Arado Ar 66

přehled verzí
Arado 66

Version overview

Ar 66 A - training version with a small rudder, unbalanced elevators.

Ar 66 B - naval version (10 pieces)

Ar 66 C - serial version based on version 66a, had an enlarged rudder, modified elevators and chassis (about 1400 pieces)

Ar 66 D - version with modified equipment (one piece?)

Ar 66 E - version with floats (one piece, D-IHIV).

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Arado Ar 66

História type

Airplane Arado 66 designed by Ing Walter Rethel. On začiatku vývoja malo ísť about stíhacie airplane, but in a comparatively rannej phase was altered zadanie on a training airplane pre follow-on training. Ar 66 mal the hull and chvostové area zo zvarených oceľových trubiek potiahnutých plátnom. Wing rovnakého rozpätia boli drevenej konštrukcie with miernou šípovitosťou 8 degrees. From začiatku sa airplane prejavovalo ako nádejné with an excellent stúpavosťou, but pri náročnejšej piloting extensively nestabilné. However, this problem I had to riešiť new šéfkonštruktér Ing Walter Blume, nakoľko Rethel odišiel to konkurenčnej company Messerschmid. Nechajme word teraz pilot Richard Perlia as the Arado Ar 66 vspomína as follows: "it Was a military training aircraft for advanced pupils, which made it even aerobatics. From the beginning with him but there were constant problems. Then I persuade the designer, to the high-rise area předsunuli front of the rudder. And, miracle of miracles, mathematically hard to zdůvodnitelný. Machine since it worked absolutely flawlessly even on the most demanding aerobatic figures."
The prototype, the Ar 66a (D-2335) with motorom Argus As 10 of 147 kW (200 hp) bol zalietaný came in 1932. The second protototyp (D-2557) was modified verzia pre training námorných pilotov. Miesto chassis bola to the hull pripevnená oceľová konštrukcia reinforced oceľovými lanami with dvomi drevenými plavákmi. Under the designation Ar 66b bolo in 1933 produced 10 kusov with výkonnejším motorom Argus As 10C of 176 kW (240 hp). Veľkosériová variant of the Ar 66C vychádzala priamo with the type of Ar 66a. Compared to the first prototype, however, had výkonnejším motorom Argus As 10C. Received ju najmä Flugzeugführerschulen And/B (Pilotné school) pre core and pokročovací training. Sometimes airplane slúžilo aj ako prieskumné, spojovacie or poštové airplane. Eg. the Slovak pilotné ace Ján Režňák 18. februára 1943 prelietaval from one airport to the other on this type. Just during the flight over Azovským morom took him off the engine. In his spomienkach sa uvádza: "Prayed som sa for each meter of flight. Azov more bolo mierne frozen, but the fall into the water would mean virtually istú death podchladením. Managed the sa me pristáť on lade relatively close pobrežia, but len what we jumped out of the lietadla (mal pasažiera), Arado disappeared below the surface. From bank of the us spozorovala sovietska hliadka and started us ostrelovať. Čoskoro sa, however, zjavil our čln and we spent the night about his posteliach." Internet sources need uvádzajú two variants produced by the iba in one piece. Machine Ar 66D bol made with the modified equipment and Ar 66E (D-IHIV) was modified verzia with plavákmi. Celkovo bolo produced around 10 000 prescribed lietadiel.

The USSR after nemeckom vpáde came up about veľkú part of your prvosledových machines. Nakoľko through the day, the sky dominated the German fighters, they came by the soviets with a new tactic called disruptive náletov. A training biplane Polikarpov U-2 (in soviet russia boli thousands of prescribed lietadiel with prezývkou kukuruznik) lietal in the night vo veľkých počtoch somewhere along the whole queue and zhadzoval zdanlivo harmless bombs on váhe 2 to 4 kg. Lenže influence on the morale of the spiacich jednotiek Whermachtu bol veľký. Nakoľko came on the airplane comparatively quiet, the soldiers you could never even clear that im niečo doesn't fall on your head. Although in konečnom dôsledku straty z dôvodu this tactics never or high, the effect of exhaustion and with a team súvisiacej nervousness bol nezanedbateľný. Preto sa in 1942 aj Whermacht decided využiť uvedenú tactics. Narýchlo sa hľadali appropriate lietadlá. And so sa in the service objavilo viacero I zastaraných typov. Machine zloženie Störkampfstaffeln (Intrusive bombardovacie perute) was often exotic. (eg. He 50, Letov Š-328, Fiat Cr.32, Henschel Hs 126, Polikarpov U-2 etc) Najmä from the year 1943 started tvoriť still väčšie kind of percentage permit within the prescribed jednotiek Arado Ar 66. Dodatočne boli equipped závesmi pre odhadzovanie bômb. Poväčšinou niesli small bombs against alive sil, but frequent boli aj rôzne bomb containers of väčších váhach (eg. Latvian Nachtschlachtgruppe spomína, anti-personnel and incendiary bombs up to a weight of 70 kg). A lot of practice letov lietali with this use of iba with one pilotom.

After the end of the 2. svetovej war left in Europe množstvo! machines. Preto was used as a training airplane long after vojne and doslúžil in many aerokluboch respectively. súkromných hands. In czechoslovakia bol this type of radiolabelled ako C-16.

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