu. Division Schill should take a position to the west of the city Niemegk. XXXXVIII. panzer corps should move behind the Elbe and vystužit defense between the Wittenberge and Desavou.

Soviet 4. guards tank army
While Keitel admonished Wencka the operation on the release of the Berlin, Leljušenko was putting together a plan of action 4. guards tank army to the northwest. 10. guards tank corps he attack Potsdam or Lehnin - according to the situation. 5. guards mechanized corps should keep Treuenbrietzen and even wing attack group under Berlin. Leljušenko had even 350. shooting divisions from assembly 13. army. However, 5. guards mechanized corps was too stretched. It would soon manifest itself. Units of both armies on each other before long run. First on the unit 4. guards tank army encountered members of the infantry divisions Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and Theodor Körner. She's already 23. April attacked the Treuenbrietzen who held 10. guards mechanized brigade 5. guards mechanized corps. The germans success achieved, as the brigade came to the aid of 11. guards mechanized brigade.

Plan of attack 12. army
25. April Hitler issued orders 12. and 9. army. Argued that due to the situation in Berlin and its surroundings it is necessary to accelerate the planned operation. You should be made quickly and resolutely. It shouldn't have to look at the provision of wings, units should focus only and only an earliest possible breakthrough for the city. 12. army should leave in the Wittenberge just a weak cover band and the rest of the forces of the south wing of hang out from the Belzigu to line of Beelitz - Ferch. This should cut off the soviet 4. gardovou panzer army, which útočla on the Brandenburg, from the rear. Then she had to attack towards the east to link up with 9. army. She had to hold the line between Sprévským through the woods and Fürstenwalde and at the same time go the shortest route to the west to link up with 12. army. After they had both armies to clear the area under the Berlin and connect units in the city. As regards the implementation of the blow, had the 12. army two options. The first option was to punch XX. army corps from Belzigu over Potsdam, which would combine with the forces of general Reymanna, to Berlin. The advantage was the minimum the necessity of regrouping and most likely a relatively weaker soviet units on the way. North of Treuenbrietzen could have come into contact with 9. army advancing to the west. The other option was to attack from the area XXXXI. tank corps in the area of lakes north of the Havel river. The corps would establish a connection with the wing army Group Vistula, which should be located in the area near the Ferhbellinu. This option would require a larger realignment of forces, however, had its advantages. Exit XXXXVIII. tank corps for the Elbe meant the loss of connection 12. army with German troops in Saxony and Protekrorátu. It was therefore appropriate to move more to the north and to concentrate here the forces of the closer units to the north of Berlin. A common procedure 12. army from the west and units of the army Group Vistula from the northwest might have a chance against the soviet troops northwest of Berlin. OKW but the other variation rejected. 12. army had to advance on Berlin from the south. Grouping of the German forces north of Berlin should also go to the city, but the chosen variant due to the conditions ruled out the possibility of coordination. In addition to Holsteho XXXXI. that meant a still greater isolation from the main forces 12. army. On the morning of 26. April was 12. the army subordinate to the XXXIX. panzer corps, which recently suffered heavy losses in an unsuccessful attempt to counterattack against the american 9. army and now he was on the Elbe north of 12. army. But while the German forces přeskupovaly to carry out an attack, the armies of both the soviet frontů at noon 27. April joined in Potsdam. From 1. belarusian front arrived here 33. guards motostřelecká brigade, 50. guards tank brigade and 388. missile division. You are here met to 17. and 35. gardovou mechanized brigade, 61. and the 63. gardovou tank brigade, 1080. rifle regiment 350. rifle division and 1433. and 1727. self-propelled artillery regiment from the assembly 1. Ukrainian front. It's even more complicated Wenckovu situation. Now he couldn't count on his forces on the way to the city increases, on the contrary, will have to fight your way. Potsdam should clean the unit 9. guards tank corps, while the 6th. guards mechanized corps Leljušenko sent to Brandenburg.

Attempt to attack
28. April morning set out to XX. army corps into action. The front progressed Infantry division Ulrich von Hutten, on the left flank, Infantry division Ferdinand von Schill and on the right wing Infantry division Scharnhorst. In the afternoon division Ulrich von Hutten and Ferdinand von Schill came into the forest of the massif at the Lehninu and even during the day arrived to Ferchu. XXXXVIII. panzer corps by that time, completed a move to the north bank of the Elbe, so that they could be into the attack sent the next part of XX. army corps, of which the position of the unit XXXXVIII. tank corps take. Ferch defended 70. self-propelled artillery brigade, 12. guards mechanized brigade reflect the German attacks in the region, Beelitzu and 10. guards mechanized brigade led counterattacks against units of the division Scharnhorst. At noon, He sent Reymannovi the order to blast with his forces to the forces XX. army corps, which were located at Ferchu. Reymann gathered twenty thousand men, and set off to the south to attempt a breakthrough. And indeed he managed to break into the Lehninského of the forest, where he has made contact with units of the division Ulrich von Hutten and Ferdinand von Schill, the tank destroyers opened their way through the soviet positions south and southwest of the Potsdam. The soviets due to the development of the situation under Postupimí turned 17. and 35. gardovou mechanized brigade 6. guards mechanized corps. The brigade began to attack the German troops and the start of a relatively fierce battle. The soviet infantry began to gradually gain the upper hand and dislodging the Germans from the woods in Lehninu. The soviets also gradually surrounded the Brandenburg, so the north wing, 12. army it was in a still worse situation. He had to think about it, to get the Soviets did not make a strong lunge to the south and cut off the him from the west. Prevent the development of the division was to be Ferdinand von Schill along with the soldiers who have escaped from Potsdam.

Move for the Elbe
Wenckovi it was now clear that there is no chance to break into the Berlin. Now, therefore, began to focus on two things: to secure a breakthrough 9. army on the west and provide a transition for the Elbe into american captivity. If it was possible, I would also keep a connection with the northern group of troops near Havelberg. XX. army corps maintained a regular connection with the 9. army, warned her before the group of soviet forces in the area Jüterbog - Treuenbrietzen and guided her to the area south of Beelitzu, where was the soviet position relatively weak. For the unit 12. army this meant the need to keep their position after a few days, to the unit 9. army be amendment time. In this regard, however, morale in the units 12. army at a relatively high level. A relatively young cadres in its divisions still had more of a childhood determination than the bitter war experience, despite the years of nazi propaganda, moreover, it is tie sense of responsibility towards their comrades. Division 12. army reflect the 29. April a soviet attack on three directions. He meanwhile, posted on OKW the message in which has informed, that he could only rescue unit of Potsdam, but that due to the soviet pressure is not able to make a sortie into the Berlin, in which in addition could not rely on interaction 9. army. OKW message received, but Hitler her nepředalo. On the contrary 29. April in 23 hours posted on the OKW radiogram, in which jodi's house inquired, where is it located Wenckovy the front of the unit when he starts his main attack, where it is located 9. army where the located Holsteho units and where the one starts with the attack. The answers that came back from the OKW, Hitler not happy, on the contrary, he apparently finally ran out of hopelessness of this situation. Shortly thereafter committed suicide. In the meantime 1. may morning, reached the first of the unit 9. army, escaping from halbského the boiler, position the 12. army in the area between the Treuenbrietzenem and Beelitzem. 12. army she held the position of even 2. may and then began to move over the Elbe. 3. may began talks with the Americans about the terms of surrender. Area 12. army began to shrink, until the last members crossed the Elbe in Tangermünde.

Steiner's army group attacking to the north of Berlin

Steiner's army group
When soviet troops on the Oder break the line of Wotan, he got 21. April, Steiner III. SS panzer corps (germanic), respectively, on its basis created by Steiner's army group, order to in a night attack from the area near the Eberswalde south in order to restore the connection between the CI. army and LIONS. tank corps. Hitler the order specifically ordered to be on the south to the position of the LIONS. panzer corps, Werneuchenu sent 4. police division panzer grenadiers of the SS, 5. hunting division and 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers. In the defensive positions should have the following divisions to replace the 3. infantry division navy. Division with LIONS. choir to establish a connection and at any price to keep him. Units should have a strict ban on the to retreat to the west. For the violation was ordered death sentence by firing squad. Steiner should help the fact, that the procedure of the Polish 1. army lagged behind over the soviet 47. army. Zhukov but a niche saw also, and he sent to her 7. guards cavalry corps. In addition to Hitler order diverged with the real situation on the battlefield. 21. April has already arrived soviet troops into the Bernau. Steiner's group is now tasked to ensure the defense on the line of Finowfurt - Oranienburg - Špandava while but it wasn't canceled the order to attack. He had a group now as soon as possible to lead a strike detachments from the area Zerpenschleuse along the imperial road no. 109 to the wings and the back of the head of the advancing soviet mechanized and tank volumes. In the meantime, Zehdenick the first troops 3. infantry division navy and 15. grenadier division of the SS (Latvian no. 1). Steiner's group has also gradually strengthened. However, Steiner 22. April to attack out. From Berlin, therefore, arrived at the crew army Group Vistula impatient query, when Steiner's group heads to attack. Heinrici subsequently Steiner sent an order to the evening opened with a deep wing protútok against the advancing soviet units, and did not expect therefore for the arrival of other reinforcements. The goal of the attack should be the first area between the Wensickendorfem and Wandlitzem, including the east of it located on the road route, then should the German units to advance further to the south.

Attempts to attack
Due to the development of the situation on the right wing 1. belarusian front, Steiner expected the attack is completely nonsensical and without chances. 3. shock army and two choirs 2. guards tank army to him stood back, as it began to attack the south in the northern suburb of Berlin. 47. army even působial in the area northwest of Berlin, from where the attack on the south to Potsdam. Steiner could assume that they hit mainly on relatively open Polish units. 23. April morning his unit went into the attack. But the action was not a success. Under pressure from the forces of 61. army had to Steiner clear the bridgehead on the south side of the channel. Units of the Polish army at the same time, together with the soviet cavalry crossed the canal in the Tabor and pushed 3. infantry division navy. Steiner asked about the reinforcements. Some received, but often it was more about paper units. Some units again on the contrary, should the men but no weapons. However, on 25. April morning Steiner attempted another attack on the south, this time from the area near the Germendorfu, which leří west of the Tabor. Assault headed into the Špandavy, where members of the Hitler youth firmly held the river crossings Havolu. More to the south other units holding positions on the Teltowském channel, even if there is 25. April the Soviets were attempts on his transition. If Steiner managed to break through positions of the Polish 1. army and the soviet 47. army, can through the Špandavu open corridor of the city. The nearby Nauenu was at the same time moved XXXXI. panzer corps Wenckovy 12. army. But the attack of the strike group around the 25. the division of the panzer grenadiers it was shortly after his relatively successful beginning repulsed the active activities of the Polish artillery units, which the Germans were able to direct fire to stop. You tried the second day to renew the attack action, but without success, even had to reflect counterattacks of Polish forces. Steiner wouldn't worry about just the Polish army. From the east at his position once again rushed to the soviet 61. army. Her unit destroyed a beachhead for Eberswalde, 27. April exceeded Hohenzollernský channel and proceed along it to the west straight into the back of the head Steinerovy group. 29. April morning the right wing of the army reached to the channel Case. Meanwhile, south of the Hohenzollernského channel advanced units 80. rifle corps, which at the same time reached the Tabor. Steinerovo the position was completely unsustainable. Unit of his group, therefore, withdrew to the Elbe..
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the FIGHT FOR the CITY of BERLIN[/heading]


Who arrived in Berlin as the first
The answer to the question, that the soviet unit was first on the Berlin depends on what we regarded as its boundary. Traditionally it was for his edge of the gate of the route of the circular highway, which formed the boundary of the so-called Big Berlin. To that on the north-east edge at six o'clock in the morning 21. April closer to the frontal detachments 171. rifle division and at 6:30 she crossed the front of the battalion 713. rifle regiment of this division west of the junction with the imperial highway no. 2. Berlin with your an area of 880 square kilometers one of the largest cities. From west to east measured 45 kilometers, from north to south for 38 miles. From this large area was built up only fifteen percent of the area. The rest consisted of orchards and parks. In the very centre of the city was a large park, the Tiergarten, to which was attached a large green area of the zoo. The city is divided in twenty districts, of which fourteen were external. There was a relatively low density of the population, who lived in the nízkoposchodových homes. Circular rail defining the boundary between the external and internal quarters. The inner part of the cities abyla divided into nine defense sectors. Area in the inner part of the city was significantly thicker and its base accounted for víceposchoďové block houses with significantly tlustšími walls that held in the averages of four to five floors. A large part of the home has already been more or less damaged by previous air raids of allied bombers. From another point of view can be, therefore, to battle for these inside the heart regarded as the real beginning of the struggle for Berlin. Then a would be valedictorian has been 1. mechanized corps.

the Situation in the city
In 1939, lived in Berlin approximately 4 320 000 people. Contributions to the front, the casualties during the bombing and the escape of civilians from the front, this number decreased. On the contrary, the influx of refugees from the east, this loss slowed down. In January 1945 there were 2 900 000 persons. In April 1945, this number ranged estimate somewhere between 2 to 2.5 million. Berlin was the political and financial center of the Greater German reich, respectively, in the spring of 1945 only its debris. The city was also an important industrial centre. There were here two-thirds of the electrical industry, a sixth the engineering industry and twenty of the great races of the arms industry, among them e.g. the race by alkett, which was produced by tank destroyers. Large factories were mainly in the suburbs, in the inner city were rather medium-sized and small businesses. The city was also a transportation hub. Were there major water artery, sbíhalo here fifteen railway lines and passing through two imperial highway. In Berlin was thirty station, more than 120 stations and eight large marshalling yards. A number of these tracks led along a high náspech and steel bridges that cross the numerous waterways in the head with the river Sprévou. To it must be added the river Havolu and a network of navigation channels. The city also housed a network of underground metro, which had a total length of approximately 80 kilometers. In the city there were three massive complexes of air defence (And-G, I-N, I-L, II-G, II-L, III-G and III-L), which also serve as covers for the civilian population. The first complex was in the park, the ZOO, the second in Friedrichshain, the third in Humboldthainu. In the city was also a number of smaller above-ground concrete bunkers.

Defense of the city
From January 1945 preparing the defense of the city staff Military district III. At the beginning of march was the commander of the city appointed lieutenant general Hellmuth Reymann. He was available for only 92 battalions volkssturm and several smaller units, often the remnants at the front of the destroyed volumes. Furthermore, it was a different strength, machine-gun, airport, construction, traffic police, security, training and similar units. The city was transformed into a fortress, called the festung. Many houses were remodelled in the nest of resistance, the streets were equipped with series-produced by the barricades. On the main roads were left to the crimps, that it was possible to conclude wagons filled with stones or similar material. Similar barricades were also on the approaches to the bridges. Before the barricades were often laid mines. The selected locations were buried immobile tanks or just their towers. Lieutenant general Reymann the city in the context of limited options to defend prepared, but in the end, she wasn't in command, because 23. April was as commanding officer recalled. 24. April took over responsibility for the defense of the city general of the artillery Helmuth Weidling, who simultaneously commanded the LIONS. panzer corps, who has just arrived. The command post was located in the the tower air defense in the zoo. Division of the corps shares the defensive positions in each sector. In the northeastern part of the city has taken the position 9. paradesantní division, in the southeastern part of the 11. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland, in the southern part of Panzer division Müncheberg, in the southwestern part of the 20. the division of the panzer grenadiers and in the western part of the 18. the division of the panzer grenadiers. Estimates of the number of the defenders of the city are very different, but the average value can be described roughly 100,000 men.

23. April

North clusters
Troops 3. shock army led 23. April fight in the north and northeastern part of the Berlin. 23. guards missile division yet at night Pankow and progressed to Reinickendorf. 52. guards missile division in the meantime, cleared the Weißensee. 2. guards tank army was moved to the northwest from the town. After received your own offensive space in the direction of Pankow, Berlin, Siemensstadt, Westend (possibly even Charlottenburg and Grunewald), and has been singled out 9. guards tank corps, who worked west of the city. 1. mechanized corps was at midnight taken from the battle at the Weißensee and then through the Rosenthal fought his way during the day to Wittenau. At the same time with him has progressed following a similar route 12. guards tank corps that is the end of the day got up to Berlínsko-špandavskému shipping channel.

Southeast group
To cross the Spree got 5. shock army available boats Dněperské fleet, which were at the place brought in trucks and then lowered to the water. Shortly after midnight the boats moved to the other side of the first soldiers with reconnaissance tasks. During the night then were transported to the frontal detachments 230. and 301. rifle division. Their transition cover for artillery fire. 5. shock army was in the morning assigned also 11. panzer corps. His 20. tank brigade together with 1493. self-propelled artillery regiment to support procedure 230. rifle division 9. rifle corps. 36. tank brigade together with 1071. a light artillery regiment was to provide the synergies 89. guards rifle division 26. guards rifle corps. And 65. tank brigade with 50. heavy tank regiment and of 243. minometným regiment should be support for 60. gardovou shooting division 32. rifle corps. 1. guards tank army along with 8. gardovou army should bypass the city from the south. Here they should resist the remnants of the 11. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland and part of the berlin crew. To cross the river Spree to get 8. guards army available 273. amphibious battalion. During the day succeeded in the army to get the support of the artillery of the bridgehead at Adlershof. Then was built a pontoon bridge, after which began to carry tanks and self-propelled guns. 8. guards army received for support of the infantry 64. gardovou tank brigade from 1. guards tank army. She progressed a step further. In the morning crossed her 11. guards tank corps the river Wuhle and in the area of Karlshorstu and Oberschöneweide arrived to the Spree. 8. guards mechanized corps followed by his left side. 1. guards tank army she had available 274. amphibious battalion. Motopěchota 21. guards mechanized brigade in the morning crossed the river spree at Köpenick, east of its confluence with the river Dahme. This exceeded the next instant the amphibious machines and began to lead the struggle for Adlershof.

south west group
Koněvova effort to overtake Zhukov in the race for who will be the first in Berlin, has failed. 3. guards tank army refrain from Zossenem and then couldn't exceed of running Teltowský channel. In time, when the armies of the 1. belarusian front lead in the northeast area of the fight in the streets of Weißensee, 3. guards tank army is the southwest's only going to cross the channel. That was supposed to happen the following day in the morning. 3. gardovou army should support the rifle division 28. army, 48. guards missile division 6. guards tank corps and 61. missile division 9. mechanized corps. The channel was also 10. guards tank corps 4. guards tank army, which should support the 350. missile division. The choir was part of the forces in the channel, part of the forces on the road to postupimskému Babelsbergu. In general it can be said that the southwest group is 23. April in the relative calm of preparing for combat operations the following day.

24. April

North clusters
3. shock army 24. April took control of Reinickendorf and came to the north shore Berlínsko-špandavského navigation channel in the area of people's park Rehberge. About midnight, two battalions of the 207. rifle division 79. rifle corps the canal crossed, and led the fight for the bridgehead. 150. missile division the afternoon got orders to try and find other transport yards and into the end of the following day to fight your way to the train station, which is just a kilometer from the building of the reichstag (today there is a main train station). And even 2. gardovou tank army was this day in the sign of the fighting of the crossing of the channel. In the morning to him also arrived 1. mechanized corps. When he didn't find any unspoiled bridge, began with the attempts of a violent transition channel. Eventually it managed to 19. mechanized brigade, which has managed to carve out a beachhead and then even keep. 12. guards tank corps during the day and he moved to the channel the rest of their forces and also began with the efforts of his transition.

Southeast group
5. shock army has not reached the 24. April significant success. Attack 26. guards rifle corps following the northern bank of the Spree to the west of the Silesian station was soon stopped because of the strong German resistance. 32. rifle corps while the available two bridges, but the road on the south bank of the Spree was under the strong fire of the enemy. Crossing the wide river under constant and heavy enemy fire outside of the body of bridges required considerable losses. Just 9. rifle corps could on the other bank of the Spree to move your prvosledové division. Also 1. guards tank army reached different results. 8. guards mechanized corps in the morning in Köpenick finished crossing the river, attacked to the northwest, and during the day occupied Adlershof, Johannisthal, Baumschulenweg and Mighty. 11. guards tank corps acquired during the previous day less the bridgehead, but the attempt to transition of the main forces of the corps and its expansion was thwarted přílši heavy enemy fire. The corps was therefore redirected to the not in the dock 8. guards mechanized corps and the end of the day arrived in Treptowa. Having won a bridgehead on the Spree attack 8. guards army the northwest direction. 4. guards rifle corps is transported through the bridgehead 28. guards rifle corps, then had to lead the attack towards Anhaltskému and Postupimskému station. 29. guards rifle corps had to attack towards the airport Templehof. 28. guards rifle corps had a cover for the army advance from the south and the west. Across the river spree at Köpenick carried even 7. guards heavy tank brigade, whose tanks IS-2 should provide support for 29. gardovému rifle corps. The morning unit 8. guards army together with units 3. guards tank army in the area of Schönefeld. 4. guards rifle corps arrived to the Channel of defence, 28. and 29. guards rifle corps reached Teltowského channel.

south west group
Five minutes after six o'clock in the morning started on the entire section of the front 3. guards tank army strong artillery preparation. In seven hours surged forward infantry, which issued exceed Teltowský channel. On the stretch 9. mechanized corps the channel has exceeded the 69. mechanized brigade, against which the Germans made a strong counter-attacking, as this stretch of rated as the most risky. The brigade suffered heavy loss and had to download. Two other corps of the army managed to bridgehead fight and keep. The best kept 6. guards tank corps whose 22. guards motostřelecká brigade crossed the channel and carve out a beachhead sufficient to build a bridge for the movement of heavy equipment. On the stretch 7. guards tank corps been used the debris of the bridge in Stahnsdorfu. After it managed to run over seven spgs SU-76, but under eight the rest of the bridge fell. The best of the situation, therefore, was on the stretch 6. guards tank corps. The engineers here have built two pontonová bridge not in the dock. One bridge was in the western and the other in the eastern part of the Teltowa. Here they were directed and the two other corps 3. guards tank army. Brigade of the three councils is carried on the north shore during the day and at night on the 25th. April. Because they had bridges carrying capacity of roughly 30 tons, remaining heavy tanks, IS-2 for the time being in reserve on the south shore. A bridge with sufficient capacity was put into operation up to 25. April. 6. guards tank corps by the end of the day expanded the bridgehead up to the railway line from Berlin by Potsdam in the area of Lichterfelde. 62. guards tank brigade and 29. guards motostřelecká brigade 10. guards tank corps 4. guards tank army he also tried to cross the Teltowský channel, but success have not achieved. Subsequently, they were also directed to not in the dock of a neighboring army in Teltowě. The remaining two brigades of the corps were sent to the Potsdam, but were halted at the approaches to the city.

25. April

North clusters
Troops 3. shock army led the fight for the expansion of the bridgehead on the southern bank of the Berlínsko-špandavského navigation channel. 150. missile division the channel went through in another place and in the night of 26. April it exceeded. Part of the 9. tank corps were passed to individual units of infantry, which should provide direct support. On the stretch 2. guards tank brigade during the night to 25. April, the Germans repeatedly attempted to push one battalion of 19. mechanized brigade - won bridgehead into the navigation channel. Battalion but all the attacks parried and in the morning even went on the attack. Beachhead managed to expand enough to possibly be established not in the dock fighting techniques. Right after on the south shore carried the rest of the brigade. Subsequently, they have been on this not in the dock directed i 219. tank brigade and 37. mechanized brigade. The success of the 1. mechanized corps contributed to the success of the 12. guards tank corps. His 48. guards tank brigade ingested not in the dock 1. mechanized corps and in the evening led the fight for Siemesstadt. In the evening over the same transport yards began to move the remaining brigade of the corps, with the exception of 34. guards motostřelecké brigade. The crossed channel opposite the Plötzensee, for here she found a weak spot in the defense. After crossing the channel of the brigade kept going and arrived to the railway bridge over the river spree, which the German engineers were just going to destroy it. Comrades of the red army is driven away, and gained the bridge, which took the tanks and self-propelled guns.

Southeast group
On the forehead of the procedure 5. shock army held 9. rifle corps. He continued to attack along the western bank of the Spree in the back of the head of the German forces, which were outside the 32. rifle corps. He failed to carve out and a bridgehead was directed to a section of the 26. guards rifle corps. Both corps on the right flank had advanced about half a mile, while the 9. rifle corps on the left wing offended less than three kilometers. In the morning went into the attacks also unit 8. guards army. 57. guards missile division managed to carve out a bridge over the channel of defence, which the Germans didn't blow up. Part of the 74. and 39. guards missile division again crossed the Teltowský channel. The success reached also 11. guards tank corps 1. guards tank army whose 40. guards tank brigade obtained the transition through the channel of defence. To this point then they were directed i 44. and 45. guards tank brigade. 8. guards mechanized corps crossed the north of the Britzu Teltowský channel.

south west group
3. guards tank army successfully develop the offensive in the shape of a fan from its bridgehead north of the Teltowa. 7. guards mechanized corps attack on the left flank, 6. guards tank corps on Wednesday and 9. mechanized corps on the right wing. 7. guards mechanized corps during the day cleared the Eigenherd, Zehlendorf, Schlachtensee and Nikolassee. 6. guards tank corps cleaned Dahlem and proceeded to Schmargendorf. 9. mechanized corps cover for their procedure. In Dahlemu advanced and three brigade 10. guards tank corps 4. guards tank army. His fourth brigade, 61. guards tank brigade, is still trying to breakthrough to the Potsdam, but still without success. 25. April saw the unpleasant events, when the air force 1. belarusian front accidentally bombed the position of 3. guards tank army. A hundred soldiers were killed or wounded.

26. April

North clusters
After crossing the Berlínsko-špandavského the floating channel of the troops 3. shock army to the next water obstacle in the form of Charlottenburského of the interconnection channel. 150. missile division after a strong artillery preparation attempted at noon to cross the bridge over the canal, but the success it brought. In the afternoon, however, succeeded one regiment 171. rifle division. But success was short-lived, as a strong German fighting back pushed rudoarmějce back. Railway bridge over the river spree, which the previous day was dominated by 34. guards motostřelecká brigade 2. guards tank army, was in the morning ready for the crossing of tanks. However, the tanks passing through the raised bridge have become an easy target for the German artillery. Crossing the river was postponed for a period of time, when darkness falls. Also 1. mechanized corps tried to cross the river spree.

Southeast group
At the head of the procedure 5. shock army remained 9. rifle corps. 1. guards tank army develop an attack to the northwest and now they were heading to the streets of Neukölln. The frontal detachments 82. guards rifle division 8. guards army at noon holed up to prison north of airport Templehof. After a time, to the airport arrived the rest of the division. Along with her come out here and 27. guards missile division.

south west group
26. April is the first part of the 3. guards tank army busted from the suburbs to the Berlin. 6. guards tank corps during the day cleared the Schmargendorf and the Rheingau. His 51. guards tank brigade then arrived at the rail circular track. 9. mechanized corps lost during the day forward only minimally. 26. April began to breakthrough the German 9. army of halbského the boiler, which had to Konev pay attention to. To Baruthu was sent 63. guards tank brigade 4. guards tank army along with 50., 54. and 96. gardovou shooting divisions 28. army.

27. April

North clusters
The commander of the 3. shock army replaced the commander of the 7. rifle corps, but the lack of results of the volume that changed nothing. 12. guards rifle corps postouil forward, but it was not a great distance. 79. rifle corps was directed to a different direction, during the day his division, to clear the southeast part of the Siemensstadtu and arrived to the shores of the Spree river. 171. missile division crossed the connecting channel and was preparing to attack the Moabitu. Components 1. mechanized corps in the morning reflect the German strikes against the bridgehead on the southern bank of the Spree, then switched from defense to attack. In the afternoon, then in the west end to bond with the units 55. guards tank brigade 7. guards tank corps 3. guards tank army. Berlin was cut off from the Špandavy and the system of lakes in the west edge of the city. 1. mechanized corps then set off to the southwest Charlottenburg. Then had to continue after the Neue Kantstraße to the zoo and then after Tiergartenstraße, while part of the forces should proceed from the zoo along the south bank of the Channel of defence. 12. guards tank corps also crossed the river spree and deep went to Charlottenburg. 2. guards tank army has been strengthened by the Polish 2. houfnicovou dělostřelecku brigade.

Southeast group
Troops 5. shock army has progressed forward and to the building of the reichstag, they had about a mile and a half. The yeomen of the 1. guards tank army and 8. guards army in the afternoon have arrived to the railway node south of Anhaltského and the Potsdam station. Zhukov then Katukovovi ordered to 11. gardovým tank corps supported by 274. the banner of the special purpose crossed the Channel of defence between Potsdam railway station and Viktoriastraße and proceeded towards the reichstag, which had the guardians to conquer. Ironically, so had to miss the fuhrer's bunker and the attack on the building is rather symbolic meaning. 8. guards mechanized corps was to conquer the southwestern part of the park Tiergarten and establish a connection with the units 2. guards tank army. The unit 8. guards army led by 82. gardovou shooting divisions and 7. gardovou tank brigade meanwhile, arrived to the canal south of Anhaltského station. Water stream but they exceed the failed.

south west group
3. guards tank army slowly prokousávala through the German nests of resistance forward. 6. guards tank corps with the rest of the force slipped through to the rail circular track, but to advance her failed. Even 10. gardovému panzer corps 4. guards tank army has fared better. 61. guards tank brigade fought briága tried to break through to Potsdam, but even she success did not record. 63. guards tank brigade along with 350. shooting divisions operate around the island System, but cross the channel and occupy the island failed to do so. 9. mechanized corps pulled into the Friedenau and advanced to the Hauptstrasse. To the building of the reichstag-he had eight miles. 7. guards tank corps in the meantime advanced to the north to meet the troops 2. guards tank army. The danger of the breakthrough of the Germans from halbského boiler Rybalka made send 71. mechanized brigade to Sperenbergu. 16. self-propelled artillery brigade and 57. guards heavy tank regiment remained for certainty in the area of the ring highway.

28. April

North clusters
3. shock army 28. April led the particular struggle in Moabitu. Division 79. rifle corps him during the day cleaned and ran out to the shore of the Spree. 7. rifle corps failed to advance and much better, not even 12. guards rifle corps. Councils 2. guards tank army proceed to the west to the Tiergarten. Around Bismarckstraße soviet commanders 219. tank brigade 1. mechanized corps ran into heavy fire from dug-in tanks. Brigade instead prefer to bypass. Later there were buried tanks, discarded 35. mechanized brigade. 12. guards tank corps the evening arrived to the Channel of defence near the zoological gardens.

Southeast group
Troops 5. shock army progressed steadily forward, while best led the 9. rifle corps. The army were on that day, subject to the two sections of the 305 mm howitzers, which were firing from the area of Lichtenbergu help with the liquidation of the nests of resistance in the zodolněných buildings. 11. guards tank corps 1. guards tank army couldn't make a quick breakthrough to the reichstag. 40. guards tank brigade with one banner 27. guards motostřelecké brigade at noon, arrived to the canal at Flottwellstraße. Came across here but to the resistance, which overpowered until late in the evening. The subsequent attempt to přechdo channel but it wasn't for the strong German resistance successful. For something better you have led 44. and 45. guards tank brigade together with two battalions of the 27. guards motostřelecké brigade. Those are pdoařilo channel exceed and evening to tempt the fighting in the area east of the Anhaltského station. Behind them marched a division of 29. guards rifle corps 8. guards army. You then entered into a fight about Anhaltské and the Potsdam station. 8. guards mechanized corps proceeded to park near the zoological gardens, where, at the end of the day was only a half mile from the finish.

south west group
Councils 3. guards tank army were reinforced by the infantry 20. rifle corps 28. army. Late in the evening of the previous day were given the task to fully dominate the southwestern part of the Berlin and go to the Channel of defence. 9. mechanized corps had to attack together with 61. shooting divisions on the north to the Channel of defence. 6. guards tank corps along with the 48. gardovou shooting divisions proceed to the station Schmargendorf, Prussian park, Wielandstraße and the end of the day arrive to the Channel of defence. 7. guards tank corps received orders to proceed together with 20. shooting divisions towards the Zoo. Morning actually after the artillery preparation of the corps moved forward. On the northern wing of the attack from west to east 7. guards tank corps. His 55. guards tank brigade crossed a railway intersection Westkreuz, 23. guards motostřelecká brigade svdáděla battle station Halensee. At the center of advanced 6. guards tank corps. Reached however only partial successes. 52. guards tank brigade failed to advance at the station Hohenzollerndamm, 51. and 53. guards tank brigade move a piece further, but only on Berlinerstraße. More successful was the 9. mechanized corps, but his approach caused friction. Konev asked Zhukov, to modify the orders for the Čujkova and Katukova, since the procedure of their armies along the southern shore of the Channel of defence crossed with the procedure Rybalkovovy 3. guards tank army, mainly with the estimated route of the procedure 9. mechanized corps. Zhukov he refused to comply and turned on the Stalin to either define the line of the procedure, or gave this power Žukovovi. In that moment already stood 150. missile division 3. shock army on the bank of the Spree Moltke bridge, so should the building of the reichstag in sight. It took into account the apparently even in the Moscow. Shortly after the Žukovově the application actually arrived at the answer Strike, which rozhraničovací line shifted more to the northwest, thereby definitely cut Koněva from the reichstag.

29. April

29. April ordered the Zhukov a general strike on the German units surrounded in the area of Tiergarten, respectively southwest and northeast of it, which was followed by a strong artillery preparation.

North clusters
3. strike the army is marching to the reichstag. In the first echelon of the 79. rifle corps act 150. and 171. missile division, which provide direct support to the 23. tank brigade tanks T-34, 85. tank regiment with the tanks of the T-34 and IS-2, 1203. self-propelled artillery regiment machine SU-76 and 351. heavy self-propelled artillery regiment, which had in the assembly of the spg will take ISU-152. Already in the night of 28. April some members of the 171. rifle division they crossed the river spree and were already less than a kilometer from the building. For the conquest of this position, but it was also necessary to gain a firm crossing of the river. The aim, therefore, was the Moltke bridge. He was the commander of the 79. rifle corps occupy in the night of 29. April. Make it should again soldiers 171. rifle division who should the river overcome the still north-east from the bridge. After securing the bridge then you should occupy the eastern part of the building of the reichstag. 150. missile division should occupy the western part of the building. The transition Spree should facilitate strong artillery support. Direct fire should provide three battery 1957. fighter anti-tank artillery regiment, the three howitzers of 86. houfnicové brigade and nine works from the 328. artillery regiment. Indirect fire should provide for less than section 328. artillery regiment, which should help him means the divisional and choral artillery. It was a two battery 86. houfnicové brigade, one battery 124. hard houfnicové brigade of the great powers, section 50. mortar regiment and a section of rocket launchers. After midnight 29. April darted under the cover of artillery and mortar fire forward of 380. rifle regiment 171. rifle division, which managed to capture the Moltke bridge and a building south-east of it. The new position of the regiment took a defensive position. Long but in the calm wouldn't last. After a while the order came to advance further. This ensures 756. rifle regiment 150. rifle division along with the. 380. and 525. rifle regiment 171. rifle division. At three o'clock in the afternoon the redcoats tried to fight the building of the reichstag, but were beaten back. The first attempt therefore failed. The soviets dragged the cannon, but not even another attempt shortly before midnight came out. All, moreover, complicated by the German fire from the building Krollovy opera. On the other hand, rudoarmějcům managed to occupy the building of the ministry of interior. 3. shock army meanwhile, also got backup in the form of 38. rifle corps from 33. army. The corps received orders to the second day proceeded along Fehrbelliner Straße. 34. guards motostřelecká brigade 12. guards tank corps 2. guards tank army in the night of 29. April took to use the bridge over the Channel of defence, thereby to ensure the possibility of its rapid changeover. Chorus then in the morning 29. April widened the bridgehead. The next 1. mechanizovanému corps is the channel cross failed.

Southeast group
Units 5. shock army was missing for the reichstag a mile. Less than three hundred meters, for they will have already approached the troops 3. shock army. The commander of the 1. guards tank army your corps ordered both to clear the park of Tiergarten, both to bond with 2. gardovou panzer army. 8. guards mechanized corps in the evening he managed to advance to the Budapester Straße, then ran into strong resistance, which the Germans had from the zoo. In her, moreover, was of turret Flakturm I-G, which resisted even the firing 152 mm guns. The fighting here continued even in the night. In the meantime, 11. guards tank corps arrived to the area of government buildings. 40. guards tank brigade but even now she couldn't cross the Channel of defence. The resistance here the remnants of Regiment of panzer grenadiers of the SS 24 Danmark from the assembly 11. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland placed such that this part of the ward has been moved more west to the Tiergarten. 44. and 45. guards tank brigade continued fighting in Anhaltského station. Together with 82. gardovou shooting divisions 8. guards army here, she has worked 7. guards heavy tank brigade. The defending battalion of the 11. the volunteer division of the panzer grenadiers of the SS Nordland and banner 33. grenadier division of the Waffen-SS Charlemagne (French no 1).

south west group
After překresení jurisdiction of each frontů remained before the 3. gardovou panzer army 28. on the evening of April already, only a few square kilometers Wilmersdorfu. 9. mechanized corps should proceed to the northeast.

30. April

North clusters
During the night of 30. April the Soviets to the building have attracted the artillery of the great powers in order to conduct direct fire. In the morning there were to be another attack ready 380. and 525. rifle regiment 171. rifle division together with the 756. and 674. rifle regiment 150. rifle division. The unit 207. rifle division should at the same time occupy Krollovu opera, which was important to ensure the wings and the rear of the units attacking on the rump. At 11:30 ended the artillery preparation and then continued covering fire, which allowed the troops that went to attack, a cross in the noon anti-tank ditch in front of the building. At 13:30 began another artillery preparation, which is already facing direct fire on the building itself. The German defender stung three batteries of 1957. fighter anti-tank artillery regiment, two batteries 328. artillery regiment, eleven guns of the artillery of 674. fusiliers, and several howitzers of large caliber. To them were added the tanks and self-propelled guns. In the 14:20 is 1. a battalion of 380. fusiliers, captain samson's and 1. a battalion of 525. fusiliers, captain Neustrojeva from the assembly 171. rifle division prorvaly into the building and in the window put up the flag of victory. Five minutes then got in and members 756. and 674. fusiliers, 150. rifle division. In that moment, was hoisted the soviet flag on the roof of the building. The fight but continued on. At 21:30 zavlála red flag on the dome of the building. Meanwhile, the corps 2. guards tank army, on the edge of the Tiergarten park. The soviets, mainly 12. guards tank corps, had here so far unsuccessful struggle of the railway station. To help the soviet tank corps was in the evening sent the Polish 1. infantry division, which was to advance along the Charlottenburger Chaussee (today Straße des 17. Juni), which forms the axis of the Tiergarten park from west to east. Even in the evening but the soviet and Polish troops failed to station Tiergarten conquer. Meanwhile, on the southwestern edge of the park attack 1. mechanized corps.

Southeast group
The procedure 5. shock army basically stopped. Just 26. guards rifle corps stepped forward about a half mile. 1. guards tank army soustředial on the cast of the park to the zoological gardens. The task fell mainly 11. gardovému panzer corps, which in the meantime had fought for the reich chancellery. 8. guards mechanized corps morning together with the 39. and 88. gardovou shooting divisions after the artillery preparation and with the help of the air raid the air force began with the attack into the park to the zoological gardens from the south. In the afternoon they were the redcoats in the southern part of the park. the Tower air defense held. 11. guards tank corps concentrated in the Park Henry In. with the task to lead strike along the southern shore of the Channel of defence, and then together with the 8. gardovým mechanized corps clean the area of the park, the zoo and get a beachhead on the northern shore of the channel. His brigade that day fought mainly with barricades on the Lützowstraße.

south west group
3. guards tank army continued pressure on the German defenders in Schöneberg and Wilmersdorfu. 9. mechanized corps the two brigades set off to the station Savigny, while destroyed several nests of resistance. Him to meet the advanced two brigades 7. guards tank corps along with 20. shooting divisions. 23. guards motostřelecká brigade took station Halensee, but further advance could not. 6. guards tank corps this day forward did not advance.

1. may

At 23:30 arrived to the front of the line 102. guards rifle regiment 35. guards rifle division parlamentář lieutenant colonel Seifert. His task was to negotiate with the soviet party, when and where he could queue jump the chief of the OKH general Hans Krebs. So it happened and at 3:00 to the Soviets arrived, general Krebs, and the chief of staff LIONS. tank corps colonel von Dufving. The staff of 35. guards rifle division met with a representative of the commander of the army lieutenant general Duchanovem and the chief of the intelligence department of the staff of the lieutenant colonel Gladkijem. Krebs told them that he has an important message from the Goebbels and Bormann. Subsequently, he was taken to the post of general Čujkova. Here Krebs has submitted three documents - a power of attorney to the hearing, a list of the members of the new government and the new command according to Hitler's will and the text of the message from Goebbels with Bormannem for Stalin. In the text it was stated that the Hitler voluntarily ended his life, and Germany is now managed by Goebbels, Bormann and Dönitz. Bormann had to establish the connection with Stalin, which was to be the basis for peace negotiations the two sides, which have suffered the greatest losses. Čujkov said that such acts not authorised and required unconditional surrender. Krebs replied that on such matters you may decide to just Doenitz plus, it would have meant a de facto liquidation of the new government. Čujkov acquainted with the situation Zhukov and he requested from the Krebs answers to two questions. He wanted to know, where is Hitler's body, both him wonder whether the Germans with the same request, they turned on the Americans and the British. According to Krebs was Hitler's body based on his wishes immediately cremated. With the Americans and the British negotiations have not, because with them there is no connection. Zhukov also confirmed the requirement of unconditional surrender. Krebs stated that they will fight to the last man. Before leaving, Krebs claimed the soviet proposals. You summarized them into four points. They demanded immediate and unconditional surrender. All the soldiers guaranteed the preservation of life, the wounded medical attention and the officers maintaining personal cold weapons. Members of the leadership of the state should not become prisoners of war. The members of the government will be allowed to establish a connection with the Dönitzem to the Germans could turn on the government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain with the request for the initiation of peace talks. Soviets but nezaručovali that these talks will be launched. The German side after the suggestions through the report from Goebbels and Bormann refused. The link was broken and Krebs after the shot.

North clusters
Over the building of the reichstag, while flying the red flag, but the building was not fully in soviet hands. In the cellars were about půldruhá thousand Germans. You try to break into the main hall, but they were driven back. However braved up to 2. may, when in the context of the surrender given up 756. rifle regiment 150. rifle division. 2. guards tank army blamed heavy fighting west of the Tiergarten. 12. guards tank corps tried to under the cover of thick smoke curtain to conquer the station Tiergarten. In the night of 1. may was přisunut 9. guards tank corps. In the morning they gathered in the Siemensstadtu and afternoon in the northeast part of Charlottenburg was prepared for a foray into the Tiergarten park, which is the morning of the next day succeeded.

Southeast group
Since the talks have failed, he continued to 1. may the morning of the attack. After the artillery preparation fired before the eleventh hour 4. guards rifle corps into the attack and crossed the Channel of defence to the south of the reich chancellery. 47. guards missile division attacked along the Potsdamer Straße in the direction to government buildings.

south west group
1. may the armies of the 3. guards tank army almost completely cleared Wilmersdorf and Halensee. At the end of the day, here the Germans fought back only to the roughly one square kilomteru.

2. may

Attempts to escape from the encirclement
In the night from 1. 2. větna is a large part of the defenders of the city center tried to break through from the encirclement. Experiments were carried out at three locations, but was successful just the one that led through Charlotte's bridge to Špandavy. The majority of those who are that way out of the city but was soon killed or captured by soviet forces, which ensure the outer encirclement of the city. One of the places where larger groups to break through failed was Weidendammerský bridge, where not even the deployment of a Tiger, for he was soon eliminated by soviet artillery. Between individuals, which are managed to slip through was Martin Bormann and Artur Axmann. First appointed but apparently did not get further than to Štětínskému station, in whose area apparently lost his life.

Negotiations for the surrender of
General Weidlingovi it was clear from the outset that the effort to defend Berlin is due to the overall situation in vain. Chief of staff, general Krebs him 1. may after returning from negotiations with the Soviets announced that you are demanding unconditional surrender. 8. guards army in that moment was a few blocks from the reich chancellery. Weidling called 1. may late in the evening members of the staff corps and staff of the defense of the city, to get together to discuss their next steps. Everyone agreed with Weidlingovým the view that it is unreasonable to impose a resistance as well as attempting a breakthrough from the boiler. In the night, Weidling sent colonel von Dufvinga for the Soviets as a parliamentarian with a proposal to end German resistance. The colonel acted with a representative of the commander of the 47. guards rifle division colonel Semčenkovem and chief of the political department lieutenant colonel Nikolajevem. They cared about how fast it is possible to ensure the disarmament of the corps and its organized transition into captivity. Von Dufving said that the three to four hours. This would be still in the dark, because Göbbels ordered to shoot those who would like to give up. The colonel is so to Weidlingovi come back with a proposal on disarmament and the transition into captivity to 7:00 in the morning 2. may to the agreed place, while Weidling and his staff should do so as early as 6:00.

Weidling at the appointed time actually arrived, and gave up. He was then transferred to the post of general Čujkova, who asked him whether the commander of the defense of the city, whether they waive all units in the city or just LIONS. panzer corps and what made him to give up. Weidling said that he is the commander of the defense of the city, but each sector has a commander, with whom he has no connection, therefore, speak rather it's for their choir. The decision on kapitualci made without consultation with the Göbbelsem. The reason was the pointlessness of further resistance. On the proposal of the Sokolov Weidling, together with the chief defense of the city colonel Refiorem have compiled the orders to subordinate units. In it it was stated that Hitler is dead, there is not enough ammunition and heavy weapons, each additional hour of battle only increases the suffering of civilians and the wounded. Every other fallen soldier would be only a useless sacrifice. At the end of the warrant Weidling called on all to stop the resistance. The order was then promulgated tlampači. Order is gradually getting to the individual units and soldiers. To night 2. may organized resistance ended, the next has already fought only smaller groups, which were gradually disposed of. Most of the soldiers and officers, but during the day she went into captivity..
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BAHM, Karl: Berlin 1945. The Final Reckoning, 2001
BATTISTELLI, Pier Paolo: Panzer Divisions 1944-45, 2009
BEEVOR, Antony: Berlin: The Downfall 1945, 2007
ANTILL, Peter: Berlin 1945: End of the Thousand Year Reich, 2005
ISAYEV, Alexei In.: Sraženija in logove zverja, 2007
TISSIER, Tony Le: SS Charlemagne: The 33rd Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS 2010
TISSIER, Tony Le: Race For The Reichstag: The 1945 Battle for Berlin, 2010
TISSIER, Tony Le: Slaughter at Halbe: The Destruction of Hitler's 9th Army, 2007
TISSIER, Tony Le: the Siege of Kustrin 1945: Gateway to Berlin, 2009
TISSIER, Tony Le: With Our Backs it Berlin: The German Army in Retreat 1945, 2013
TULLY, Andrew: Berlin: The Story of and Battle, 1963
ZIEMKE, Earl F.: Stalingrad's Berlin: The German Defeat in the East, 2002

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