Operace Bytostné odhodlání [2014- ]



Koaličné the air force has taken 12 úderov to ciele in Syria and 12 úderov in súčinnosti with Irackými units to ciele in Iraq. Without their own casualties.

Location / Place
Cieľ / Target
Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes
Destroyed / Destroyed
around Abu Kamal
bridge, frontal loader
neighborhood of Al Hasakah
rôzne tactical units ISIL
8 firing position, the vehicle
neighborhood Aleppo
zhromažďovací priestor ISIL
4 firing postavenia, 2 opevnené line, bunker
neighborhood Koban
tactical unit of ISIL
7 firing position, motocykel
neighborhood of Al Baghdadi
5 improvised raketometov
vicinity of Bayji
tactical unit of ISIL
weapons depot
around Haditha
mínomet, building, vehicle
neighborhood Kirkuk
tactical unit of ISIL
around Makhmur
fire pozícia mínometu
around Mosul
mínometné position
19 bunkrov
around Ramadi
velka tactical ISIL
3 buildings, 2 vozidlá, bezzáklzový cannon
around Sinjar
tactical unit of ISIL
2 firing postavenia, ťažký guľomet, ľahký guľomet, vehicle
the surroundings of Tal Afar
the firing position ťažkého guľometu


Koaličné the air force to take on ISIS forces 8 úderov in Syria and 23 úderov in súčinnosti with Irackou army in Iraq. Koaličné forces neutropeli uh straty.
Location / Place
Cieľ / Target
Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes
Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood of Al Hasakah
tactical unit of ISIL
5 firing pozícií, one bunker ISIS
neighborhood Aleppo
tactical unit of ISIL
3 bezzaklzové cannons, 2 vozidlá and one fire pozícia
neighborhood ar-raqqah
tactical unit of ISIL
neighborhood Koban
tactical unit of ISIL
area of Al Huwayjah
tactical unit of ISIL
2 firing pozície ISIL, ťažký guľomet and the vehicle
vicinity of Bayji
tactical unit of ISIL
2 zásobovacie warehouses
around Fallujah,
tactical unit of ISIL
protilietadlový prostriedok, a weapons depot
around Habbaniyah
tactical unit of ISIL and priestory under the control of ISIL
3 buildings
neighborhood Kirkuk
tactical unit of ISIL
4 firing pozície, bunker
around Makhmur
tactical unit of ISIL
a mortar pozícia
around Mosul
tactical unit of ISIL
4 firing pozície
around Ramadi
3 tactical units of ISIL, the firing position
3 buildings, 2 vozidlá, bezzáklzový cannon and 2 improvised explosive zariadenia
around Sinjar
2 tactical units ISIL
4 firing postavenia, 4 ľahké guľomety
the surroundings of Tal Afar
4 zhromažďovacie miesta ISIL
protilietadlový prostriedok, vehicular improvised explosive zariadenie (VBIED, autobomba)
around Tuz
tactical unit of ISIL
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#540469 Version : 0


Koaličné the air force has taken 2 punches on ciele in Syria and 16 úderov to ciele in Iraq. offensive and bombardovacie lietadlá, bezpilotné prostriedky
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
area of Al Hawl tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x building
neighborhood ar-raqqah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle
around Al Baghdadi tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x stock home-made výbušnín
vicinity of Bayji 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 2 1 x building 1 x zásobovacie vehicle, 2 x firing position
nearby Kisik tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x ťažký guľomet, 1 x firing position
neighborhood Mosul 3 rôzne tactical units ISIL 3 3 x firing position, 2 x ťažký guľomet
neighborhood Ramadi tactical unit of ISIL 4 5 x building, 5 x firing position, 1 x tactical vehicle, 2 x group improvised explosive zariadeních slúžiacich ako mine polia, znemožnený approach into the field on 3 rôzne locations
around Samara ? 1 2 x weapons depot
around Sinjar 2 various tactical units of ISIL 3 8 x firing position, 2 x vehicle, 10 x bunker, 2 x system tunelov
the surroundings of Tal Afar ? 1 1 x firing position


Koaličné the air force has taken 8 úderov to ciele in Syria and 17 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood of Al Bab tactical unit of ISIL 1 2 x vehicle, 1 x tactical vehicle, poškodenie bagra
neighborhood ar-raqqah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle
nearby Manbij ? 1 1 x delostrelecký system
around Tal Jibbin tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x firing position
around Washiyah tactical unit of ISIL 2 1 x vehicle, 1 x tactical vehicle, 1 x delostrelecký system
neighborhood of Al Baghdadi ? 3 1 x weapons depot, znemožnenie approaches in the field
area of Al Huwayjah tactical unit of ISIL 1 -
vicinity of Bayji tactical unit of ISIL 2 1 x stock home-made výbušnín
vicinity of Habbaniya ? 1 1 x tactical vehicle
nearby Hit ? 1 1 x a jcb
nearby Kisik ? 1 1 x firing position
neighborhood Ramadi 3 various tactical units of ISIL 4 1 x pozícia ťažkého guľometu, 1 x mínometnapozícia, 1 x firing position, 2 x tactical vehicle
around Sinjar 2 various tactical units of ISIL 4 21 x firing position, 5 x zhromažďovací priestrov


Koaličné the air force has taken 3 strikes against ciele in Syria and 21 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood Aleppo tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle
around Washiyah improvised explosive zariadenie 1 ?
around the Mara tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x motocykel
neighborhood of Al Baghdadi tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x building 1 x vehicle
around Huwayjah ? 1 1 x car bomb (VBIED)
vicinity of Bayji tactical unit of ISIL 2 1 x vehicle, poškodený ťažký guľomet and tunnel
nearby Kisik tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x firing position
neighborhood Mosul 2 rôzne taktickéjednotky ISIL 3 1 x ťažký guľomet, 3 x firing position, the severed paľba rocket launcher
vicinity of Qayyarah ? 2 2 x dielňa in the production of automotive improvised explosive zariadení (VBIED)
neighborhood Ramadi 3 rôzne tactical units ISIL 7 1 x mortar pozícia, 7 x firing position, 4 x vehicle 2 x tactical vehicle, a group of improvised explosive zariadení,
around Sinjar ? 1 11 x firing position
the surroundings of Tal Afar tactical unit of ISIL 3 2 x vehicle, 49 x the firing position, 1 x warehouse, zranenie warrior


Koaličné the air force has taken 2 punches on ciele in Syria and 19 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood ar-raqqah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle
around the Mara ? 1 1 x zhromažďovací priestor
neighborhood of Al Baghdadi tactical unit of ISIL 1 5 x building, 3 x firing position, 3 x mortar pozícia, 1 x ťažký guľomet, 2 x gun warehouse, 1 x tactical vehicle, 1 x car bomb (VBIED)
the neighborhood Album Hayat ? 1 1 x zhromažďovací priestor
vicinity of Bayji ? 1 1 x delostrelecký system
nearby Kisik 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 3 1 x zhromažďovací priestor, 2 x firing position, 1 x ťažký guľomet
neighborhood Mosul 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 2 2 x firing position, 1 x ťažký guľomet
neighborhood Ramadi tactical unit of ISIL 3 2 x firing position, znemožnený prítup into two rôznych terénnych priestorov
around Sinjar 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 3 2 x vehicle, 7 x firing position, 14 x priestor sústredenia, 2 x warehouse inventory, 1 x veliteľské and riadiace post
the surroundings of Tal Afar 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 2 6 x firing position
neighborhood Waleed tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle, zranenie 3 bojovníkov


Koaličné the air force has taken 5 úderov to ciele in Syria and 18 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
around Abu Kamal prekladisko oil 2 2 x inkasné miesto
neighborhood Aleppo tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle destroyed, 1 x vehicle neutralised
neighborhood ar-raqqah ? 2 poškodenie 1 x delostrelecký system
vicinity of Bayji tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x bunker, 1x ťažký guľomet, 3 x gun warehouse, 1 x vehicle
around Habbanya ? 1 1 x mínomet
nearby Kisik ? 2 suppressed činnosť ostreľovača and ľahkého guľometu
Around Mosul 2 x rôzna tactical unit of ISIL 3 3 x ťažký guľomet, 6 x firing position, 1 x vehicle
vicinity of Qayyarah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle, 1 x IED
neighborhood Ramadi ? 3 1 x warehouse inventory, znemožnený access to two terénnych priestorov
around Sinjar tactical unit of ISIL 5 veliteľské and kontrolné station, warehouse, zhromažďovacií priestor, 26 firing position, továreň an the production of IEDS and suppressed činnosť raketoveho postavenia
vicinity of Sultan Abdallah ? 1 1 x firing position
the surroundings of Tal Afar tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x firing position


Koaličné air force take 1 punch to ciele in Syria and 17 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
nearby Manbij ? 1 3 x tactical vehicle
neighborhood of Al Baghdadi tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x bunker, zranenie warrior
vicinity of Bayji 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 2 1 x mínomet
around Fallujah, tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x weapons depot, budovaa mínomet
around Kirsik tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x vehicle, zranenie warrior
neighborhood Ramadi 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 4 4 x fire pozícia, 4 x building, 4 x ťažký guľomet, 2 x vehicle
around Sinjar 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 2 17 x fire pozícia ISIL, 2 x vehicle, zhromažďovací priestor, 2 x velietľské and kontrolné post
the surroundings of Tal Afar tactical unit of ISIL 4 vehicle, 4 x firing position, zranenie warrior


Koaličné the air force has taken 2 punches on ciele in Syria and 15 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood ar-raqqah veliteľstvo ISIL 1 -
around Tal Jibbin ? 1 mínomet
nearby Kisik tactical unit of ISIL 2 2 x ťažký guiľomet, zhromažďovací priestor, 2 x firing position
around Makhmur tactical unit of ISIL 1 trench
neighborhood Mosul missile position ISIL 1 -
neighborhood Ramadi tactical unit of ISIL 2 2 x building, pozícia ostreľovača
around Sinjar 3 rôzne tactical units ISIL 8 26 x firing position, 5 x vehicle 3 x veliteľské and konstrolné post, 10 x priestor sústredenia
the surroundings of Tal Afar ? 1 vehicle


Koaličné the air force has taken 4 strokes to ciele in Syria and 14 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
nearby Manbij 4 rôzne tactical units ISIL 4 2 x štruktúra, 2 x fire pozícia, 1 x building 1 x supply section
nearby Kisik továreň for the production of automobiolových bômb (VBIED) 6 5 x zhromažďovacia oblasť
neighborhood Ramadi tactical unit of ISIL 2 veliteľské and kontrolné station, an improvised explosive zariadenie
around Sinjar 2 rôzne tactical units ISIL 4 14 x fire pozícia, ľahký and ťažký guľomet
vicinity of Sultan Abdallah the firing position mínometu 1 - (suppressed paľba of mínometu)
the surroundings of Tal Afar ? 1 16 x fire pozícia


Koaličné the air force has taken 8 úderyovna ciele in Syria and 14 úderov to ciele in Iraq.
Location / Place Cieľ / Target Number of úderov / Quantity of airstrikes Destroyed / Destroyed
neighborhood ar-raqqah tactical unit of ISIL 1 ?
around Washiah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x a jcb
around the Mara ? 1 1 x ťažký guľomet, 1 x building
around Dayr Az Zawr ? 5 2 x crude oil tank, repair and skladovacia building, čerpacia stanica PHM, 1 x distribučné miesto peňazí
neighborhood Kirkuk pozícia mínometu 1 prerušenie paľby mínometu
neighborhood Mosul pozícia mínometu 1 prerušenie paľby mínometu
around Ramadi 3 rôzne tactical units ISIL 3 3 x firing position, 2 x ťažký guľomet, 1 x bunker 1 x vehicle
around Sinjar ? 1 1 x firing position
around Sulatna Abdallah tactical unit of ISIL 1 1 x firing position, 1 x ťažký guľomet, 1x vehicle
the surroundings of Tal Afar velka tactical unit of ISIL 7 1 x výrobňa IED, 5 x vehicle 2 x bunker, 31 x firing position, 2 x warehouse inventory
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#541109 Version : 0


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Měl bych dotaz - pod pojmem vozidlo si můžu představit dejmetomu Hamra, militarizovanou verzi Toyoty Pick-up nebo jakékoliv jiné osobní nebo nákladní vozidlo, nebo např. i tank, BVP?
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#541164 Version : 0

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Tlačové správy nekonkretizujú či ide o Hummra, alebo Toyotu, prípadne iné vozidlo (aj keď občas sa objaví pojem tactical vehicle). Samostatne udávajú VBIED (vozida upravené ako automobilové bomby) a tanky (napr. v auguste udávali zničených 119 tankov, v októbri myslím 136). Zatiaľ som nenašiel info o APC, alebo IFV, tak neviem či to rátajú medzi tanks, alebo vehicle.

Stav k 7.8.2015
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#541198 Version : 0

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Aktualizovaný prehľad o počte poškodených / zničených cieľov k 8.10.2015

URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#541294 Version : 0

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Aktualizovaný prehľad o počte poškodených / zničených cieľov k 09.12.2015
URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#547383 Version : 0

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Aktualizovaný prehľad o počte poškodených / zničených cieľov k 10.01.2016

Zdroj: www.defense.gov

URL : https://www.valka.cz/Operace-Bytostne-odhodlani-2014-t185175#547384 Version : 0
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